Some memberes of the community are reporting the councilor Reinert is now working at SMDC and claiming this to be a conflict of interest, with past votes.
If this is a new job for him it could not be considered a conflict of interest in past votes. Now if he has been at this job for a while and voted on SMDC projectes then this would be considered a conflict of interest. My understanding however is that is a newer job for him.
When a vote does come up dealing with an SMDC project or anything tied to SMDC then he better not vote. At that time it would be a conflict of interest.
If did work for SMDC when votes came up on there projects then it would have been a conflict of interest and the community should be upset.
We will keep our eye on this developing story.
More info here,
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
ordinance 60 not dead yet...
It has been a little more then a day that the council meeting has gone by. I am still mad as hell about ordinance 60 in councilor Stewarts name.
I emailed all the councilors and no one has replyed back except for councilor Stewart. What a shock!!!!
This is such an important issue for Duluth and it would help our city immensely.
I have it on good authority that it is not over and it will be brought up again soon. I hope we get more people out to support this issue this time around. Contact your councilor and the at large councilors. The focus has to be on councilors Litte and Stauber, I still can't believe they did not support this.
There is more discussion going on about the issue here,
ps. Read the new kb's corner it is another great on, it is just a few post below this one.
I emailed all the councilors and no one has replyed back except for councilor Stewart. What a shock!!!!
This is such an important issue for Duluth and it would help our city immensely.
I have it on good authority that it is not over and it will be brought up again soon. I hope we get more people out to support this issue this time around. Contact your councilor and the at large councilors. The focus has to be on councilors Litte and Stauber, I still can't believe they did not support this.
There is more discussion going on about the issue here,
ps. Read the new kb's corner it is another great on, it is just a few post below this one.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Open question?
Councilor Ness asked a great question last night at the meeting. This question came do to one of the speakers comments on ordinance 60. She noted the tech village as a failer to the city.
Councilor Ness asked, why people keep bringing that up as a failer to the city of Duluth?
Now I am not sure that I consider that building as a failer however I see how some people could feel that way.
The big reason that I think a lot of people see the building as a failer is because it has not developed into the tech villiage it was intended to be. With a huge job creatation in tech fields.
The tech villiage has changed it objective at least three times that I am aware of.
I don't think most people feel the colleges putting computer labs in the villiage are a benifit to the city. The fact is the colleges would have put these some were on campuse is they did not put them in the villiage.
Here is why the building is ( could be considered) a success.
The building is full with businesses. They may not be what people expect but at least the building is just about full.
The building is newer and looks a heck of a lot nicer then most down there currently, because of that it brings in some business to all of downtown. There are people going to the building to use what it offers and work as well.
What are you thoughts? Do you consider the tech villiage as a failer or not?
Councilor Ness asked, why people keep bringing that up as a failer to the city of Duluth?
Now I am not sure that I consider that building as a failer however I see how some people could feel that way.
The big reason that I think a lot of people see the building as a failer is because it has not developed into the tech villiage it was intended to be. With a huge job creatation in tech fields.
The tech villiage has changed it objective at least three times that I am aware of.
I don't think most people feel the colleges putting computer labs in the villiage are a benifit to the city. The fact is the colleges would have put these some were on campuse is they did not put them in the villiage.
Here is why the building is ( could be considered) a success.
The building is full with businesses. They may not be what people expect but at least the building is just about full.
The building is newer and looks a heck of a lot nicer then most down there currently, because of that it brings in some business to all of downtown. There are people going to the building to use what it offers and work as well.
What are you thoughts? Do you consider the tech villiage as a failer or not?
More on council meeting last night.
Okay so we continue with my rant of the council meeting, and ordinance 60.
It seems like many councilors did not even want to consider this. They all seemed to closed minds.
I want to know who got to them? Why and who are councilors Gilbert and Johnson protecting? Perhaps the biggest thing I want to know is what does the council want? We can't afford that status quo. Councilors what do you want to do about this? What are your expectations?
Why didn't councilors Little and Stauber vote for this? Who got to them?
I ask any councilor that voted no on this to please reconsider it. I would ask that you allow conversation to continue on this.
It seems like many councilors did not even want to consider this. They all seemed to closed minds.
I want to know who got to them? Why and who are councilors Gilbert and Johnson protecting? Perhaps the biggest thing I want to know is what does the council want? We can't afford that status quo. Councilors what do you want to do about this? What are your expectations?
Why didn't councilors Little and Stauber vote for this? Who got to them?
I ask any councilor that voted no on this to please reconsider it. I would ask that you allow conversation to continue on this.
Coucil rant part1!!!!
So at last nights city council meeting ordinance 60 in councilor Stewarts name came up to a vote. You know the one that I have been telling you all about. The ordinance dealt with how the city would help developers.
There was also a last minute resolution tossed into ambush this ordinance by councilors Gilbert and Johnson. The resolution was just more of the status quo, so if that was to pass we would just do the same old.
9 p.m. or so rolls around and they finally get to the ordinance and resolution as they took them both at the same time. One of the most disappointing things was there was no one to speak on the issue. This is an issue that would help the city immensely. I believe there were only three of us that spoke. Two in favor of councilor Stewarts ordinance and one against it. The one against it was tied to development.
Then it was time for council debate, councilor Stewart opened that up with some comments on why his ordinance should be supported, and comment on the resolution as well. Both were very start to the point and correct. Then councilors Gilbert and Johnson spoke on behalf of there resolution. Both said they brought it forward because of people in the community but both failed to say who they were protecting. I believe these two councilors should say who it is that they are protecting.
Councilor Johnson said she felted attacked by councilor Stewart and others, (me). The fact is we did not attack we said what was the truth and that some times hurts. Councilor Johnson also said that this resolution was not a surprise, when in fact it was. She had plenty of time to make councilor Stewart and the community aware that she was going to bring forward a resolution. Yet she and councilor Gilbert waited five days tell it came to a vote, to bring that forward. One speaker said it best when she said something to the fact that she was ambushed and did not know that there was a resolution on the table. I would like to know what councilors Johnson and Gilbert have to say about that?
There were other councilors that I was very disappointed in as well, councilors Little and Stauber who I thought would be in support of this were not. Councilor Stauber came out and said in a nutshell that he did not need an ordinance to help him vote. The fact of the matter is that is not true. It is very clear that everyone on the council Stauber included needs this plan. The council has proven it can not make smart descions when it comes to some of these developments.
By now you can more then likely tell the out come of the vote, it was 6-3 not to support the ordinance. The resolution also failed by the same count.
The council should be ashamed of there action last night. Councilor Stewart needs to be commented on his efforts for this ordinance. There will be more to come on this later today.
There was also a last minute resolution tossed into ambush this ordinance by councilors Gilbert and Johnson. The resolution was just more of the status quo, so if that was to pass we would just do the same old.
9 p.m. or so rolls around and they finally get to the ordinance and resolution as they took them both at the same time. One of the most disappointing things was there was no one to speak on the issue. This is an issue that would help the city immensely. I believe there were only three of us that spoke. Two in favor of councilor Stewarts ordinance and one against it. The one against it was tied to development.
Then it was time for council debate, councilor Stewart opened that up with some comments on why his ordinance should be supported, and comment on the resolution as well. Both were very start to the point and correct. Then councilors Gilbert and Johnson spoke on behalf of there resolution. Both said they brought it forward because of people in the community but both failed to say who they were protecting. I believe these two councilors should say who it is that they are protecting.
Councilor Johnson said she felted attacked by councilor Stewart and others, (me). The fact is we did not attack we said what was the truth and that some times hurts. Councilor Johnson also said that this resolution was not a surprise, when in fact it was. She had plenty of time to make councilor Stewart and the community aware that she was going to bring forward a resolution. Yet she and councilor Gilbert waited five days tell it came to a vote, to bring that forward. One speaker said it best when she said something to the fact that she was ambushed and did not know that there was a resolution on the table. I would like to know what councilors Johnson and Gilbert have to say about that?
There were other councilors that I was very disappointed in as well, councilors Little and Stauber who I thought would be in support of this were not. Councilor Stauber came out and said in a nutshell that he did not need an ordinance to help him vote. The fact of the matter is that is not true. It is very clear that everyone on the council Stauber included needs this plan. The council has proven it can not make smart descions when it comes to some of these developments.
By now you can more then likely tell the out come of the vote, it was 6-3 not to support the ordinance. The resolution also failed by the same count.
The council should be ashamed of there action last night. Councilor Stewart needs to be commented on his efforts for this ordinance. There will be more to come on this later today.
New KB's corner.
This is a great read, yet another great by kb to bring attenion to an issue that does get much.
Kb's Corner, Racism in Duluth
According to one of the regular bloggers on the Duluth Citizen's Blog there is no more racism in Duluth.Hmm...quite a statement. Here it is in his words, and I'm guessing he's not a "person of color". JBBP writes: "I am sickened by how certain individuals like to keep throwing up race, sexual orientation, gender, and whatever cards that do little else but revictimize the classes of people they are supposed to represent.
This latest lawsuit paints people with one big wide brush, trying to make it appear that Little Stores wouldn't hire this guy because he's black, when in fact a background investigation revealed that he had a criminal record." (What he fails to tell the reader is that the criminal record was not a consideration what so ever when the decision was made not to hire this man. Little Stores did not know about that background, I'm not saying that it's right to withold information, but it was not a basis for their decision.) "It makes it appear that racism is alive and well in the City of Duluth, when in reality, it's not." (I really don't know how he can make this claim. Being an Indian woman, born and raised here, I can assure you that racism is very much a part of life inDuluth. One example that I found quite obvious is within a certain high school, I have been told by school staff that if a white student gets in trouble the parents are called first, but if it's a black student, the first call is to the police. Now, if that's not racism, I don't know the definition of the word. This information came to me from avery reliable source. Also, from personal experience, I lost a job once because the district manager did not like Indians. This was before the Human Rights Commission, but it was racism none the less. I don't think that someone who has never experienced racism is in any position to state thatit's not a reality for those of us who deal with it regularly.) He goes on to say:
"The ones who are keeping racism alive are those who take and make opportunities to make something out of nothing, as in this case, and who want to rehash bitter days that are done and gone, such as the Clayton-Jackson-Macghee Memorial." Now, how would this "keep racism alive?" Because we do not want history to repeat? Because we want people to examineacts that were so repugnant, and based soley on the color of these men's skin? Racism is alive because white people with power choose to act on their predjudice. So, I'm interested in hearing if anyone else out there really thinks that racism does not exist in Duluth. Or, do you think it does? Are you someone who might face it? Comeon, I don't want to hear that someone from the majority white population is pissed off because they don't want to hear about it anymore. Face the predjudice, how do you treat people of color. And I'm not talking about that one special black dude or the indian guy that's your personal friend.I'm talking about the person who comes into your shop, or is walking down the street towards you late at night. What goes through your mind..and why?
Do you buy into the stereotypes, do you think I'm just a lazy drunk Indian? Or am I your vision of Pocahantas? It's interesting to think about why this man on this blog is so defensive about racism.
Kb's Corner, Racism in Duluth
According to one of the regular bloggers on the Duluth Citizen's Blog there is no more racism in Duluth.Hmm...quite a statement. Here it is in his words, and I'm guessing he's not a "person of color". JBBP writes: "I am sickened by how certain individuals like to keep throwing up race, sexual orientation, gender, and whatever cards that do little else but revictimize the classes of people they are supposed to represent.
