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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Duluth election thoughts aloud

As I look back on the election, I think the city is in big trouble. We will see a lot of 7-2 votes now and have no great discussion of the issues that face the city.

The many issues that will be of concern to me are the city street, violence, what is going to happen with city contracts. We also need to be very concerned with business growth with the new city council, I believe we will not see much growth and what we do see will be low paying jobs or non-profits that do not pay any tax dollars to the city.

Duluth needs to start electing people that will make positive changes to the city. The only way this will happen is to change the mind set of many people including the unions that work very hard around Duluth to continue to elect who we have now on the council. I kow that not all union members vote the way the union wants them too, however the unions work at election time makes it hard not vote for the candied they want you to.

What you think is important to us let us know by making a comments on this issue.

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