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Monday, August 21, 2006

Swanson and Hatch.

It seems more and more like Hatch is in fact endorsing Swanson for Minnesota A.G.. In past conversations with many people the signs are at best questionable. Most of the democrats that are supporting other A.G. candidates don't like the signs being up together.

This may cause for some concern even in the DFL party. One democrat that has some power told Duluth politics that this just is not right. The signs should not be put up together. The signs make it look like Hatch is supporting Swanson.

Hatch has been known to do some things that his own party does not like. It seems now that this may just be one more of those type of events.

By the way, Erik over at has a post up about a past post of mine. One of his readers seem to thing this may be a plow by the Swanson people. All indications are it is not. This is being clearly set up by the Hatch camp or both are working together.

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