This latest lawsuit paints people with one big wide brush, trying to make it appear that Little Stores wouldn't hire this guy because he's black, when in fact a background investigation revealed that he had a criminal record." (What he fails to tell the reader is that the criminal record was not a consideration what so ever when the decision was made not to hire this man. Little Stores did not know about that background, I'm not saying that it's right to withold information, but it was not a basis for their decision.) "It makes it appear that racism is alive and well in the City of Duluth, when in reality, it's not." (I really don't know how he can make this claim. Being an Indian woman, born and raised here, I can assure you that racism is very much a part of life inDuluth. One example that I found quite obvious is within a certain high school, I have been told by school staff that if a white student gets in trouble the parents are called first, but if it's a black student, the first call is to the police. Now, if that's not racism, I don't know the definition of the word. This information came to me from avery reliable source. Also, from personal experience, I lost a job once because the district manager did not like Indians. This was before the Human Rights Commission, but it was racism none the less. I don't think that someone who has never experienced racism is in any position to state thatit's not a reality for those of us who deal with it regularly.) He goes on to say:
"The ones who are keeping racism alive are those who take and make opportunities to make something out of nothing, as in this case, and who want to rehash bitter days that are done and gone, such as the Clayton-Jackson-Macghee Memorial." Now, how would this "keep racism alive?" Because we do not want history to repeat? Because we want people to examineacts that were so repugnant, and based soley on the color of these men's skin? Racism is alive because white people with power choose to act on their predjudice. So, I'm interested in hearing if anyone else out there really thinks that racism does not exist in Duluth. Or, do you think it does? Are you someone who might face it? Comeon, I don't want to hear that someone from the majority white population is pissed off because they don't want to hear about it anymore. Face the predjudice, how do you treat people of color. And I'm not talking about that one special black dude or the indian guy that's your personal friend.I'm talking about the person who comes into your shop, or is walking down the street towards you late at night. What goes through your mind..and why?
Do you buy into the stereotypes, do you think I'm just a lazy drunk Indian? Or am I your vision of Pocahantas? It's interesting to think about why this man on this blog is so defensive about racism.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Bergson: DECC is top prioty.
Mayor Bergson stresses DECC expansion to lobbised at the capital yesterday. Mayor Bergson said that it is very importain to stess this project.
He also said we need to lobby to the DFL lead senate. I wonder what he will say in upcoming interviews, will he walk around the DFLers not putting the DECC in the bonding bill? Will he attack the senate?
Bergson stresses DECC project in lobbying effort
MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT: A cadre of Duluth and St. Louis County residents lobbied lawmakers Monday in St. Paul.
ST. PAUL - As many as 400 people from Northeastern Minnesota visited the state Capitol on Monday asking lawmakers for a moment of their time to talk about the issues important to Duluth and St. Louis County.
Making the rounds in lobbying teams, groups visited with individual lawmakers, thanking them for their support and asking them to back the bills important to the region.
Top among them is an effort to draw $33.7 million in state financing for a $67.4 million expansion of the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.
Mayor Herb Bergson told a group of would-be lobbyists that the most important task was impressing upon lawmakers the importance of the DECC expansion. The project would bring a new 6,630-seat ice arena and 700-car parking ramp.
The DECC message was especially important in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-controlled Senate, Bergson said.
"Of all we do, that is the most important thing we can do," Bergson told the lobbyists.
Source: Duluth news tribune,
He also said we need to lobby to the DFL lead senate. I wonder what he will say in upcoming interviews, will he walk around the DFLers not putting the DECC in the bonding bill? Will he attack the senate?
Bergson stresses DECC project in lobbying effort
MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT: A cadre of Duluth and St. Louis County residents lobbied lawmakers Monday in St. Paul.
ST. PAUL - As many as 400 people from Northeastern Minnesota visited the state Capitol on Monday asking lawmakers for a moment of their time to talk about the issues important to Duluth and St. Louis County.
Making the rounds in lobbying teams, groups visited with individual lawmakers, thanking them for their support and asking them to back the bills important to the region.
Top among them is an effort to draw $33.7 million in state financing for a $67.4 million expansion of the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.
Mayor Herb Bergson told a group of would-be lobbyists that the most important task was impressing upon lawmakers the importance of the DECC expansion. The project would bring a new 6,630-seat ice arena and 700-car parking ramp.
The DECC message was especially important in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-controlled Senate, Bergson said.
"Of all we do, that is the most important thing we can do," Bergson told the lobbyists.
Source: Duluth news tribune,
Monday, March 27, 2006
Is DECC expansion project dead??
Well it seems that many in Duluth could be upset at our local state senators. Some of us are not.
Tom Bakk and Yvonne Prettner Solon were among those that voted to accept the bonding bill. Okay so what is wrong with that? It did not include the DECC expansion project.
The DECC, Mayor Bergson and many others must not be very happy with there vote. You must remember however the referendum that was Duluthians voted on was a non binding vote, (yet another reason I did not like it) .
In case you don't remember the wording of the referendum question here it is.
DECC Expansion Food & Beverage Sales TaxReferendum Question
If the state of Minnesota allocates enough funds for the project to go forward and to pay for up to one-half of the cost of a new arena for concerts, conventions, hockey and other events at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC), then should the city of Duluth seek permission from the legislature to pay for part of the remaining cost by increasing the existing sales tax on food and beverages purchased in Duluth bars and restaurants by .75 percent (7.5 cents per ten dollars spent), subject to the following conditions:
(a) The tax increase would only take effect if the state allocates money for the project to go forward and to pay up to one-half of the project costs; and
(b) The state approves the new tax; and
(c) The tax is only in effect for the period of time needed for it to raise enough money to pay off the cityÂ’s portion of the project cost?
A “yes” vote means you favor funding the new arena in this manner.
A “no” vote means you do not favor funding the new arena in this manner.
Yes referendumrndum passed overwhelmingly, that however does not mean that State had to put it in it's bonding bills. Nor does it mean our local rHave have to vote for the DECC expansion or even make sure it is in the bills.
Both Bakk and Solon did say they supported the project but when it comes down to it they really must not have. I think this makes it hard for the DECC to get it's expansion.
I think it may also have a toll on Bakk and Solon we will have to wait and see.
Tom Bakk and Yvonne Prettner Solon were among those that voted to accept the bonding bill. Okay so what is wrong with that? It did not include the DECC expansion project.
The DECC, Mayor Bergson and many others must not be very happy with there vote. You must remember however the referendum that was Duluthians voted on was a non binding vote, (yet another reason I did not like it) .
In case you don't remember the wording of the referendum question here it is.
DECC Expansion Food & Beverage Sales TaxReferendum Question
If the state of Minnesota allocates enough funds for the project to go forward and to pay for up to one-half of the cost of a new arena for concerts, conventions, hockey and other events at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC), then should the city of Duluth seek permission from the legislature to pay for part of the remaining cost by increasing the existing sales tax on food and beverages purchased in Duluth bars and restaurants by .75 percent (7.5 cents per ten dollars spent), subject to the following conditions:
(a) The tax increase would only take effect if the state allocates money for the project to go forward and to pay up to one-half of the project costs; and
(b) The state approves the new tax; and
(c) The tax is only in effect for the period of time needed for it to raise enough money to pay off the cityÂ’s portion of the project cost?
A “yes” vote means you favor funding the new arena in this manner.
A “no” vote means you do not favor funding the new arena in this manner.
Yes referendumrndum passed overwhelmingly, that however does not mean that State had to put it in it's bonding bills. Nor does it mean our local rHave have to vote for the DECC expansion or even make sure it is in the bills.
Both Bakk and Solon did say they supported the project but when it comes down to it they really must not have. I think this makes it hard for the DECC to get it's expansion.
I think it may also have a toll on Bakk and Solon we will have to wait and see.
Friday, March 24, 2006
New web counter.
New web counter for our site, so we have to start our count all over again. it is to bad because we were nearing 3,000 vistiors with are old counter. That is okay we will do it again with this one no big deal. lol.
The new counter is located near the bottom if you care to check it out.
The new counter is located near the bottom if you care to check it out.
Doran droppes out of race.
Kelly Doran annouces he has dropped out the governors race,
Doran said he had to drop out because of family issues. He also said that recent poll numbers had nothing to do with him dropping out. He added he may not be done in politics.
That leaves just four democrats left to challange republican Governor Tim Pawlenty.
The question might be this, will anyone else drop out before the primary? If so who will it be?
Doran was born in Duluth but grew up in the Cities.
Doran said he had to drop out because of family issues. He also said that recent poll numbers had nothing to do with him dropping out. He added he may not be done in politics.
That leaves just four democrats left to challange republican Governor Tim Pawlenty.
The question might be this, will anyone else drop out before the primary? If so who will it be?
Doran was born in Duluth but grew up in the Cities.
City council meeting Tuesday...
A source is telling us that councilor Stewarts ordinance will be up for a vote on Tuesday, also Councilor Johnson has introduced a resolution that is in support of special interest groups. These groups want to keep that status quo.
Councilor Strewarts has done a great job of putting together a great ordinance that could help our city and he needs to commanded for that. This ordinance has teeth and spells out what developers can expect. Mean while Councilor Johnsone resolution is just a recommendation and does nothing new.
ORDINANCE NO. __________
The city of Duluth does ordain:
Section 1. That the Duluth City Code, 1959, as amended, be amended by adding a new Article XXXIV to read as follows:
Article XXXIV. Regulation of development agreements
and business subsidies.
Sec. 2-179. Policy.
It is the policy of the city of Duluth to engage in appropriate business development and physical development activities, but only in compliance with law, this ordinance, and reasonable standards for the honest disclosure of costs and revenue sources to the public. The city should not agree to pay for activities or structures unless the maximum cost thereof is set out in the agreement.
Sec. 2-180. Definitions.
(a) Development agreement means any promise between the city, DEDA, a city department, city agent, or city official acting in his or her official capacity and at least one other party, which agreement at least one of the parties intends to be legally enforceable, and which agreement has, as a significant purpose, the accomplishment of economic development goals and activities addressed in Chapter 469 of Minnesota Statutes, as it may be amended, and which agreement is related to a physical development. In order to be a development agreement, it must be an agreement whereby the city intends to contribute money or resources to a project in order to encourage, assist, subsidize, financially support, or develop commercial investment, land development, employment, or business activity within the city of Duluth for the purpose of benefitting the local economy or tax base. It includes an agreement with a not for profit corporation, a government agency, or any other party. It includes an agreement whereby the city agrees, as part of a development project, to alter or build public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements, including a tourist attraction, but does not include the contract for actual construction of the improvement. It includes an agreement for a business subsidy. It includes a change to, amendment of, or a part of, a development agreement. It does not include a contract for general community betterment, such as a grant agreement for a state financed social program, or an agreement to build or repair public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements, that is not related to a specific economic development project;
(b) Physical development means construction or alteration of real estate, including buildings, structures, and infrastructure, whether or not for public use;
(c) Public activity summary means a document, on a form approved by the finance director, which contains the following information about the development agreement:
(1) A brief statement that describes the project;
(2) The public purpose of the development agreement;
(3) Identity of each party to the development agreement;
(4) Describe any public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements the city will provide or alter under or pursuant to the development agreement;
(5) A good faith estimate, based upon information currently available, of the total cost to all parties of completing the project, including interest, professional fees, financial fees, bonding costs, the value of donated land or property and, for each item, identifying the source of the estimate;
(6) A good faith estimate of the greatest possible total expenditure by (cost to) the city, including the value of land or property donated by the city, but excluding a reasonable reserve for foreseeable contingencies, under the proposed development agreement;
(7) A good faith estimate of a reasonable reserve for foreseeable contingent costs, such as environmental response or regulatory penalties, that were not included in (5) or (6) above, or, if none, the reason why no contingency fund is included;
(8) The estimated actual total gross expenditure (total disbursements) by the city and/or DEDA under the proposed agreement, including business subsidies, pass through money, grants, loans, use of the contingency fund, tax increment financing, value of land or property donated to the project, etc;
(9) The estimated total net expenditure by (cost to) the city at the time that the project is constructed, accepted, and operating ((8) above less money or property received by the city from other sources or under the development agreement for use to finance the project);
(10) The amount and source, by fund if applicable, of each revenue to the city that will be used to pay the expenditures that make up the total gross expenditure (total disbursements) shown in (8) above;
(11) The good faith report by the city chief administrative officer, his or her designee, or the city auditor that each amount and source identified in (10) above is available for use at the time needed under the proposed contract, and has been secured and encumbered for the proposed use or, if not, what source of funds will be used for the project in place of the planned for funds if they are not available, or if the money is to be received as reimbursement for costs actually paid, an explanation of the extent to which the city can be sure that it will receive the money);
(12) Tax base impact information required for a proposal under Article XXXI of this chapter, or its successor, and a statement of the estimated or calculated amount of annual ad valorem tax that will not be available for general use, which otherwise would be, as a result of tax increment financing of the project under the agreement;
(13) The party or parties responsible for paying any costs of the project which are not paid by the city or DEDA;
(14) The good faith report of the chief administrative officer or his or her designee that the proposed agreement is for the entire project and that costs in excess of those reported are not expected, and the policy or agreement that governs how and under what conditions the contingency funds can be used.
