News tips.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Follow the election here. With an update.

Duluth Politics once again will have coverage of the primary tonight. So sit back lock your computer here and watch for our reports on the election.

We have a number of people out for us today and tonight reporting back to us on what they are hearing and seeing.

We already have a few updates on the what has been going on to this point.

I can tell you that voting was very very slow this morning all over town from reports. Most voting areas only had about 40 people vote early in the morning about to 9 am.

My polling place was very slow. When I voted this morning I was the 37th person to vote.

Voting seemed to pick up some over the lunch hours of the day. Most places saw a numbers increase from 11-1, then again it died down.

Hope fully there will be another big increase on the drive home. Voting looks to low in most places. The turn out to this point does not look like it will be very high.

This is good for the DFL and unions as it is more then likely there supporters getting out.

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