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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Alito confirmed

This is from msn, if you would like to read the whole story.

Senate confirms Alito for Supreme Court
58-42 vote was most partisan for top court nominee in recent history

Updated: 12:07 p.m. ET Jan. 31, 2006
WASHINGTON - Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. became the nation’s 110th Supreme Court justice on Tuesday, confirmed with the most partisan victory in modern history after a fierce battle over the future direction of the high court.

So much for Alito crictis. I was not sure what to think of Alito I thought there were better picks but I am glad he made it after watching the hearings. The personal attack by those that did not want him on the court was very bad. v

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was talking more about the genral public with blogs and also talk shows. HOwever there were a few senators that did personaly attack him. You had your Kennedy's and Fiengold group.