Under some circumstances, law requires business subsidy forms and procedures.
Sec. 2-181. Public activity summary required.
Whenever a development agreement that has an estimated actual total cost (as defined in Section 2-180(c)(8)) in excess of $100,000 is presented for review or approval to any elected official, city board or commission, Duluth economic development authority, or city council, it shall have attached to it a public activity summary that substantially conforms to this Article. The public activity summary, or a corrected or updated one, shall also be filed with the clerk as a public document. The city council shall not vote on any development agreement, or part or amendment of one, unless the most current public activity summary applicable to the development agreement has been on file with the clerk as a public document for at least five days before the date of the vote.
Sec. 2-182. Requirements for a development agreement.
Any development agreement entered into by the city shall:
(a) Contain a clear statement of the maximum actual total gross expenditures (total disbursements), including all costs, fees, business subsidies, pass through money, use of contingency fund, grants, tax increment financing, value of land or property donated to the project, etc., required to be made by the city and/or DEDA under the development agreement;
(b) Identify each funding source for the city or DEDAÂ’s expenditures under the agreement;
(c) Not obligate the city or DEDA to do an act or construct a structure the total cost of which is not included in the total expenditure described in (a) above;
(d) Not obligate the city or DEDA to furnish a service, structure, value, or thing to another party to the contract which is not limited by an enforceable and stated cost maximum as set out under Section 2-182(a), above;
(e) If the development requires the city to take an action or provide any improvement or alteration other than providing funding including, without limitation, business subsidies, pass through money, grants, loans, tax increment financing, or donating land or other property to the project, etc., identify the actions or public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements the city will provide or alter pursuant to the development agreement;
(f) Set out the conditions and procedures for use of the contingency fund;
(g) Contain a re-opener for the parties to renegotiate if force majeure or mutual mistake prohibits performance.
Sec. 2-183. Remedies.
If any development agreement that does not conform to the requirements of sections 2-181 or 2-182 of this Article, or the successor of each, is entered into, then the city may cancel the development agreement, or the authorization to enter into the development agreement, at any time within 30 days after the last city council vote on authorizing the agreement, or part of it, or, if the council did not vote, within 30 days after the last day a party executed the agreement. During that 30 day period, such a contract can be cancelled and rescinded by (i) written notice to the other parties from the mayor or the mayorÂ’s designee, or (ii) by written notice approved by the council by resolution, or (iii) by ruling of a court of competent jurisdiction. If a development agreement is cancelled and rescinded, the city or DEDA will be responsible for performance of the development agreement up to the date of cancellation. An intentional violation of this Article is punishable as set out in D.C.C. Section 1-7, or its successor.
Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its passage and publication
Why should people support this: This is key for our city, we may not have bad developments such as the GLA were the city just has to keep putting money in to it. At very least the city would have only had to put a small amount of money and then they could have washed there hands of the project if this would have been in effect at the time.
The city needs lay out what it is willing to spend it's money on, we can't just go into everprojectct and fork over money like it is on a money tree, this would help with that process.
Again it looks like this will come to a vote Tuesday night everyone needs to be there in support of councilor Stewarts ordinance. The meetinstartses at 7p.m.
Councilor Strewarts has done a great job of putting together a great ordinance that could help our city and he needs to commanded for that. This ordinance has teeth and spells out what developers can expect. Mean while Councilor Johnsone resolution is just a recommendation and does nothing new.
ORDINANCE NO. __________
The city of Duluth does ordain:
Section 1. That the Duluth City Code, 1959, as amended, be amended by adding a new Article XXXIV to read as follows:
Article XXXIV. Regulation of development agreements
and business subsidies.
Sec. 2-179. Policy.
It is the policy of the city of Duluth to engage in appropriate business development and physical development activities, but only in compliance with law, this ordinance, and reasonable standards for the honest disclosure of costs and revenue sources to the public. The city should not agree to pay for activities or structures unless the maximum cost thereof is set out in the agreement.
Sec. 2-180. Definitions.
(a) Development agreement means any promise between the city, DEDA, a city department, city agent, or city official acting in his or her official capacity and at least one other party, which agreement at least one of the parties intends to be legally enforceable, and which agreement has, as a significant purpose, the accomplishment of economic development goals and activities addressed in Chapter 469 of Minnesota Statutes, as it may be amended, and which agreement is related to a physical development. In order to be a development agreement, it must be an agreement whereby the city intends to contribute money or resources to a project in order to encourage, assist, subsidize, financially support, or develop commercial investment, land development, employment, or business activity within the city of Duluth for the purpose of benefitting the local economy or tax base. It includes an agreement with a not for profit corporation, a government agency, or any other party. It includes an agreement whereby the city agrees, as part of a development project, to alter or build public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements, including a tourist attraction, but does not include the contract for actual construction of the improvement. It includes an agreement for a business subsidy. It includes a change to, amendment of, or a part of, a development agreement. It does not include a contract for general community betterment, such as a grant agreement for a state financed social program, or an agreement to build or repair public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements, that is not related to a specific economic development project;
(b) Physical development means construction or alteration of real estate, including buildings, structures, and infrastructure, whether or not for public use;
(c) Public activity summary means a document, on a form approved by the finance director, which contains the following information about the development agreement:
(1) A brief statement that describes the project;
(2) The public purpose of the development agreement;
(3) Identity of each party to the development agreement;
(4) Describe any public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements the city will provide or alter under or pursuant to the development agreement;
(5) A good faith estimate, based upon information currently available, of the total cost to all parties of completing the project, including interest, professional fees, financial fees, bonding costs, the value of donated land or property and, for each item, identifying the source of the estimate;
(6) A good faith estimate of the greatest possible total expenditure by (cost to) the city, including the value of land or property donated by the city, but excluding a reasonable reserve for foreseeable contingencies, under the proposed development agreement;
(7) A good faith estimate of a reasonable reserve for foreseeable contingent costs, such as environmental response or regulatory penalties, that were not included in (5) or (6) above, or, if none, the reason why no contingency fund is included;
(8) The estimated actual total gross expenditure (total disbursements) by the city and/or DEDA under the proposed agreement, including business subsidies, pass through money, grants, loans, use of the contingency fund, tax increment financing, value of land or property donated to the project, etc;
(9) The estimated total net expenditure by (cost to) the city at the time that the project is constructed, accepted, and operating ((8) above less money or property received by the city from other sources or under the development agreement for use to finance the project);
(10) The amount and source, by fund if applicable, of each revenue to the city that will be used to pay the expenditures that make up the total gross expenditure (total disbursements) shown in (8) above;
(11) The good faith report by the city chief administrative officer, his or her designee, or the city auditor that each amount and source identified in (10) above is available for use at the time needed under the proposed contract, and has been secured and encumbered for the proposed use or, if not, what source of funds will be used for the project in place of the planned for funds if they are not available, or if the money is to be received as reimbursement for costs actually paid, an explanation of the extent to which the city can be sure that it will receive the money);
(12) Tax base impact information required for a proposal under Article XXXI of this chapter, or its successor, and a statement of the estimated or calculated amount of annual ad valorem tax that will not be available for general use, which otherwise would be, as a result of tax increment financing of the project under the agreement;
(13) The party or parties responsible for paying any costs of the project which are not paid by the city or DEDA;
(14) The good faith report of the chief administrative officer or his or her designee that the proposed agreement is for the entire project and that costs in excess of those reported are not expected, and the policy or agreement that governs how and under what conditions the contingency funds can be used.
Under some circumstances, law requires business subsidy forms and procedures.
Sec. 2-181. Public activity summary required.
Whenever a development agreement that has an estimated actual total cost (as defined in Section 2-180(c)(8)) in excess of $100,000 is presented for review or approval to any elected official, city board or commission, Duluth economic development authority, or city council, it shall have attached to it a public activity summary that substantially conforms to this Article. The public activity summary, or a corrected or updated one, shall also be filed with the clerk as a public document. The city council shall not vote on any development agreement, or part or amendment of one, unless the most current public activity summary applicable to the development agreement has been on file with the clerk as a public document for at least five days before the date of the vote.
Sec. 2-182. Requirements for a development agreement.
Any development agreement entered into by the city shall:
(a) Contain a clear statement of the maximum actual total gross expenditures (total disbursements), including all costs, fees, business subsidies, pass through money, use of contingency fund, grants, tax increment financing, value of land or property donated to the project, etc., required to be made by the city and/or DEDA under the development agreement;
(b) Identify each funding source for the city or DEDAÂ’s expenditures under the agreement;
(c) Not obligate the city or DEDA to do an act or construct a structure the total cost of which is not included in the total expenditure described in (a) above;
(d) Not obligate the city or DEDA to furnish a service, structure, value, or thing to another party to the contract which is not limited by an enforceable and stated cost maximum as set out under Section 2-182(a), above;
(e) If the development requires the city to take an action or provide any improvement or alteration other than providing funding including, without limitation, business subsidies, pass through money, grants, loans, tax increment financing, or donating land or other property to the project, etc., identify the actions or public facilities, streets, sewers, or other physical improvements the city will provide or alter pursuant to the development agreement;
(f) Set out the conditions and procedures for use of the contingency fund;
(g) Contain a re-opener for the parties to renegotiate if force majeure or mutual mistake prohibits performance.
Sec. 2-183. Remedies.
If any development agreement that does not conform to the requirements of sections 2-181 or 2-182 of this Article, or the successor of each, is entered into, then the city may cancel the development agreement, or the authorization to enter into the development agreement, at any time within 30 days after the last city council vote on authorizing the agreement, or part of it, or, if the council did not vote, within 30 days after the last day a party executed the agreement. During that 30 day period, such a contract can be cancelled and rescinded by (i) written notice to the other parties from the mayor or the mayorÂ’s designee, or (ii) by written notice approved by the council by resolution, or (iii) by ruling of a court of competent jurisdiction. If a development agreement is cancelled and rescinded, the city or DEDA will be responsible for performance of the development agreement up to the date of cancellation. An intentional violation of this Article is punishable as set out in D.C.C. Section 1-7, or its successor.
Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its passage and publication
Why should people support this: This is key for our city, we may not have bad developments such as the GLA were the city just has to keep putting money in to it. At very least the city would have only had to put a small amount of money and then they could have washed there hands of the project if this would have been in effect at the time.
The city needs lay out what it is willing to spend it's money on, we can't just go into everprojectct and fork over money like it is on a money tree, this would help with that process.
Again it looks like this will come to a vote Tuesday night everyone needs to be there in support of councilor Stewarts ordinance. The meetinstartses at 7p.m.
The city needs to know the cost of projects.
Here is a great piece about Councilor Stewarts ordince. It is written by Bob Hansen.
The source is the Duluth News Trib,
City needs to know costs of projects upfront
Commentary by BOB HANSEN
When we purchase anything, we want to know its total cost. Duluth City Councilor Russ Stewart has offered the same information for city projects through a proposed city law. Ordinance 60 is expected to be considered by the council Tuesday.
The ordinance would require any city of Duluth development agreement to be accompanied by an information sheet that states the project's costs, the maximum amount the city can spend, and the source of the funding.
Duluth needs this ordinance because experience has shown that through inadvertence, manipulation or lack of straightforward information, city leaders sometimes make bad decisions.
Would any sensible councilor vote to obligate the city to pay operating costs that the city cannot control, forever, without a limit on the amount? The council did this when it voted for the aquarium deal.
