News tips.


Monday, March 31, 2008

This is sad all the way around.

This was a sad story all the way around. I will over my thoughts on the article and the issue tomorrow. This is the story from the Duluth News Tribune. I was a murder or a young man that was far to young and he had just returned back from Iraq.

Here is the story,

I was going to make comments in this story but decided not to that. I want thank the Duluth News Tribune, it did a great job with this story.

I do want to make a few comments about this issue, I think it is to bad this guy was able to plea bargain. I don't believe he had to take this young mans life. I think it was clear that the soldier after returning home was having some issues facing him. Mr. Sheda however was not threat to the party.

We need to give our veterans the help they need when they return home from war. We also need to understand that there is an adjustment time well they return home.

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