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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kelly hates our troops.

Steve Kelly's duluth office in downtown Duluth post a sign of troop killed or hurt during the Iraq war. The signs are right next to the recurting center for the U.S. Army.

Kelly a left wing canadate for Govenor approves of this and via a spokes women said the signs would not come down. In case you do not know also the wack jobs from lofes and fishes also stand down there and read the names of soliders killed ever monday morning.

read the whoe story at

7 comments: said...

how do you equate a sign in a window announcing how many troops have been killed in Iraq to be a show of hatred for our troops?

If anything, it's a reminder that there are people over there dying, having their limbs blown off, losing parts of themselves, it's a reminder that somewhere someone has lost a loved one regardless of their particular stance, slant or bent on their support (or lack thereof) for what's going on over there. A reminder that this goes on every day, whether your television is on or not.

during memorials for veterans on their holidays (memorial day, etc...), the names of the fallen heroes are often read as a sign of rememberance, reverance, respect and honor.

Same holds true for the 'wack jobs' from loaves and fishes. those 'wack jobs' not only honor the dead overseas, but also feed the less fortunate in our community...including war veterans.

Unknown said...

Yeah it is to bad there are so many wackos in loves and fishes I can not and will not support anything they are involved in. said...

i think you missed my point entirely...

out of curiosity, exactly how much do you know about Loaves and Fishes? political stances aside (which again, is a divisitory issue, meant to keep good people angry and intolerant of each other), they do a lot of good for the community, as i said...

contrary to what you might have heard, they're not a bunch of 'wackos,' they're a group of people who're dedicated to helping out those less fortunate than they are...

Loaves and Fishes...that name should ring a bell...Christ fed 5,000 people with only a couple of loaves of bread and fish...

again, they read the names of those who've lost their lives in a war...out of reverance and respect...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I know about many of the programs that lofes and fishes has and is part in. You however can not take out there political agenda, becuase they choice to have one. With comes me not supporting anything that they do.

I believe most that are with loves and fishes are indeed wack jobs why because I have seen them in action at many protest. Yes they have the right to protest and that is what is great about America. It is the way they go about it most of the time, plust they stands they take on the items I do not agree with them.

"again, they read the names of those who've lost their lives in a war...out of reverance and respect... "

No they do it as a political statement. If it was out of respect they would not do it in front of the recruting center and they also would not try to hand out flies with info they want you to read. It has nothing to do with respect and everything to do with politics. said...

'wack jobs...' yeah...they have the guts (as well as the right) to stand and protest...How do you suppose their reading of names is political? Are any of them in office, or are any of them running for office? The only way they can be in things for political gain is if they had something to gain from what they are doing...what could they possibly have to gain by reading the manes of the fallen on a street corner?

If you're so concerned about people playing politics and forcing their issues and beliefs on you, you can also throw the 'good' reverends Robertson and Falwell into the mix as well. They've hijacked christianity to press their political agenda...

I didn't hear too much about 'politics' when the Republicans were hard after impeaching Clinton back in the '90's...the guy was dirty, but all they could pin on him was getting a blowjob in the oval about politics...