Would any sensible councilor vote to use all, or almost all, of the state money the city receives to fix streets to build skywalks? The council did this when it built the tunnel to the Radisson. And councilors are looking to do it again with the new skywalks east of Lake Avenue. How many more years will we be without state money for streets because the city is using that money for skywalks? The city designates them as bridges over streets, thus relating them to street repair.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise to build a parking ramp without a cost limit for construction and purchase of the property via eminent domain, and without the funding secured? The city did that with the ramp being constructed behind the Voyageur Motel on First Street. Up to an additional $9.6 million will be required for the project because of bonding and operation cost mistakes. Additional construction costs could be another $2 million.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise to build millions of dollars of skywalks without funding and with no backup plan should requests for state and federal funding not be successful? The city did this when it approved the skywalk extension to the new St. Mary's/Duluth Clinic cancer center. Now, general fund dollars from property and sales taxes, along with other tax money, may be used to pay millions for the skywalk -- along with our state street money.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise a private company that notified the city it would expand in the city if the city gave it $45 million? The city did this as part of the Northwest Airlines maintenance base deal. Northwest Airlines did not expand and could not claim the money. Reality is the city had no way to quickly raise that amount of money and was discussing the selling of the water and gas utility to fund it.
The proposed Ordinance 60 will provide upfront answers for both councilors and the public. All parties will understand what the councilors are voting on and the maximum cost to the city and its taxpayers. Ordinance 60 will assist the city in better managing our money.
The source is the Duluth News Trib,
City needs to know costs of projects upfront
Commentary by BOB HANSEN
When we purchase anything, we want to know its total cost. Duluth City Councilor Russ Stewart has offered the same information for city projects through a proposed city law. Ordinance 60 is expected to be considered by the council Tuesday.
The ordinance would require any city of Duluth development agreement to be accompanied by an information sheet that states the project's costs, the maximum amount the city can spend, and the source of the funding.
Duluth needs this ordinance because experience has shown that through inadvertence, manipulation or lack of straightforward information, city leaders sometimes make bad decisions.
Would any sensible councilor vote to obligate the city to pay operating costs that the city cannot control, forever, without a limit on the amount? The council did this when it voted for the aquarium deal.
Would any sensible councilor vote to use all, or almost all, of the state money the city receives to fix streets to build skywalks? The council did this when it built the tunnel to the Radisson. And councilors are looking to do it again with the new skywalks east of Lake Avenue. How many more years will we be without state money for streets because the city is using that money for skywalks? The city designates them as bridges over streets, thus relating them to street repair.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise to build a parking ramp without a cost limit for construction and purchase of the property via eminent domain, and without the funding secured? The city did that with the ramp being constructed behind the Voyageur Motel on First Street. Up to an additional $9.6 million will be required for the project because of bonding and operation cost mistakes. Additional construction costs could be another $2 million.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise to build millions of dollars of skywalks without funding and with no backup plan should requests for state and federal funding not be successful? The city did this when it approved the skywalk extension to the new St. Mary's/Duluth Clinic cancer center. Now, general fund dollars from property and sales taxes, along with other tax money, may be used to pay millions for the skywalk -- along with our state street money.
Would a sensible councilor vote to promise a private company that notified the city it would expand in the city if the city gave it $45 million? The city did this as part of the Northwest Airlines maintenance base deal. Northwest Airlines did not expand and could not claim the money. Reality is the city had no way to quickly raise that amount of money and was discussing the selling of the water and gas utility to fund it.
The proposed Ordinance 60 will provide upfront answers for both councilors and the public. All parties will understand what the councilors are voting on and the maximum cost to the city and its taxpayers. Ordinance 60 will assist the city in better managing our money.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
KDAL loses another great.
So it seems like KDAL will lose another great voice this leaving midwest with no good talent. You will have to listen to idiot windbags like Ray and Bruce oh boy I am excited. Say good bye to midwest.
KDAL when they hire new people don't seem to care about what they once had. The new voices of KDAL and there other stations are hard to listen too.
One of Duluth's most familiar and beloved radio voices will fade from the airwaves early this summer.
Rik Jordan plans to hang up his microphone June 20, after more than 27 years on the job at KDAL-610 AM. Jordan is co-host of the Twin Ports' top-rated morning show with Pat Cadigan and provides color commentary for UMD Bulldog men's hockey broadcasts.
The 58-year-old Jordan said he'd probably continue to broadcast indefinitely were it not for his faltering eyesight.
"I want to retire while I'm still able to drive a car and go fishing," he said.
Jordan lost sight in his left eye at 16, when he was struck by a hockey puck. The retina in his right eye has become detached five times, and in 1992, Jordan was left completely blind after an unsuccessful attempt to reattach it.
Rik Jordan is one of the greats. I can't belame him for wanting to leave so he can enjoy the rest of his life well he can see. It must be hard to know soon you will not bealbe to see much of anything. I remember back in the 90's when he had to leave the UMD annoucers desk for hockey it killed him. He was able to return for this year and do some of the games but it was nost the same. The main voice of the bulldogs was Bruce and he was bad.
Rik will be missed.
So here is a question who will get UMD sports next year? Anyone know?
Don't forget to check out our sports page,
Aslo a great new post located a few post below this on KB's corner. Check it out.
KDAL when they hire new people don't seem to care about what they once had. The new voices of KDAL and there other stations are hard to listen too.
One of Duluth's most familiar and beloved radio voices will fade from the airwaves early this summer.
Rik Jordan plans to hang up his microphone June 20, after more than 27 years on the job at KDAL-610 AM. Jordan is co-host of the Twin Ports' top-rated morning show with Pat Cadigan and provides color commentary for UMD Bulldog men's hockey broadcasts.
The 58-year-old Jordan said he'd probably continue to broadcast indefinitely were it not for his faltering eyesight.
"I want to retire while I'm still able to drive a car and go fishing," he said.
Jordan lost sight in his left eye at 16, when he was struck by a hockey puck. The retina in his right eye has become detached five times, and in 1992, Jordan was left completely blind after an unsuccessful attempt to reattach it.
Rik Jordan is one of the greats. I can't belame him for wanting to leave so he can enjoy the rest of his life well he can see. It must be hard to know soon you will not bealbe to see much of anything. I remember back in the 90's when he had to leave the UMD annoucers desk for hockey it killed him. He was able to return for this year and do some of the games but it was nost the same. The main voice of the bulldogs was Bruce and he was bad.
Rik will be missed.
So here is a question who will get UMD sports next year? Anyone know?
Don't forget to check out our sports page,
Aslo a great new post located a few post below this on KB's corner. Check it out.
Congressman Obey in Superior on Friday.
The angrey old man will be in Superior Friday.
Congressman Dave Obey (D-Wis.) will participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Lake Superior Community Health Center's new facility at 10 a.m. on Friday.
The center is locatate at 3600 Tower Avenue in Superior.
The new facility expands the health center's ability to provide affordable health care services for the Twin Ports and rural Douglas, Bayfield and Ashland counties, including clinical care, preventative care, dental care, physicals and anticipatory health education and guidance.
source Duluth News Trib,
Congressman Dave Obey (D-Wis.) will participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Lake Superior Community Health Center's new facility at 10 a.m. on Friday.
The center is locatate at 3600 Tower Avenue in Superior.
The new facility expands the health center's ability to provide affordable health care services for the Twin Ports and rural Douglas, Bayfield and Ashland counties, including clinical care, preventative care, dental care, physicals and anticipatory health education and guidance.
source Duluth News Trib,
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
IRS wants to sell your tax return info.
This is scary, they have no right to sell anyones tax return infomation for any reason, or purpose. What would be the point of this. If they did sell your information who is to say that only these two groups would get it?
Everyone needs to watch this, what are your thoughts on this?
In a move that threatens the privacy of federal income-tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service is proposing that accountants and other tax-return preparers can sell information from returns to marketers and data brokers.
The change in IRS policy was included in a set of proposed rules that the Treasury Department and the IRS published in the December 8 Federal Register.
IRS officials portray the changes as "housecleaning measures needed to update outmoded regulations adopted before it began accepting returns electronically," the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
IRS rules currently prohibit tax preparers from selling returns to third parties for marketing purposes.
For more on this story go to,
Everyone needs to watch this, what are your thoughts on this?
In a move that threatens the privacy of federal income-tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service is proposing that accountants and other tax-return preparers can sell information from returns to marketers and data brokers.
The change in IRS policy was included in a set of proposed rules that the Treasury Department and the IRS published in the December 8 Federal Register.
IRS officials portray the changes as "housecleaning measures needed to update outmoded regulations adopted before it began accepting returns electronically," the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
IRS rules currently prohibit tax preparers from selling returns to third parties for marketing purposes.
For more on this story go to,
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
New KB's Corner.
Here's an interesting story, intended to generate discussion. The National Center for Men has prepared a lawsuit, nicknamed Roe v. Wade for Men. The lawsuit was filed in US District court last Thursday on behalf of a 25year old man ordered to pay child support for a child that he and his ex-girlfriend had. He contends that she told him she was sterile and after they had unprotected sex she became pregnant. He says that since she repeatedly assured him that she would not become pregnant and she knew he didn't want a child that he should not be responsible to pay$500 a month in child support. The National Center for Men is hoping that this will start a dialogue about the right to choose for men. The details of the story are at do you think? How much choice should a man have?Should he be able to legally opt out of fatherhood? Should he be able to tell a woman she must adopt out the child or get an abortion? Should he be able to tell a woman she cannot get an abortion? How is this case so different from the hundreds of men who walk away from their obligation every day, through divorce or simply because they will not be a full time father? How many single fathers do you know?How many single mothers? It's an interesting story, with alot of potential for discussion. What about the child in this case, how would you feel if this was your father?
Monday, March 20, 2006
As my b-day approaches I never thought.......
Well March 22nd is approaching so what? That means it is my birthday and I get yet another year older. Yet one more year closer to the big 30.
I have affen wondered were I would be at that time, even with a couple years to I still think about it.
politically I never thought I would be a republican. I grew up in a household and family that was very strong DFLers. Some would be rolling over in there graves today if they knew I was a republican.
My change started in high school, when I met Chris Dalhberg. At the time he was running for the city council. Later ran against Jaros a couple of times. I listened to him talk about the issues that faced the city at that time and was very impressed.
I volunteered on his campaing and worked hard to help him. From that point on my change continued in to the republican that I am today.
I have affen wondered were I would be at that time, even with a couple years to I still think about it.
politically I never thought I would be a republican. I grew up in a household and family that was very strong DFLers. Some would be rolling over in there graves today if they knew I was a republican.
My change started in high school, when I met Chris Dalhberg. At the time he was running for the city council. Later ran against Jaros a couple of times. I listened to him talk about the issues that faced the city at that time and was very impressed.
I volunteered on his campaing and worked hard to help him. From that point on my change continued in to the republican that I am today.
Poor chose of words.
I saw this on an ap story.
"I made sure both in 2000 and 2004 that the president had other options. I mean, I didn't ask for this job. I didn't campaign for it. I got drafted," Cheney said on CBS television's "Face The Nation."
Cheney uses poor use of words. Yes Mr. Vice President you may not have asked for the job but you could have said no when you were asked. The fact is you did not get drafted you did have a chose.
"I made sure both in 2000 and 2004 that the president had other options. I mean, I didn't ask for this job. I didn't campaign for it. I got drafted," Cheney said on CBS television's "Face The Nation."
Cheney uses poor use of words. Yes Mr. Vice President you may not have asked for the job but you could have said no when you were asked. The fact is you did not get drafted you did have a chose.
Pat Anderson in Duluth Tuesday.
State Auditor Pat Anderson will be in town Tuesday. She will speak at Blackwoods on London Road. I believe it startes at 5:30 tonight. She will talk about the health care issue that Duluth is dealing with, among other issues.
The event at blackwoods is sponcerd by Connect Duluth. I believe it is a fund raiser for the group I am not sure what they are asking for a donation.
My understanding is that there will be some food and a cash bar as well. I will pass on any further information I get.
The event at blackwoods is sponcerd by Connect Duluth. I believe it is a fund raiser for the group I am not sure what they are asking for a donation.
My understanding is that there will be some food and a cash bar as well. I will pass on any further information I get.
Lourey has no clue what to run on.
Here is another great editroal from today's paper.
Lourey's vote reveals shaky campaign platform
Becky Lourey's Senate vote equaled no vote ("Sen. Lourey casts lone vote against funeral protest ban," March 17).
We can all sympathize and grieve for family and friends lost in Iraq. But the senator and gubernatorial candidate needs to build a political platform on something other than the death of her son.
Thank God for the other 58 votes.
