News tips.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Little respect!

Governor Pawlenty has annouced the five finalist for two seats on the 6th judicial courts here in Duluth. All six have Duluth ties, and all are current lawyers is some form.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced this morning five finalists for two 6th Judicial District court vacancies that will occur in Duluth in December.

The vacancies will occur when Judge David P. Sullivan retires on Dec. 16 and Judge John T. Oswald retires Dec. 31.

The finalists are Michael J. Cuzzo, Susan Ginsburg, Eric Hylden, Thomas H. Pertler and Sally L. Tarnowski.

Note that there is no Tim Little, why? Did he not want to be cosidered or does the Governor not think enough of him. Tim would make a good judge I believe.

For more go to , they have a good short history of the five that remain for the two seats.


A guy from West Duluth said...

I think I can explain why Tim Little didn't make the finalist list for either of the judgeships.

I think there are two main reasons:

1. The judgeship is an appointed position. The first rule of any executive making appointments is that the appointees shouldn't have any skeletons in their closet that would create bad press for the person appointing them.

Little certainly has had a good amount of negative press lately, and you can make the arguement that he did have a conflict of interest when he cast his votes on the MN Council on compulsive gambling issue. He worsened the situation when he was the point person pushing for an investigation of the mayor over the incident.

2. Governor Pawlenty couldn't have been pleased to find out that Tim Little ran against Judge Towle, a very recent Pawlenty appointee. That's not a good way to get on the governor's good side.

Also, I believe there is an independent council set up by the governor that reviews candidates for judicial appointments. They generally suggest several candidates for a position to the governor and he decides from their list whom to appoint.

Unknown said...

Erik, If the Governor can't take some one running against the appointed person then maybe he is not to fit to be a politican. This is not a place to play then get upset and take your ball and go home. If that had anything to do with Little not getting on the filist list then shame on Pawlenty.

The first one I can except, but don't agree with the stroy that the DNT ran on Little back when this was "an issue". You and I disagree on the issue of Little being in conflict of interest.

It was just the DNT being the DNT and triing to disrupt the election, and get it the way they wanted it. As far as the DNT remember the "lady" Little was married works for them. This was a joke and the DNT should not have ran the story, much less when they did.