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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Do you think gas is high enough?

I know this video has been on you tube for a bit now. I however thought it is still good to keep out there. It seems that a U.S. Senate candidate here in Minnesota supports at 10 cent gas increase.

It seems like this candidate who has a lot of money more then most will ever see is completely out of touch on taxes. Not just a gas tax but all taxes. He would support an increase any time he was given a chance.

A gas increase tax would not only affect Minnesota but it would hurt this whole country. It takes money out of peoples pocket. This candidates party has an agenda. The agenda is not a positive one for this State or Country. Al Franken and the DFL is not looking out for us.

1 comment:

garbon2535 said...

Check this article out. I love it.

"Why Gas in the U.S. Is So Cheap"

The US is the 39th cheapest country to buy gasoline in the world out 155 countries, which is just about every single country. I think the author needs to reevaluate his criteria. This article does not factor in inflation or exchange rates. The fact that the dollar is loseing value next to the Euro is a big factor in the large increase in gas prices are we seeing in the USA.