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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fink signs going going and gone.

I hope people have noticed that commissnor Dennise Fink has been working hard to his re-election. He has as always been out door knocking as well as had radio ads and of course signs. That brings up a great point about his signs.

Dennise Fink signs have been going up fast but for as fast as they go they come down, why? Fank Jewells camp has an effort to try to make it look like Fink has little support. They are out taking the Fink signs. Fink has lost a record number of signs to this point.

The effort by the Jewell camp is a piss poor attempt to make it look like Fink support is low, Frank will find that to be anything but the case in November.

The signs are going missing in high profile places and the Jewell signs are not I wonder why?


Chris Correia said...

I hope Frank's fans have nothing to do with this. However, if they are disappearing, who else would? I suppose kids might find them amusing (Think Fink). It's catchy and a bit funny.

Unknown said...


The fact is it seems like it is the Jewell camp orgistarting this attepmt. It can't yet be proven but all indications are that it is.

Are some signs going missing because of kids yes, but the effort of signs missing in high profile places are what is to believed the Jewell camp.

This is for a couple of reasons I can't yet get into, or at least right now should not but maybe down the road here I can.