News tips.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Duluth School district

It seems as if the Duluth School district is again in the process of a long range plan. This plan is to try to lay out in part if building should be closed or not.

Our school district along with the community has seen a decline in population, this bags the question does Duluth need three high schools? Do we need as many so called "community" grade schools, you are not guenteed to have a school near were you live. Your kids may just have to hope a bus and get to school that way, or you may have to drive them.

The school district needs to look at what they are looking at doing, there has been a lot of talk about going to two high school or even one. I would at this time support two and keeping options open to reopen the third down the line. I think if Duluth goes to just one high school they are saying we will NEVER grow and why try. Much like the range schools have done.

I believe Duluth with the right elected people can and will rebound from the funk we are in.

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