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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tom Bakk for Governor?

Tom Bakk a DFLer from Cook has filed an intent to run for Governor. Bakk said it is just an exploratory committee. Bakk said he will make a final decision at the convention. Bakk a long time senator from Cook in the northern part of the State.

Bakk is the second DFL candidate to announce his intent to run for Governor in the next election. The election is to be held in the year 2010. Should Bakk's finale decision to be to run. I think he would be a good candidate for the party. As many of you know I am not a democrat and don't support many of there candidates however Bakk is some one that maybe I could support. Bakk is a true centrist. Of course Pawlenty would have to not run and the republicans would have to put up a piss poor candidate for that to happen.

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