News tips.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Henry Banks says sorry.

By now many of you know about the email that Henry Banks send to two Duluth City Councilors. Councilor Fedora and Krause received an email from Mr. Banks after being asked questions. The questions were being asked because Mr. Banks was looking to be confirmed to a committee.

Councilor Krause had asked a question about being on two city boards, well Councillor Fedora had questions about a pass application. This promoted Mr. Banks to send the email to the two councilors.

What are your thoughts on this issue? If you want to get more details you can read the paper today

I do have some thoughts but don't want to be the first to comment because I don't want to dictate the way of the conversation. It is open to you start.

Here are some general questions you can think about. Does racism happen in Duluth? Does racism happen to all people? Should Mr. Banks step down from his current board? Should Fedora and Krause let it go?

You can also vote on the poll on this issue.


Unknown said...

I was at that City Council agenda session, and the was no racism card played during the conversations of the City Councilors. In simple terms, Krause asked if it was in the community's best interest to have one person serving on two commissions that have similar missions. Fedora only asked if he was missing part of Bank's application as Fedora's packet did not appear complete.

Jeff Cox's Secretary explained to both that one Commission's by-laws required one person serving as a Commissioner on the other Commission. As well, since Banks was serving on the other Commission, a complete application was not required, but could be obtained.

Both Krause and Fedora said OK and the agenda session continued without a bump and the item remained on the consent agenda session.

Banks then writes his e mail.

.....Now phase 2...on Monday at their regular City Council meeting, when the consent session came to vote, the resolution for Bank's confirmation was requested to be removed from consent, tabled and readdressed later.

Yes, his Henry Bank's reaction was a Boo Boo, mistake, poor judgement, lack of researching/understanding the discussion content, etc. Anyone that has e mail and is in a harsh mood, should write their thoughts, save it for a 12 hour cooling off period, reread it, and then hit delete. Or hit save for putting in their own novel upon retiring to the sunny and warm South Seas. Life will be better for every one.

Believe it or not these are the only two City Council meetings I have ever attended. It was a great experience and everyone should perform their civic duty and attend every so often.


Unknown said...


I was not able to attend the agenda session as I have a prior obligation for a while on Thursday nights. I was however at the council meeting, and of course read and saw the email that Mr. Banks wrote. I also hears what both Councilors Fedora and Krause said and or asked about Mr. Banks application.

Niether one of them were rasist comments. Knowing Councilor Fedora he would never say anything afensive about anyone one or any group. I don't know a lot about Councilor Krause however from what I do know of his he does not seem like that type either.

Jim I agree with you completly, everyone should attend council meeting when they can.