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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ice arena

Duluth and hockey go hand and hand all the way from little kids to college we play hockey . There is a group that now wants to rebuilt the youth hockey rink that burned down, not only do they want it to be for youth batam program but also for high school so they would have a home arena. The group also said they would like to have other sports there such as, indoor baseball, tennis, soccer and more.

To read the full story go

My thoughts I am all for this project but I have a few concerns and questions about it.

It would be at the old clyde iron site which is located in one of the poorest areas of Duluth is this a concern for validails?

It seems to me Duluth high school already have a place to play and that is at the Decc. Now with that said I know it is hard to get ice time at the Decc so maybe this would help I do not know for sure however. I also thought we were making Wheeler field into an all sports complex is Duluth big enough for more then one bit sports complex.

My big concern of course is how will it be paid for? We can not afford to get farther into problems with the city finaces.


A guy from West Duluth said...

Comments works now.

You're wrong on the Clyde Iron site. It's great because it keeps the ice arena in the West End neighborhood, and that area is redeveloping quickly. A minimall has gone in next to the postoffice, two gas stations have been torn down and rebuilt recently, and two motels are located nearby for out of town teams during tournaments.

It will also clean up the Clyde Iron building, long an eyesore for Duluth, and spur additional development in the area.

Additionally, if DAHA partners with the school district and builds a rink that will provide a smaller setting for high school games it's really a win-win for Duluth.

$100,000 annually to pay off bonds goes a long way to paying for a facility like this, and it's what the district already pays to rent ice time at the DECC.

So, western Duluth doesn't lose it's arena, the high schools play in a better facility, we clean up Clyde Iron, and spur development in the West End.

I love the idea. Kudos to Clarke Coole and DAHA!

For more of my thoughts go to

Unknown said...

As I said before I am for the project, I just have some concerns about it.

Why do we need a smaller venue for high school hockey. When I went to school not all that long ago, and I know the big games still get a ton of kids at them. I believe in hockey and people play and watch all the time I know.

You are right about the develpoment of the area and that goes a long way in why it should be there. Now do not get me wrong I am all for rebuilting the site and keeping it in West Duluth, my main concern is do we really need a huge complex.

This reminds me of the project for arts at old Duluth Armory.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Erik thank you for your post and if you have any comments on this or anyother topic please feel free to comment.