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Monday, April 10, 2006

Ordinance 60

So I know we here at Duluth Politics have been talking about this a lot the sense it came up months ago. Ordinance 60 in councilor Stewart's name, it deals with how the city will spend it's money dealing with developers. The other important issue to remember is that it is only developers that come to the city for assassinate that would have to follow this ordinance.

The first attempt of this ordinance failed by a 6-3 vote, but now the council has a chance to redeem it;s self. The question is will it?

At first it seemed like no one cared about this when it failed 6-3. That was not the case we here at Duluth Politics were fluted with emails about how upset people were it did not pass. There were other blogs that people were just a upset as well. People were mad enough that they emails and called there councilors asking that they would reconsider there vote. Did it work?

The answer should come tonight at the council meeting. We received word that this will come up to a vote again tonight with some minor changes. Lets hope that ever ones work did some good this time. I hope that the vote is 9-0 in favor of the ordinance this time.

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