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Sunday, November 05, 2006

AFL-CIO central labor body mailing for Jewell.

My wife who works at SMDC received a piece of literature filled with mis information about Dennis Fink. The piece of mail came from the AFL-CIO Central Labor Body. It is asking that she support Frank Jewell for 1st district commissioner.

She is not doing that. Her and I don't always agree on politics however we both agree that Dennis Fink is the only person for the job as commissioner of the 1st district.

In the piece it says that Dennis has been getting money from out side of the district and from prominted republicans. The focus to peg Mr. Fink as a republican by the unions is absurd, as I said before Dennis is a true independent and remember these races are to be non-partisan something Frank Jewell has choose not to do.

The letter also seems to think that this is an issue and I don't see who it is, Dennis Fink recording a message to please vote for him and it was then sent via phone to the people in the first district. What is the big deal there is no issue here.

This piece spread more mis information about Dennis Fink and we need to remember that on election day. Please support the only candidate that stands for Business and unions as one Dennis Fink.

I will post the mailing piece later.

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