News tips.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Duluth Maritime Festivale.

Well it seems like it was a great event it also seems like there were some problems. The event drew more then Grandams Marithon and the Bayfront Blues fest. However just days after the festivale has ended complaints seem to be coming in.

Many of those that came had to wait in long lines and many people thought there was little to no orginzation of the event. Accouting to a story in Duluth News Tribune today. You can read the whole article at the papers web site

I am hoping to get a hold of Gene Shaw for his take on this. I think the event was great and hope that if there were some problems they can be worked out for the next event. I was unable to get down there durning the weekend but did get there on Monday to take a look at the remainng ship. There was still a lot of people this is great for the community.

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