This writter is correct. Does Lourey even have a plat form to run for governor. Ever interview I hear with her, all she does is talk about the war.
Senate Lourey you need to relize that you are running for a state office not only a state office but the highest office the State has. You need to tell Minnesotains what you are going to do for them and how you will do it. Not that the war is wrong and you can't stand President Bush.
This is not about the war nor is it about President Bush. This is about Minnesota.
Check out our sports page at, also read KB's corner a few spots below this post.
More at the Duluth Trib web page,
Lourey's vote reveals shaky campaign platform
Becky Lourey's Senate vote equaled no vote ("Sen. Lourey casts lone vote against funeral protest ban," March 17).
We can all sympathize and grieve for family and friends lost in Iraq. But the senator and gubernatorial candidate needs to build a political platform on something other than the death of her son.
Thank God for the other 58 votes.
This writter is correct. Does Lourey even have a plat form to run for governor. Ever interview I hear with her, all she does is talk about the war.
Senate Lourey you need to relize that you are running for a state office not only a state office but the highest office the State has. You need to tell Minnesotains what you are going to do for them and how you will do it. Not that the war is wrong and you can't stand President Bush.
This is not about the war nor is it about President Bush. This is about Minnesota.
Check out our sports page at, also read KB's corner a few spots below this post.
More at the Duluth Trib web page,
Sled Dogs racing.
This was in the Duluth news trib today as an opion.
Give me a break, these dogs are treated better then most humans are. Yes a dog gets hurt here and there but that happens in all sports.
The mushers owners of these dogs care so much about there dogs, the on site doctors at the stops are the best in the world.
Iditarod sled dogs lead cruel lives
I have information to add to the March 15 commentary about the cruelties associated with the Iditarod sled dog race ("The Iditarod hurts dogs, so why use it to teach?").
Last year, I took a cruise to Alaska. On one of the side trips I was horrified to see hundreds of dogs tied to barrels with 6-foot chains. Our tour group was nonchalantly told the dogs were "in training" for the Iditarod. It was presented as something of which tourists would approve. Everyone around me was aghast and shocked. Who knew?
Promotions for the race make it seem like the dogs are living the life of Riley. But I believe they are treated like nothing more than equipment. I believe they're warehoused like garbage, never knowing a kind word or a gentle hand.
I appreciated the informative column, especially because not everyone will see what I saw with my own eyes.
Give me a break, these dogs are treated better then most humans are. Yes a dog gets hurt here and there but that happens in all sports.
The mushers owners of these dogs care so much about there dogs, the on site doctors at the stops are the best in the world.
Iditarod sled dogs lead cruel lives
I have information to add to the March 15 commentary about the cruelties associated with the Iditarod sled dog race ("The Iditarod hurts dogs, so why use it to teach?").
Last year, I took a cruise to Alaska. On one of the side trips I was horrified to see hundreds of dogs tied to barrels with 6-foot chains. Our tour group was nonchalantly told the dogs were "in training" for the Iditarod. It was presented as something of which tourists would approve. Everyone around me was aghast and shocked. Who knew?
Promotions for the race make it seem like the dogs are living the life of Riley. But I believe they are treated like nothing more than equipment. I believe they're warehoused like garbage, never knowing a kind word or a gentle hand.
I appreciated the informative column, especially because not everyone will see what I saw with my own eyes.
Country fest line up.
Are you ready for some great country music? Duluth country fest has a good line up.
Duluth contry fest annouced and it is a great line up.
Duluth contry fest is part of the fourth fest celebration at bay front park.
Duluth fourth fest is set for Saturday and Sunday July 1st and 2nd. Saturday acts include She-Daisy, blue county Brian McComas Wayne Renn. With headline act The Charlie Daniels Band.
Sunday is a jam packed day of good artistes Josh Gracin, Warren Brothers, John Corbett, Shannon Brown. Local group Midnight Ride. The headliner that night is Terri Clark.
Tickets are $53.00 for a weekend pass and $38.00 for a day pass.
Remember to check out our sports page. All the sports you want, here is the link:
Duluth contry fest annouced and it is a great line up.
Duluth contry fest is part of the fourth fest celebration at bay front park.
Duluth fourth fest is set for Saturday and Sunday July 1st and 2nd. Saturday acts include She-Daisy, blue county Brian McComas Wayne Renn. With headline act The Charlie Daniels Band.
Sunday is a jam packed day of good artistes Josh Gracin, Warren Brothers, John Corbett, Shannon Brown. Local group Midnight Ride. The headliner that night is Terri Clark.
Tickets are $53.00 for a weekend pass and $38.00 for a day pass.
Remember to check out our sports page. All the sports you want, here is the link:
Sunday, March 19, 2006
DNT's agree with Lourey. They are trieing to keep her bid for Goveernor a float.
Well it seems as if the Duluth News Tribune is one of the few that agree with Lourey on ban against funeral protest.
Lourey's vote against ban on pickets is a vote for freedom
Mother carries on her son's battle with lone opposition to protest ban
While few lawmakers seem to get it, there is one mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who understands that no matter how repulsive and vile pickets are at the funerals of servicemen, the protesters' First Amendment rights must be assured.
She along with the paper need to relize this was not a ban on protest per say. What the bill does is say you need to be so far away. This is a good and if no one see's you protesting even better.
You may ask what would be the point of protesting then. This is something you would have to ask these sick groups that feel the need to protest at funerals.
It's not just any mother. State Sen. Becky Lourey, a Democrat from Kerrick who's running for governor this year, cast the lone vote in opposition to a Minnesota Senate bill to ban protests and picketing at funerals and memorial services. Her son, 40-year-old Army Chief Warrant Officer Matthew Lourey, was killed in May when his helicopter was shot down in Iraq.
"He always said that freedom of speech, our Bill of Rights, our way of life -- that's what he wanted to protect," Lourey told the St. Paul Pioneer Press after last week's 58-1 vote.
Her words echoed those repeated in this space ever since Minnesota, Wisconsin and at least 12 other states began to adopt or consider laws outlawing funeral protests earlier this year. The measures are in response to the Rev. Fred Phelps and followers of his Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. The church, which has no affiliation to any larger denomination, protests military funerals because, Phelps and his followers say, God is killing American troops as punishment for the nation's acceptance of homosexuality.
This is not a matter for free speech, they still have every right to there free speech and there also have there right to protest. They are just being asked ( or told by law) that they be respectful and stay a way from the grieving family member and friends.
The pickets have taken place in Anoka, Minn., Hudson, Wis., Princeton, Minn., and elsewhere. A threatened protest this month at the Superior High School funeral of a U.S. Marine never materialized. Phelps' followers said they stayed away because authorities threatened arrest. In fact, everyone from the Wisconsin attorney general on down indeed did make that promise, which would have enforced existing disorderly conduct laws a day before Wisconsin's protest ban was scheduled to take effect.
Sen. Paul Koering, a Republican from Fort Ripley, is correct that Minnesota must send "a message to these people that their actions are not welcome at funerals." However, infringing on the First Amendment right of free speech is not the way to send that message. Court injunctions and laws already in place, including disorderly conduct laws, are proven effective in keeping the despicable protests at bay. It certainly worked in Superior.
Lourey said she knew her vote could "cause pain to other mothers." Politically speaking, it could cost her the DFL nomination, or if she does prevail in that arena, votes in the general election in November. We'll refrain from playing political handicappers any more than we will offer any gubernatorial endorsement at this early date. But for voting her conscience and, more importantly, making an effort to protect the rights of us all, she deserves commendation.
Lourey's vote against ban on pickets is a vote for freedom
Mother carries on her son's battle with lone opposition to protest ban
While few lawmakers seem to get it, there is one mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who understands that no matter how repulsive and vile pickets are at the funerals of servicemen, the protesters' First Amendment rights must be assured.
She along with the paper need to relize this was not a ban on protest per say. What the bill does is say you need to be so far away. This is a good and if no one see's you protesting even better.
You may ask what would be the point of protesting then. This is something you would have to ask these sick groups that feel the need to protest at funerals.
It's not just any mother. State Sen. Becky Lourey, a Democrat from Kerrick who's running for governor this year, cast the lone vote in opposition to a Minnesota Senate bill to ban protests and picketing at funerals and memorial services. Her son, 40-year-old Army Chief Warrant Officer Matthew Lourey, was killed in May when his helicopter was shot down in Iraq.
"He always said that freedom of speech, our Bill of Rights, our way of life -- that's what he wanted to protect," Lourey told the St. Paul Pioneer Press after last week's 58-1 vote.
Her words echoed those repeated in this space ever since Minnesota, Wisconsin and at least 12 other states began to adopt or consider laws outlawing funeral protests earlier this year. The measures are in response to the Rev. Fred Phelps and followers of his Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. The church, which has no affiliation to any larger denomination, protests military funerals because, Phelps and his followers say, God is killing American troops as punishment for the nation's acceptance of homosexuality.
This is not a matter for free speech, they still have every right to there free speech and there also have there right to protest. They are just being asked ( or told by law) that they be respectful and stay a way from the grieving family member and friends.
The pickets have taken place in Anoka, Minn., Hudson, Wis., Princeton, Minn., and elsewhere. A threatened protest this month at the Superior High School funeral of a U.S. Marine never materialized. Phelps' followers said they stayed away because authorities threatened arrest. In fact, everyone from the Wisconsin attorney general on down indeed did make that promise, which would have enforced existing disorderly conduct laws a day before Wisconsin's protest ban was scheduled to take effect.
Sen. Paul Koering, a Republican from Fort Ripley, is correct that Minnesota must send "a message to these people that their actions are not welcome at funerals." However, infringing on the First Amendment right of free speech is not the way to send that message. Court injunctions and laws already in place, including disorderly conduct laws, are proven effective in keeping the despicable protests at bay. It certainly worked in Superior.
Lourey said she knew her vote could "cause pain to other mothers." Politically speaking, it could cost her the DFL nomination, or if she does prevail in that arena, votes in the general election in November. We'll refrain from playing political handicappers any more than we will offer any gubernatorial endorsement at this early date. But for voting her conscience and, more importantly, making an effort to protect the rights of us all, she deserves commendation.
Group calls on Johnson to resign.
One group is calling for Senator Dean Johnson to resign.
This is after his comments and maybe some conversations with high ranking cour officials. I am not sure that what he did warrants him resigning.
Here is the link if you would like to see what the group is saying.
This is after his comments and maybe some conversations with high ranking cour officials. I am not sure that what he did warrants him resigning.
Here is the link if you would like to see what the group is saying.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
DNT can't count.
Duluth news tribune lies about the crowd for a rally calling for the end of the Iraq war.
Around 250 people marched in Duluth this afternoon calling for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. This is the opening of the news story,
The Duluth Police report that there was only about 100 people there. All other news media from what I heard also reported about 100 people at the rally. All you had to do it is see the news to know there were no more then 100 people there.
The DNT lies again but what would you expect.
Check out our sports page at Also check out KB's corner located a few post below this one.
Around 250 people marched in Duluth this afternoon calling for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. This is the opening of the news story,
The Duluth Police report that there was only about 100 people there. All other news media from what I heard also reported about 100 people at the rally. All you had to do it is see the news to know there were no more then 100 people there.
The DNT lies again but what would you expect.
Check out our sports page at Also check out KB's corner located a few post below this one.
Friday, March 17, 2006
EBT talk 2
Earlier this week, well I was at work. A guy came in and brought some things, and used his EBT card. We struck up a conversation.
Jack ( will be his name for this purpose), said I just need a little help for now. I said yeah I understand that. Jack says to me well you know there just is no jobs out there. I said well you know we are hiring, and we get a lot of people asking for applications. The very next question he asked me was how much does it pay. I told him and he said well I guess I will keep looking.
My thought was again well you are not above working here. I don't understand why people think this way. I know some people may want so much an hour but if you can't find anything in that will pay that take anything. At least you will have some money coming in. You can always continue to look for a better job.
Jack then says he has been looking for a job for month now and can't find anything. I asked what he was looking for and he said he did not know, he would do anything. He kept saying you know it if tuff to find a job there just is nothing. My reply was well you can always find something. It may not be what you want but will would be something for a while anyway.
