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Monday, September 17, 2007

A question at a forum.

Well at a forum sponsored by the league of women voters, an interesting question came up. The question came from an audience member. Remember we have no idea who is asking these question because they are written on a card then handed up. I believe if they are going to take questions fro the then the question should be asked up front by that person. No hiding behind a card. After all we candidates are seen answering the question.

Anyway back to the question. The question was this or close to it. Do you support a code of conduct for our city council and mayor? This would include sexual harassment.

Well both Sharla Gardener and Heather Rand said they would and gave a reason why, I gave a much different answer. That was NO, nothing more was said by me at the time. A reason was given in the Duluth paper the next day. After the reported called me later the same night of the forum.

Now here is why I said no and still believe in my answer. I believe councilor and the Mayor know who to act. Weather the follow it or not is up to them. Like Bergson and drunk driving as an example. Some thought he should have left office. I was one of them, and still am but he did not and that is okay. If you choose not to live in a responsible manner such as the case with mayor Bergson on the drunk driving issue it is still your chose to do so.

However there are cases this will pop up that groups will use as a tool to out some one they don't like and to use this code of conduct as a political tool is wrong.

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