News tips.


Thursday, December 25, 2008


A few days ago in fact two days before Christmas I was walking past Kmart. What I noticed is this.

There were two people standing at the entrance to Kmart picking for some reason. It was union related. I did not read the signs they had. Other then picket by the carpenters union.

All I could think is this the last thing that Kmart needs is a picket against them. No goes there in the first place. Now this for them.

As a side note have you ever noticed that there is like 20 cars in there lot and they are all employees.


Cindy Smith said...

We drove by there the night of black Friday and the parking lot was practically empty...the busiest shopping day of the year.

Unknown said...

Yeah I know. Kmart is in trouble so is Sears. Well many business are having troubles no one is having more then these two.

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