He then said yeah but I don't want to be a burger flipper, or any type of a telamarking job. I just said well good luck to you.
Jack seemed like a very nice person, but he did not seem like he wanted to try to even look at jobs that pay less then he desired. If you don't have a job you should be happy with almost anything. Jack seems to be on of those that could be on EBT for years because it grows on him.
The conversation did make me understand that some people need help for a while. Now I knew that but as I listened to him talk about how he lost his job, I thought wow he does need help. However the fact is he could take a job at burger king or anywhere but he will not.
I don't understand this thinking.
Read our sports page at, also don't forget about KB's cornor located a few post below this one. KB Duluthian brings a diffrent prespective to our blog.
Jack ( will be his name for this purpose), said I just need a little help for now. I said yeah I understand that. Jack says to me well you know there just is no jobs out there. I said well you know we are hiring, and we get a lot of people asking for applications. The very next question he asked me was how much does it pay. I told him and he said well I guess I will keep looking.
My thought was again well you are not above working here. I don't understand why people think this way. I know some people may want so much an hour but if you can't find anything in that will pay that take anything. At least you will have some money coming in. You can always continue to look for a better job.
Jack then says he has been looking for a job for month now and can't find anything. I asked what he was looking for and he said he did not know, he would do anything. He kept saying you know it if tuff to find a job there just is nothing. My reply was well you can always find something. It may not be what you want but will would be something for a while anyway.
He then said yeah but I don't want to be a burger flipper, or any type of a telamarking job. I just said well good luck to you.
Jack seemed like a very nice person, but he did not seem like he wanted to try to even look at jobs that pay less then he desired. If you don't have a job you should be happy with almost anything. Jack seems to be on of those that could be on EBT for years because it grows on him.
The conversation did make me understand that some people need help for a while. Now I knew that but as I listened to him talk about how he lost his job, I thought wow he does need help. However the fact is he could take a job at burger king or anywhere but he will not.
I don't understand this thinking.
Read our sports page at, also don't forget about KB's cornor located a few post below this one. KB Duluthian brings a diffrent prespective to our blog.
Thank you readers!!!!!!
Thank you readers. We have received emails today saying you listened to the St. Judes radio thon. Not only did you listen but you became a partner in hope.
I hope you all realize that what you have done is help the research at the hospital and all over the world including right here. Both St. Mary's and St. Lukes use there research.
Others have said they have made one time donations to it as well. Please keep giving if you can anything helps.
The radio thon goes tell 7p.m. tonight. Again listen on B 105 105.1 or online at
I hope you all realize that what you have done is help the research at the hospital and all over the world including right here. Both St. Mary's and St. Lukes use there research.
Others have said they have made one time donations to it as well. Please keep giving if you can anything helps.
The radio thon goes tell 7p.m. tonight. Again listen on B 105 105.1 or online at
Lourey lone vote against funeral protest.
Here is a surprise, okay maybe not. You would think that Senator Lourey would realize more then anyone the importance of protecting the family's that are suffering from a death of a son or a daughter in the war.
Yet she chose to vote no to protect these family's from protest. Keep in mind the bill does not say they can't protest because they can. The bill says they would have to be so many feet away from the funeral.
State Sen. Becky Lourey, whose son was killed in the war in Iraq, cast the only vote Thursday against a Minnesota Senate bill to ban protests and picketing at funerals and memorial services.
Lourey, a Democrat from Kerrick who is running for governor, did not speak out during the Senate debate on the protest ban, which stemmed from a series of demonstrations at military funerals across the country.
Yet she knew the whole time she would vote against a bill most everyone supports. This bill is nice because family's may never have to see the protesters. This is a good thing for those that are hurting because of the lose of a loved one.
But in a later interview Lourey said she believed her son fought and died for American freedoms that include free speech for protesters, even when the protesters' speech is considered hateful and ugly to most people exposed to it.
Wait just a minute here, you and your sons have said this war is not about protecting anything. You all believe this war is about one thing, and that is unjustified.
Yet now you get a chance to say my son fought to protect free speech, please give it Becky.
Don't forget to check out our sports page
Also KB's cornor is a great read on this blog. Kb's cornor is located just a couple post below this one.
Yet one final reminder, if you can please help St. Judd's children's hospital today. The radio thon is on and today is the last day. To listen to the radio tune to B 105 105.1 on the fm dial or
Yet she chose to vote no to protect these family's from protest. Keep in mind the bill does not say they can't protest because they can. The bill says they would have to be so many feet away from the funeral.
State Sen. Becky Lourey, whose son was killed in the war in Iraq, cast the only vote Thursday against a Minnesota Senate bill to ban protests and picketing at funerals and memorial services.
Lourey, a Democrat from Kerrick who is running for governor, did not speak out during the Senate debate on the protest ban, which stemmed from a series of demonstrations at military funerals across the country.
Yet she knew the whole time she would vote against a bill most everyone supports. This bill is nice because family's may never have to see the protesters. This is a good thing for those that are hurting because of the lose of a loved one.
But in a later interview Lourey said she believed her son fought and died for American freedoms that include free speech for protesters, even when the protesters' speech is considered hateful and ugly to most people exposed to it.
Wait just a minute here, you and your sons have said this war is not about protecting anything. You all believe this war is about one thing, and that is unjustified.
Yet now you get a chance to say my son fought to protect free speech, please give it Becky.
Don't forget to check out our sports page
Also KB's cornor is a great read on this blog. Kb's cornor is located just a couple post below this one.
Yet one final reminder, if you can please help St. Judd's children's hospital today. The radio thon is on and today is the last day. To listen to the radio tune to B 105 105.1 on the fm dial or
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Help St. Judd's Children's Hospital.
B 105 is have a country cares for kids radio thon. It started today and goes tell 7p.m. and will pick up again tomorrow at 6 a.m. , If you have not hurt about St. Judds tune into the station and listen to what they do. B 105 is 105.1 on the fm dial or on the web at
They are asking for partners in hope and what that is donating $25.00 a month, if you think you can't afford that. Here is what it is a cup coffee a day, the daily newspaper. Maybe you eat out one less time. You also get some great benifits with that plan.
If you can't do that you can make a one time donation of what ever you can. Remeber anything helps these kids.
If you only give to one charity please give to St. Judd's.
They are asking for partners in hope and what that is donating $25.00 a month, if you think you can't afford that. Here is what it is a cup coffee a day, the daily newspaper. Maybe you eat out one less time. You also get some great benifits with that plan.
If you can't do that you can make a one time donation of what ever you can. Remeber anything helps these kids.
If you only give to one charity please give to St. Judd's.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
KB's Cornor.
As we said Duluth Politics is going to have some changes. Here is another thing we are adding. KB's cornor. Kb you can change the name if you want to just let us know.
We are very excited that Kb Duluthians has agreed to write for us. We felt it would be nice to have an oppsing view on an number of issues. We have given Kb duluthian the knot to write what ever comes to mind.
Here is Kb's first entry, it is a reply to one of the post made about EBT.
Ok, Here goes,
My opinion of your comment on EBT card use and misuse. My first question is, How do you know that people don't need it? Isn't it possible that they are temporarily using the system due to temporary circumstances? Perhaps one family member is between jobs, or laid off for the season, (myhusband gets laid off every winter, we squeak by but not allfamilies can.) Perhaps there is a family health crisis. Formany reasons a family might find themselves unable to make it through the month.
When I was a kid my family had to go on welfare two years ina row. My father had polio when he was a child and lost all use of his left arm. Regardless of that he beaome the bestdamn one armed mechanic around. Unfortunately he broke his leg and was laid up one winter. The next year his union went on strike and we just could not make it with 4 kids to feed.The amount of shame that my parents felt was incredible. Remember this is a man who could've easily lived on disability. It permeated our entire family. It caused greatstress, because my parents felt such shame to have to take what they saw as a handout. Add to that the fact that we were the only Indian family in the area. Like it or not, people expected us to fail, and picked on us relentlessly because we were the "welfare indians." It pains me to even write this now. We were what you think you see in the line.The "family of color" using food stamps, the dead beats, the losers, whatever people want to assume. Well, I'm here to tell you, in many cases it's an unfair judgement. As for what these people buy with their EBT funds, do you scrutinize everyone's groceries in such a critical way? You might want to think about that. Next time someone comes through the line, assume they are on EBT, are they buying the same stuff? Does the junk food jump out at you like it does the EBT user? Why are EBT users not entitled to give their kids the same stuff other kids get.
Have you ever packed a lunch and two snacks for a kid in today's schools? I do, every day, and my daughter is very very aware of who has what, and who doesn't. That doesn't mean she gets all the junk, it just means that sometimes she does get that little package of cookies in her lunch, or maybe somecheeto's. What I'm saying is that we need to put away ourjudgemental stereotypes, not assume that we know these folks don't need it. Take note of the mom that comes through the line with good nutritional foods for her family, and if she pulls out the EBT card, feel good knowing that many if not most, are using it for what it's intended. We need to feed those kids, and we don't need to make families feel so much shame for needing help once and awhile.
Don't lump everyone into the same basket. Examine your predjudice and open your eyes to other perceptions. Thank you for the forum! KB Duluthian
There are statistics on who gets EBT and even how many mightbe "abusing" it. From my understanding abuse is not as highas it might seem to you.
We are very excited that Kb Duluthians has agreed to write for us. We felt it would be nice to have an oppsing view on an number of issues. We have given Kb duluthian the knot to write what ever comes to mind.
Here is Kb's first entry, it is a reply to one of the post made about EBT.
Ok, Here goes,
My opinion of your comment on EBT card use and misuse. My first question is, How do you know that people don't need it? Isn't it possible that they are temporarily using the system due to temporary circumstances? Perhaps one family member is between jobs, or laid off for the season, (myhusband gets laid off every winter, we squeak by but not allfamilies can.) Perhaps there is a family health crisis. Formany reasons a family might find themselves unable to make it through the month.
When I was a kid my family had to go on welfare two years ina row. My father had polio when he was a child and lost all use of his left arm. Regardless of that he beaome the bestdamn one armed mechanic around. Unfortunately he broke his leg and was laid up one winter. The next year his union went on strike and we just could not make it with 4 kids to feed.The amount of shame that my parents felt was incredible. Remember this is a man who could've easily lived on disability. It permeated our entire family. It caused greatstress, because my parents felt such shame to have to take what they saw as a handout. Add to that the fact that we were the only Indian family in the area. Like it or not, people expected us to fail, and picked on us relentlessly because we were the "welfare indians." It pains me to even write this now. We were what you think you see in the line.The "family of color" using food stamps, the dead beats, the losers, whatever people want to assume. Well, I'm here to tell you, in many cases it's an unfair judgement. As for what these people buy with their EBT funds, do you scrutinize everyone's groceries in such a critical way? You might want to think about that. Next time someone comes through the line, assume they are on EBT, are they buying the same stuff? Does the junk food jump out at you like it does the EBT user? Why are EBT users not entitled to give their kids the same stuff other kids get.
Have you ever packed a lunch and two snacks for a kid in today's schools? I do, every day, and my daughter is very very aware of who has what, and who doesn't. That doesn't mean she gets all the junk, it just means that sometimes she does get that little package of cookies in her lunch, or maybe somecheeto's. What I'm saying is that we need to put away ourjudgemental stereotypes, not assume that we know these folks don't need it. Take note of the mom that comes through the line with good nutritional foods for her family, and if she pulls out the EBT card, feel good knowing that many if not most, are using it for what it's intended. We need to feed those kids, and we don't need to make families feel so much shame for needing help once and awhile.
Don't lump everyone into the same basket. Examine your predjudice and open your eyes to other perceptions. Thank you for the forum! KB Duluthian
There are statistics on who gets EBT and even how many mightbe "abusing" it. From my understanding abuse is not as highas it might seem to you.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Russ Fiengold
Senator Fiengold has put forth a resolution to censor the president. If you care to read more about it go to
Fiengold is pandering to the extreme left, to set him self up to run for president. Something Hillary Clinton would not do. This pissing off many in the Democratic party.
I hope Russ does run then he will be exposed for the true nut case he is.
p.s. don't for get to check out our sports page at
Fiengold is pandering to the extreme left, to set him self up to run for president. Something Hillary Clinton would not do. This pissing off many in the Democratic party.
