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Friday, June 02, 2006

Ordiance 60 still in the news.

Why is it that so many people don't understand ordinance 60? Is it because they just don't want to?

Here is part of the letter that Pam Kramer a head a non-profit again on the groups that wants the staus quo. To read the whole letter go to, then to letters to the editor.

Consistent with our interest in promoting housing and community development projects aimed at revitalizing Duluth's neighborhoods, we believe that the enactment of Ordinance 60 would tie councilors' hands and potentially prevent needed investments of all kinds, including small to moderate-sized ones that could have substantial payoffs for low-income Duluth residents (e.g., projects that include affordable housing, as well as for local businesses and nonprofit seeking help to develop innovative and potentially socially and environmentally sustainable enterprises). While we understand the need for city councilors to have access to good information on projects up-front, city councilors also need flexibility to deal with each individual situation rather than a "cookie cutter" approach that the ordinance would have created.

With ordinance 60 there is still room for flexibility, it was not intend to shut out a process it was to make that process better for Duluth.

It seems like those that oppose ordinance 60 don't relies that this ordinance is sound policy why is that?

That easy because they are non profits and others that are already get fat chunks of money with out questions. This ordinance bring to light many issues the city needs to solve when dealing with development.

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