News tips.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Is some advertising bad?

"Sex tape ad was inappropriateI was shocked to see an advertisement for a sex instruction tape in the news pages of the Jan. 27 News Tribune. Do I need to go into how inappropriate it is to publish this type of advertising? Is your paper turning into Playboy or Penthouse? Are you so desperate for advertising revenue you have to run this kind of advertising?
KRIS PAPAS " Source:

The above comments were in today's paper on the opion page. Now I am making these comments having not seen the ad the writer is talking about.

I don't care what people have to advertise this is a free country and they should be allowed to do so. Any company that takes ads should be able to take anything they see fit. Now yes maybe some things should not appear in papers and such but I am guessing this ad was not over the top. People buy any number of items and the advertisers should not be discriminated against for what they are selling.

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