News tips.


Monday, November 01, 2010

Other quick notes on the election tomorrow.

Roger Reinert will big for the state senate seat. The Huntley/ Horton race will be close but I think the DFL will retain. The DFL will retain the seat being vacated by Roger as Kerry Gauthier will win big.

One race I don't want to call at this point is the Oberstar/Carvaak race, I will vote for Chip and hope he wins. Two weeks again I was saying what I have been saying all along I don't think there is a chance Oberstar is defeated. Now I am not sure I think it will be close and it at this point is a toss up. Carvaak has ran a good race well Oberstar has ran a negative race. He is an un-none spot that is for sure. Oberstar has never faces a challenge like this.

Okay got to run and campaign more tomorrow as we follow the election all day long. don't forget to vote!!!!

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