News tips.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another short meeting.

There was yet another short city council meeting last night. Not as short as the one two weeks ago.  This meeting was about an hour long.

The council voted down a decrease in there pay. I am okay with that.  The vote was 6-3. The three that voted for it was Jim Stauber, Todd Fedora, and Tony Cuneo. I see both sides of this and if I was on the council I would have more then likely voted for it. I however see why others voted against. I really see were councilor Krause was coming from.  I will have more on his comments later.

Now one reason I would have supported it is face it this was for two years. It would have been volunteerary by the council if it would have passed.

I agree that the Duluth City Council does not get paid any were near those of other city’s it’s size.  Now I however understand that this is a public service and it should mean you receive nothing at least it use to. This has changed I am not sure that is for the good. 

Don’t get me wrong I think these people should  be paid something.  This is why I believe if there is a increase proposed the citizens should vote on that.

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