Please read carefully, as I do not support drunk driving at all.
Lew Latto, talk show host on WDSM, brought up an issues that is going on in Florida at this time. I wonder when it will happen in Minnesota or even just in our city.
Here is the deal. In Florida, they want to make it so that all caught drunk drives would have license plates with D.W.I. on them. That would allow the police to pull them over at any time and for no other reason then to check to see if they are driving drunk or not.
I am not in favor of people getting drunk and then driving, however I can not see how this could be allowed as it is just another way for government to get involved in our private life. The police should not beable to pull anyone over with out a reason. If this becomes law anyone with a license plate DWI could be pulled over with out speeding, or another reason and be checked to see if they have been drinking.
Another issue was raised on the same point and that was wearing your seat belt and being able to be pulled over or not if you are not wearing it. I have to say I always wear mine and sure do ask everyone to as well, however again the police should not beable to pull you over just for not wearing you seat belt.
As they were talking about these two issues I wondered how long it would be before some one tried to make it law in Minnesota or even just a city issue after all we have councilors like Greg Gilbert that want to mange your garbage cans, and councilors like Donny Ness that feel we need to take a stand on federal government issues, so when will be brought forward in Duluth? I hope it does not, but I would not be surprised if it did.
You can listen to Lew Latto live every week day from 9a.m. to 11 a.m. if you choose.