I got a copy of the beloved labor world (latest issue) and found this in the paper.
Mr.Reinert showing his true colors again, and his love for what is wrong with our city. None of these groups want job growth unless it is a non-profit.
Note the bottom of the "ad" Roger Reinert YOUR City Councilor, so he is not going to ever go against the unions as he is in bed with them.
We Need to stop electing the people that want to continue to hurt Duluth and not work on the real issues that our City faces.
Great Catch. This show's Reinert's true colors. By the way have you checked out www.minnesotademocratsexposed.com, www.kennedyvmachine.com,
www.republicanminnesota.blogspot.com? They, along with other MOB (Minnesota Organization of Blogs), have some great commentary.
I have checked out a couple not all, also saw your messege on your site and thanks. I will be checking out more tomorrow I am sure.
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