I hope Russ does run then he will be exposed for the true nut case he is.
p.s. don't for get to check out our sports page at
What's on our new sports page.
Over at our sports page. You can read about U.M.D.'s upset win over Denver and were they go next. Also we ask what you thougth of the hockey tournament and if you like the use of instant replay or not.
To comment or just to read all about sports go to, There will be much more to come as well.
To comment or just to read all about sports go to, There will be much more to come as well.
A new family member.
Duluth Politics adds on to the family. We have added a blog to the Duluth Politics blog and hope to add more.
We have added a page that will be all about sports. Yes we have our own sports page. We will discuss a wide verity of sports issues there. Here is the link http://
We have added a page that will be all about sports. Yes we have our own sports page. We will discuss a wide verity of sports issues there. Here is the link http://
Monday, March 13, 2006
City Councilor meeting tonight.
City council meeting tonight. There does not seem to be much on the agenda.
However councilor Gilbert is again going to complain about the beacon condo's. This councilor has always been against development unless you are a non-profit.
City councilor Stewarts ordince is still on the agenda. The ordince deals with limiting money they city would provide for development. The ordince is a real good one at this time. I hope it does not change to much.
This came from an email. We recieved from Connect Duluth. It is another point on councilor Gilbert's resoultion on the Beacon Point.
Resolution 06-0182R is the Gilbert resolution requesting whether or not the Beacon Point condominium development has violated a water resource management ordinance in terms of setbacks from high water marks. The maximum height restriction didn’t seem to have legs so Gilbert might as well go after this one. This is also the same resolution that popped up on the agenda two weeks ago without notification to the developer or their attorney.
Thank goodness it was tabled and the affected parties will realize their due process rights. Watch the grandstanding tonight by councilor Gilbert and count how many times he says, “This is a travesty,” or “This is horrible”, or “We should ‘red tag’ the development”, or “How could this have happened?” These phrases are oftentimes accentuated by exaggerated voice inflection and breathy overtones.
Our message to councilor Gilbert . . . quit grandstanding and patronizing. We are adults so tell us your points like we are adults. If you’re running for mayor, like a lot are suspecting, you’ve already tried twice.
You can find more info here:, You may also sign up for there email updates if you wish too.
However councilor Gilbert is again going to complain about the beacon condo's. This councilor has always been against development unless you are a non-profit.
City councilor Stewarts ordince is still on the agenda. The ordince deals with limiting money they city would provide for development. The ordince is a real good one at this time. I hope it does not change to much.
This came from an email. We recieved from Connect Duluth. It is another point on councilor Gilbert's resoultion on the Beacon Point.
Resolution 06-0182R is the Gilbert resolution requesting whether or not the Beacon Point condominium development has violated a water resource management ordinance in terms of setbacks from high water marks. The maximum height restriction didn’t seem to have legs so Gilbert might as well go after this one. This is also the same resolution that popped up on the agenda two weeks ago without notification to the developer or their attorney.
Thank goodness it was tabled and the affected parties will realize their due process rights. Watch the grandstanding tonight by councilor Gilbert and count how many times he says, “This is a travesty,” or “This is horrible”, or “We should ‘red tag’ the development”, or “How could this have happened?” These phrases are oftentimes accentuated by exaggerated voice inflection and breathy overtones.
Our message to councilor Gilbert . . . quit grandstanding and patronizing. We are adults so tell us your points like we are adults. If you’re running for mayor, like a lot are suspecting, you’ve already tried twice.
You can find more info here:, You may also sign up for there email updates if you wish too.
random thoughts!
Not much in the news today at least locally. This is a great time for me to post a few things that I have had on my mind for some time.
One is the food stamp program (EBT). It seems to me that many people abuse this program. I work at a place that accepts EBT cards. In the years that I worked at this place I have seen many people come in that I know in way or another that have EBT and I wonder how they got it. These are not people that need it, they have plenty of money.
I have also seen people buy crap that in my option should not be allowed to be bought with the EBT. There is no nutritional value to it. Chip, pop, candy, it goes on and on.
Then there are others that you know don’t belong on it yet they are finding a way to manipulate the system. These are people driving brand new expansive cars and trucks and have great homes. Yet for some reason they need EBT. Give me a break. Everyone needs to live with in there means. I don’t care if you have tons of money or little money.
How do these people get away with this? Does the state really do that poor of a job of checking these people records. Does the state need to make changes to how you get the card?
The whole purpose the card is so that people will have groceries so they can eat at there home not just to buy thousands of dollars of junk food.
This also brings to mind Minnesota’s well fare program it is in the same shape as EBT, the two work hand and hand for the most part. Both need to be reformed. One more point on EBT. I wish the State would be very clear on what you can and can’t buy. I hope a reform is near but I don’t think it is.
One is the food stamp program (EBT). It seems to me that many people abuse this program. I work at a place that accepts EBT cards. In the years that I worked at this place I have seen many people come in that I know in way or another that have EBT and I wonder how they got it. These are not people that need it, they have plenty of money.
I have also seen people buy crap that in my option should not be allowed to be bought with the EBT. There is no nutritional value to it. Chip, pop, candy, it goes on and on.
Then there are others that you know don’t belong on it yet they are finding a way to manipulate the system. These are people driving brand new expansive cars and trucks and have great homes. Yet for some reason they need EBT. Give me a break. Everyone needs to live with in there means. I don’t care if you have tons of money or little money.
How do these people get away with this? Does the state really do that poor of a job of checking these people records. Does the state need to make changes to how you get the card?
The whole purpose the card is so that people will have groceries so they can eat at there home not just to buy thousands of dollars of junk food.
This also brings to mind Minnesota’s well fare program it is in the same shape as EBT, the two work hand and hand for the most part. Both need to be reformed. One more point on EBT. I wish the State would be very clear on what you can and can’t buy. I hope a reform is near but I don’t think it is.
We recieved this in an emial. What are your thoughts? I think it is interesting.
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. Selective Service Number 326 46 228. Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964. Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968. Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969. Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army> Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of Col. E. Holmes.>> Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment. Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of> Arkansas ROTC, September 1969. Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) registrant who has failed to> report...remain liable for induction.' Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE! Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under public Law 90-40. Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice. Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977 from President Carter. Bill Clinton FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States. All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton. After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington, DC that are now dead would be alive today. AN INTERESTING QUESTION:This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question.>> There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap> software and gives billions of dollars to charity.
The other sponsors terrorism. That being the case, why was it that the Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over the> eight years in office, than Osama bin Laden? THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forth> coming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir. All of this from two people who spent 8 year s being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath. Sincerely,
Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. Selective Service Number 326 46 228. Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964. Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968. Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969. Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army> Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of Col. E. Holmes.>> Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment. Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of> Arkansas ROTC, September 1969. Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) registrant who has failed to> report...remain liable for induction.' Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE! Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under public Law 90-40. Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice. Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977 from President Carter. Bill Clinton FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States. All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton. After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington, DC that are now dead would be alive today. AN INTERESTING QUESTION:This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question.>> There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap> software and gives billions of dollars to charity.
The other sponsors terrorism. That being the case, why was it that the Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over the> eight years in office, than Osama bin Laden? THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forth> coming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir. All of this from two people who spent 8 year s being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath. Sincerely,
Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Final thoughts on hockey tournament.
Well it is all over the boys high school hockey tournament came to an end Saturday. The crowds were huge once again. Most nights they were sold out, or very close to that.
The area teams did well. One team got much farther than anyone expected, well one came short of there goal. A third team takes third place.
Grand Rapids was not suppose to win there first round game at the excel center. They did, not only did they win that they also won there semi final game. They then went to the championship game. They did not play a very good game but they also were not suppose to be there. They took second place at the tournament.
Duluth Marshall was picked by many to win the whole tournament. They went on to easy wins in there games uptill the there final game. They lead 3-1 after two periods and it looked like they would win as they were dominating play.
The third period started and Marshalls plan was very clear. They for some reason got away from there game plan and just started to dump the puck every chance they got. The St. Thomas team came out and played hard and dominated the last period of play.
They scored three goals and won the game 4-3.
Hermantown played very well at the tournament as well. They played hard and took third place in the tournament.
Way to go all area teams you did your community's proud.
Other hockey notes:
Uws lost Saturday 8-2 and are out of the playoffs
UMD is going to up set Denver in a 3 games series. They won Friday and Sunday losing on Saturday. UMD will play in the final 5 in Minneapolis next weekend.
The area teams did well. One team got much farther than anyone expected, well one came short of there goal. A third team takes third place.
Grand Rapids was not suppose to win there first round game at the excel center. They did, not only did they win that they also won there semi final game. They then went to the championship game. They did not play a very good game but they also were not suppose to be there. They took second place at the tournament.
Duluth Marshall was picked by many to win the whole tournament. They went on to easy wins in there games uptill the there final game. They lead 3-1 after two periods and it looked like they would win as they were dominating play.
The third period started and Marshalls plan was very clear. They for some reason got away from there game plan and just started to dump the puck every chance they got. The St. Thomas team came out and played hard and dominated the last period of play.
They scored three goals and won the game 4-3.
Hermantown played very well at the tournament as well. They played hard and took third place in the tournament.
Way to go all area teams you did your community's proud.
Other hockey notes:
Uws lost Saturday 8-2 and are out of the playoffs
UMD is going to up set Denver in a 3 games series. They won Friday and Sunday losing on Saturday. UMD will play in the final 5 in Minneapolis next weekend.
Friday, March 10, 2006
High School Hockey update.
The Boys hockey tournament contunied yesterday.
The afternoon games were not very intertaning. The first game was Blain agianst Lakville North. Blaine dominated two of the three periods. The second period was a great back and forth period but the only one that North could put together. Blaine won with with ease 7-2 The second game of the afternoon put Cretin Derham Hall against Eagan. It was Eagan's first ever apreance at state. This game again was dominated by Cretin as they cruised to a win 5-2.
The nights games were better games. The first game put Hill Murray again Minnetonka. This game was much closer then I thought it was going to be. The power house of Hill Murray did come away with a win however 5-4.
The second game pited Grand Rapids agains Roseau. This game was back and forth tell late in the final session, when Grand rapids took control of the game. I was surprized that Rapids won but very pleased. The final score was 7-4.
My predictions from yesterday I was 3 wins 1 lose.
Todays section A games should be good ones.
The first game at 11 am. pit Duluth Marshall against Little Falls. Marshall is by far the better all around team. Little Falls can hold there own however. Little Falls has done this in many games this year. If this game is close in the third watch out for Little Falls. I have to give the edge to Marshall in a one or two goal game.
The second game is St Thomas Academy against Hermtown. If St. Thomas has anything left after there first game this could be a great game. If they don't Hermtown's high fliing offense will dominate and take control of the game.
My best guess is Hermtown will win big because I don't believe St. Thomas will have anything left after there very tough first game.
If I am right that would mean all North final in section A.
The night games will be the section AA games.
The first game will be Blaine my pick to win it all, against Cretin Derham Hall. Both teams cruised to a win in there first game.
This game I don't think will be all that close, I would have to say 5-2 or 6-2 blaine they just have to much fire power.
The second game Hill Murray against Grand Rapids. Here again I can't give rapids much love. I did not expect them to win there first game I don't again tonigh. Again I hope I am wrong but it will be very tuff to win tonights game against power house Hill Murray.
Look for the game to be the best of the day in a final score on 5-4 or something like that.
If I am currect in my guesses the Section champioship would be Blaine against Hill Murry. This would be a great game I believe.
It would have potental to be one of the great games ever in the torunament.
The afternoon games were not very intertaning. The first game was Blain agianst Lakville North. Blaine dominated two of the three periods. The second period was a great back and forth period but the only one that North could put together. Blaine won with with ease 7-2 The second game of the afternoon put Cretin Derham Hall against Eagan. It was Eagan's first ever apreance at state. This game again was dominated by Cretin as they cruised to a win 5-2.
The nights games were better games. The first game put Hill Murray again Minnetonka. This game was much closer then I thought it was going to be. The power house of Hill Murray did come away with a win however 5-4.
