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Monday, March 22, 2010

Google count down!!!!!

Cities trying for the Google fiber high speed internet only have a few days left. There are 46 cities trying to become the test site for Google's high speed internet. Duluth is just one of those 46 cities. Of those 46 cities, Duluth has the largest online support group. Duluth trailed Topeka Kansas for a short time, but Duluth was able to take the lead over in just one week's time, since then no city has caught up to us.

Duluth has done a number of things both publicly and privately to try to convince Google to make our city the test site. Many people know of the "stunts" done on our behalf, including a play on Topeka changing its name to Google Kansas. Mayor Ness jumped into a frozen Lake Superior -- laying down a challenge to all other mayors. Ness said, I have set the bar, lets see other mayors jump into Lake Superior.

There has also been a number of other public events. Google Twinports has had booth space at a number of events, including fun fest and the women's expo. The group is also making a movie. There is also a number of behind the scenes things the group is doing to entice Google to come to Duluth.

Google has given cities till March 26th to have all there items submitted

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