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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Is it time to recall Bergson?

At least one Duluthains feels he should be. I know with talking with many people there are also others that feel that way. I once and still short of do feel that a recall should take place.

I do not agree with a recall 100% like I did before Bergson decided not to run for re-election. With that said I would be more then willing to listen to this citizens view on why he should be recalled, to see if I would support a recall whole heartily again.

Here is a view point he wrote in the paper yesterday.

Duluth citizens need to recall Bergson
As much as I enjoy debating the finer points of Herb Bergson's term as Duluth mayor, I've had enough. The man has made some decisions in both his public life and private life that do not represent the best interests of Duluth's citizens or of our fine city.

He has well over a year left in his term as mayor, and I do not wish to have him to continue in that capacity.

As a registered voter and resident of the city, I and others of like mind have the right to ask for a recall election to remove Bergson from office and to replace him with a candidate who could complete his term. The process is clearly laid out and explained in the city's legislative code.
If you're a Duluth resident and a registered voter and you feel the mayor has worn out his welcome, let's take action.


Mark has also registers a website. There is nothing on it yet, hopefully there will be soon. That way people will know his thoughts, and more reasons why he feels Bergson should be recalled. The website he will run is

If Mark wants to contact us so we can chat just email Duluth Politics at

We are also interested if anyone else thinks it is time for Bergson to go or should he stay for his whole term? What are your thoughts?


Unknown said...

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the visit. We will get in contact with you soon.

Anyone else interested may also use this email I am guessing.

Unknown said...

Mark we are in attemps to contact you. However we are having trouble with yahoo mail, we will contact you soon however. Just a heads up.