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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We have one Senator and one well fake one.

Well Minnesota currently has one Senator Amy Klobuchar. Minnesota should have two elected Senator’s yet the only senate race yet to be decided is here in Minnesota. 

The race that I quite caring about some time ago was between Al Franken (D) and incumbent Norm Coleman (R).  The race was to close to call at the close of the election.  A recount took place and as of now Franken leads but he is not yet been seated.  He also should not be as there is legal issues going on.

Our pretend senator made a trip around the State yesterday. Franken made a stop in our area visiting with three elected officials. Franken meet with Duluth Mayor Don Ness, and St. Louis County Commissioner Peg Sweeny here is Duluth.  He also meet with Two Harbors Mayor Randy Bolen.

In the meeting they discussed issues facing our area that could be worked in on federal level. So you see Al is being a senator even when he is not yet seated nor is he for sure the winner.

I have a problem with it does not matter who it was.  If Norm did this I would say the same thing.  Stay out in tell there is a winner.  Yes both of these men need to keep up to date on the issues. That they should do anything more is wrong as I see it.  

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