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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Four dead in murder suicide.

Three people and an unborn child where found dead in a house in Superior Wisconsin on Wednesday. It was suspected to be a murder suicide, and the time of death of all four was some time on Tuesday. The unborn child was suppose to be born on Wednesday.

Matt Magdzas shot and killed his wife who was pregnant, and there 13 moth old daughter. Then he turned the gun on him-self killing all four family members.

Today the Duluth News Tribune is reporting that Magdzas was having an affair, as a woman has came forward and said she was dating him. She told the DNT that she was tiring to break up with him the week before the shooting occurred. You can read the whole story at .

If the affair is real that maybe why the shooting occurred. Other wise officials are left with no reason for the death.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Elect Fink county commissiner.

It is not very offend that I advocate for a candidate for office on this blog. Well I will talk about candidates and there positions and what I think of them, I don't ask people to support a certain candidate much.

This county board race is to important to not. The first district has long been considered a swing district for the board. Fink has been able to keep his seat and keep the board moving in the right direction.

Dennis Fink has been on the board for many years and is a senior leader on it. Fink has been a champion for balancing the county's budget and supporting strong programs.

In a time where the economy is still struggling it is important to keep his leader ship.

It is sad to see some groups play a political game, that so offend goes to far.

As the campaigns pick up.

Hi all yes I am still here. I will make every effort to post as the political season picks up. As I said before I no longer have daily access to a computer.

As you know we just had the primary election. Mark Dayton won the DFL, No other party had a primary for Governor. For Duluth that was about the only draw to the polls, however there was a primary for the 6th judicial district court judge. There where eight people fighting for the top two spots.

Now it is on to the general election.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Still here.

Duluth Politics is not dead. The blog is still very much a live and we will start regular post soon. Well I no longer have regular access to a computer, I will try my best to post as much as possible.

I have not posted for some time because of a personal family issue. A issue that will take time to work out but as it clears I will post more.