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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bowling tonight.

As many of you know I am a bowler. Tonight is one of my two bowling nights. This means I will miss tonight's VP debate.

I would like you to keep me updates here is some of what I would like to know.

1. What kind of question are being and do you think they are good and or relevant to the issues facing the U.S.

2. What kind of answers are being given by both candidates.

3. Who is best answering the questions?

4. Who won the debate?

5. Any other thoughts you may have.

Thanks for your help. Comments will not appear until I return home as I have approve them but still please leave comments.


Green Tea said...

If you want the truth, in my humble opinion, Biden won the debate hands down on the issues.
Since the bar was set so low for Palin the fact that she just stood there smiling and answered some of the questions I don't think anyone's mind was changed.
She chose not to answer many of the questions and just spouted talking points.
I thought she looked like she was at a spelling bee instead of a
VP debate.
One of her biggest boo boos was to say she thought the VP should have more power.
After 8 years of Cheney shredding the constitution, the last thing we need is another VP with more power then the President.
It is rerun tonight on CNN at midnight if you want to catch it.

Flash said...

My answers:
