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Monday, June 05, 2006

As I sit and think.

Duluth has many problems. We do in fact have a good size crime problem. This problem is trying to be covered up by the police Chief, and other city hall officials. Duluth has a retiree health care problem that could render this city into bankruptcy. Duluth has no new jobs that pay well coming in. The city has a few new jobs all of which are low paying and are not intended on keeping young people in Duluth. This only adds to an already declining population.

There are many other problems that can be added to this list feel free to do so if you would like too.

Anyway I have thought how did we get in this position and why?

In this I have thought back to who has run the city. The answerer is that the DFL has run this city for many years.

Currently our city council looks like this.

Greg Gilbert (DFL)

Don Ness (DFL)

Laurie Johnson (DFL)

Russ Stover (DFL)

Russ Stewart ( Green Party) but he is very conservitive in many issues as well.

Roger Reinert (DFL)

Garry Kruase (DFL)

Tim Little (GOP)

Jim Stauber (GOP)

The council has had this kind of a make up for more then 20 years. Out of a 9 member council it has always been dominated by the DFL which continues to run this city into the ground.

This need to change, the mood of the city and how it is run needs to change and it needs to change soon. If it does not we will start seeing the the billboards that say will the last one out turn out the lights.

The Mayor's office has also been dominated by DFL in the last 20 years.

When are people going to wake up and relies we can't afford to keep electing the same kind of people.

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