News tips.


Friday, January 08, 2010

Union rejects worthless offer by SMDC.

The largest union at St.Mary's/ Duluth Clinic has rejected the last best offer that they will make. What was this great offer by SMDC? Wages frozen and out sourcing of jobs.

The United Steel Workers soundly rejected the offer made by SMDC. It was same contract that the union had voted on a month or so ago. This time SMDC is claiming it is there last offer. They workers also voted to strike if necessary.

Many people pit me as anti union I am not. Sure I don't agree with everything about a union. Yes a speak out against them when I find them in the wrong, I however support them when they are in the right. As I do any group.

This time the union and the workers at SMDC where fully in the right. SMDC should be grateful to have such great workers. Yet they don't show it. When a contract comes up they offer nothing. Yet the heads of SMDC who make well over a million dollars give them self's a 19% wage increase and for what? Sitting in there nice office doing nothing. Well the workers are helping the people.

If a strike happens I will be more then willing to stand it picket with them. Please be aware that your Health WILL be at RISK if there is a STRIKE. You will not receive top medical help like you are use to at SMDC.


Tony Ramone said...

John, you are certainly hard to pigeonhole when you do thing like support the United Steel Workers at SMDC.

I really hope a strike can be avoided, but SMDC management seems to want one -- otherwise, they would have made a serious offer.

Unknown said...

I also hope a strike can be avoided. I am not sure it can be however because SMDC does seem to want a strike. I guess one person hire up said that we have 9 contracts coming up you guys are in for a second thought if you are getting anything.