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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

State of the City.

The State of the City was last night. It took place at the DECC as Mayor Don Ness delivered his third State of the City. There was a good crowd by all reports. The crowd seemed up beat and looked forward to the the Mayor's speech.

As speculation was the message was going to be more up beat after last years some what pointed and not so positive message. Last year's message was all items that needed to be brought to the citizens attion however.

Every speech has a title or theme. This years was setting the foundation. Yes I will say it, other will not. Setting the foundation for what? Gee let's see his re-election. This is his final year of his first term. This after he served two terms as a city councilor.

Mayor Ness focused on the good the city has to offer, he also talked about economic development and talked about success stories. Which on of the first things was a new animal shelter. What? The animal shelter a success story sure it is great and it will help them a lot but a success of what? It's an animal shelter.

As he talked about development it seems like he will focus on local business. It almost seems like he will not search to bring in new business for a while. A bad move if you ask. Yes I agree 100% with focusing on business already and helping them however you need to continue to grow business.

More later.

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