The second game pited Grand Rapids agains Roseau. This game was back and forth tell late in the final session, when Grand rapids took control of the game. I was surprized that Rapids won but very pleased. The final score was 7-4.
My predictions from yesterday I was 3 wins 1 lose.
Todays section A games should be good ones.
The first game at 11 am. pit Duluth Marshall against Little Falls. Marshall is by far the better all around team. Little Falls can hold there own however. Little Falls has done this in many games this year. If this game is close in the third watch out for Little Falls. I have to give the edge to Marshall in a one or two goal game.
The second game is St Thomas Academy against Hermtown. If St. Thomas has anything left after there first game this could be a great game. If they don't Hermtown's high fliing offense will dominate and take control of the game.
My best guess is Hermtown will win big because I don't believe St. Thomas will have anything left after there very tough first game.
If I am right that would mean all North final in section A.
The night games will be the section AA games.
The first game will be Blaine my pick to win it all, against Cretin Derham Hall. Both teams cruised to a win in there first game.
This game I don't think will be all that close, I would have to say 5-2 or 6-2 blaine they just have to much fire power.
The second game Hill Murray against Grand Rapids. Here again I can't give rapids much love. I did not expect them to win there first game I don't again tonigh. Again I hope I am wrong but it will be very tuff to win tonights game against power house Hill Murray.
Look for the game to be the best of the day in a final score on 5-4 or something like that.
If I am currect in my guesses the Section champioship would be Blaine against Hill Murry. This would be a great game I believe.
It would have potental to be one of the great games ever in the torunament.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Posting comments.
I just want to let everyone know that all comments to this blog will have to be aproved before they are posted to the blog.
This is being to make sure that there is some civility on this blog. I am sick of some people just beating up on others. They don't reply to the points the person makes but instead they make personal attackes.
If you are going to make a personal attack don't try to post it will not be excepted.
This is being to make sure that there is some civility on this blog. I am sick of some people just beating up on others. They don't reply to the points the person makes but instead they make personal attackes.
If you are going to make a personal attack don't try to post it will not be excepted.
Recieved this reminder in an email.
Hey guess what time it?
Thats right it's girl scout cookie time. The girl scouts are haveing there biggest fund raiser. If you don't know a scout selling these great cookies you can still order your cookies.
What would you like? samoas, trefoils, think mints, ect the list goes on.
If you don't know a girl scout selling them but would like to order call 218-726-4702.
Thats right it's girl scout cookie time. The girl scouts are haveing there biggest fund raiser. If you don't know a scout selling these great cookies you can still order your cookies.
What would you like? samoas, trefoils, think mints, ect the list goes on.
If you don't know a girl scout selling them but would like to order call 218-726-4702.
Boys High School Hocky tournament
wow- The two night games for section A last night were great games. The first game was Orono vs St. Thomas the game was heavily dominated by Orono. They had the best scoreing chances and seemed to be taking it to ST. Thomas.
The thrid period rolled around and ST. Thomas seemed to find there legs. There were down 2-1 with under a minute left and pulled there golie. They then scored with just 35 secondes left on the clock to tie the game at 2. This forced an over time and St. Thomas had the momentum.
St. Thomas scored and won a great 3-2 in o.t., the win had to a mild unset at best. Orono buy all accounts was the better team.
The late game saw Hermtown against Thief River Falls. The two teams played earlyer in the year and Hermtown won that meeting 9-0. TRF came out on fire they scored 2 goals in the opening session and took a 2-1 lead. In the sencond period there was just one goal and that was by TRF wcich made the score 3-1 TRF.
It looked all but over for the Hawks. The hawks were getting out played in ever aspect of the game.
If Hermtown did not do something in the thrid period there session would be done. They would only have an consilation game to play. That would be downer for the Hawks as many people picked them to win the tournament.
The thrid period startes with TRF leading 3-1 over the Hawnks. The hawks came out on fire well at least one of ther players did.
senior winger Karl Gilbert scored a hat trick in the last session of the game and gave the hawks a big come from behind 4-3 over TRF.
Other notes:
The afternoon games winners were Duluth Marshall 4-2 and Little falls 6-5. The match up's for Friday will be Duluth Marshall against Little Falls. Look for a great game. I think Marshall wins by one goal.
The sencond section A game Friday will pit Hermtown against Orono. Depending on if orono did not lose to much enegry in there first game it should be a great game. Maybe the best of the tournament. If Orono still has there legs I have to give them the edge.
Today's games for section AA:
Lakeville North against Blaine. Look for an easy win for Blaine.
Cretin Derham Hall against Eagan, this could be an interesting match up. I would have to say Cretin has the edge.
The night games have power houses in them.
The first game Hill Murray against Minnetonka. It should be a win Hill Murray.
The late game pits Grand Rapids agains Roseau and I just don't see GR winning this game.
I don't believe our one Northen team will make it out of the first round of the tournament for section AA. I hope I am wrong, we will have to see.
One final hockey note. UWS men's hockey team won last 2-1 agains St. Olaf adn will play saturday night.
The thrid period rolled around and ST. Thomas seemed to find there legs. There were down 2-1 with under a minute left and pulled there golie. They then scored with just 35 secondes left on the clock to tie the game at 2. This forced an over time and St. Thomas had the momentum.
St. Thomas scored and won a great 3-2 in o.t., the win had to a mild unset at best. Orono buy all accounts was the better team.
The late game saw Hermtown against Thief River Falls. The two teams played earlyer in the year and Hermtown won that meeting 9-0. TRF came out on fire they scored 2 goals in the opening session and took a 2-1 lead. In the sencond period there was just one goal and that was by TRF wcich made the score 3-1 TRF.
It looked all but over for the Hawks. The hawks were getting out played in ever aspect of the game.
If Hermtown did not do something in the thrid period there session would be done. They would only have an consilation game to play. That would be downer for the Hawks as many people picked them to win the tournament.
The thrid period startes with TRF leading 3-1 over the Hawnks. The hawks came out on fire well at least one of ther players did.
senior winger Karl Gilbert scored a hat trick in the last session of the game and gave the hawks a big come from behind 4-3 over TRF.
Other notes:
The afternoon games winners were Duluth Marshall 4-2 and Little falls 6-5. The match up's for Friday will be Duluth Marshall against Little Falls. Look for a great game. I think Marshall wins by one goal.
The sencond section A game Friday will pit Hermtown against Orono. Depending on if orono did not lose to much enegry in there first game it should be a great game. Maybe the best of the tournament. If Orono still has there legs I have to give them the edge.
Today's games for section AA:
Lakeville North against Blaine. Look for an easy win for Blaine.
Cretin Derham Hall against Eagan, this could be an interesting match up. I would have to say Cretin has the edge.
The night games have power houses in them.
The first game Hill Murray against Minnetonka. It should be a win Hill Murray.
The late game pits Grand Rapids agains Roseau and I just don't see GR winning this game.
I don't believe our one Northen team will make it out of the first round of the tournament for section AA. I hope I am wrong, we will have to see.
One final hockey note. UWS men's hockey team won last 2-1 agains St. Olaf adn will play saturday night.
New Poll up!
The new poll is up. It askes do you like that instant replay in the high school hockey tournament?
The poll is at the bottom of the page.
The poll is at the bottom of the page.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
were do you liberals shop and what do you drink?
Well here is what I am wondering. Were do you liberals shop and what do you drink?
We all know you hate Wal -Mart with a passion you even believe that Wal-Mart pays people to say good things about them. Just so you know Wal- mart has never paid me or anyone else that I know to say good things about them. The fact is many people shop at Wal-Mart and love it, and yes they know that Wal-Mart does not pay well or have the best of benefits.
Wal-Mart stores are no different then any other discount store as far as pay or benefits. The real question is why do you hate wal-mart? Were do you shop.
What do you drink you can’t drink coke or Pepsi products. Hell Bernicks broke the union at the air port oh no. There for you can’t support them. Coke has pissed you all off. So what do you drink?
We all know you hate Wal -Mart with a passion you even believe that Wal-Mart pays people to say good things about them. Just so you know Wal- mart has never paid me or anyone else that I know to say good things about them. The fact is many people shop at Wal-Mart and love it, and yes they know that Wal-Mart does not pay well or have the best of benefits.
Wal-Mart stores are no different then any other discount store as far as pay or benefits. The real question is why do you hate wal-mart? Were do you shop.
What do you drink you can’t drink coke or Pepsi products. Hell Bernicks broke the union at the air port oh no. There for you can’t support them. Coke has pissed you all off. So what do you drink?
Interesting poll.
We recieved this poll in an emial today. What are you thought on it. Will this help Giuliani? Does it hurt Hillary or anyone else?
Rudy Giuliani Tops Favorability Poll
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is the most popular person in national politics, according to a national poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University.
Giuliani, a Republican who is considered a possible candidate for president in 2008, edged out U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The Quinnipiac poll asked voters to rate politicians on a scale of 0 to 100, with higher numbers representing more favorable opinions. Giuliani's mean score was 63.5, according to the poll.
Obama averaged 59.9, McCain 59.7 and Rice 57.1.
"Not only do Mayor Giuliani and Sen. McCain get the best ratings, but their numbers are uniform across the country," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
President Bush's average rating was 44.1 and Vice President Dick Cheney's was 41
Rudy Giuliani Tops Favorability Poll
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is the most popular person in national politics, according to a national poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University.
Giuliani, a Republican who is considered a possible candidate for president in 2008, edged out U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The Quinnipiac poll asked voters to rate politicians on a scale of 0 to 100, with higher numbers representing more favorable opinions. Giuliani's mean score was 63.5, according to the poll.
Obama averaged 59.9, McCain 59.7 and Rice 57.1.
"Not only do Mayor Giuliani and Sen. McCain get the best ratings, but their numbers are uniform across the country," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
President Bush's average rating was 44.1 and Vice President Dick Cheney's was 41
Today is a sad day
Today is a sad day in the Northland and across the state of Minnesota.
In the northland today many are walking around remembering the life of Adam Van Alstine. He was the Superior native that went into the Marines and well serving in Iraq was killed by a road side bomb.
The young Marine was laid to rest yesterday following a ceremony that about 700 people attend at the High school in Superior. There taps were played and many people remembered the life of Adam Van Alstine.
There was a report that the Fred Phelps based group was going to be there to protest the funeral but they were a no show thank god.
The sad day for all of Minnesota is that one there beloved twins are gone. #34 Kirby Puckett passed away Monday afternoon after suffing a massive stroke. The doctors were not very hopeful of any recover and less then 24 hours later Puckett left us, at the age of 45.
Puckett’s baseball playing day’s ended way too soon as did his life.
Puckett touched the ball one last time. #34 will be sadly missed by all.
In the northland today many are walking around remembering the life of Adam Van Alstine. He was the Superior native that went into the Marines and well serving in Iraq was killed by a road side bomb.
The young Marine was laid to rest yesterday following a ceremony that about 700 people attend at the High school in Superior. There taps were played and many people remembered the life of Adam Van Alstine.
There was a report that the Fred Phelps based group was going to be there to protest the funeral but they were a no show thank god.
The sad day for all of Minnesota is that one there beloved twins are gone. #34 Kirby Puckett passed away Monday afternoon after suffing a massive stroke. The doctors were not very hopeful of any recover and less then 24 hours later Puckett left us, at the age of 45.
Puckett’s baseball playing day’s ended way too soon as did his life.
Puckett touched the ball one last time. #34 will be sadly missed by all.
One sports fan love of the "puck"
Here is a great account of Pucketts baseball doing's and life. This again comes from Brad who has a great blog,
A Minnesota sports legend passes on.
Kirby Puckett
Minnesota Twins hall of famer Kirby Puckett passed away yesterday, eight days shy of his 46th birthday. Puckett suffered a massive stroke Sunday in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he has made his home for the past few years.I first remember hearing the name “Kirby Puckett” in my freshman year of high school when “Puck” made his major league debut in May 1984. The Twins were playing the California Angels that evening, which meant the game started at 9:30 pm, Central time. I had a habit of being in bed by 9:00 on school nights. I use to call the St Paul Pioneer Press sports hotline when I awoke every morning to catch all of the results from the night before (Yes, kids, there wasn’t always an internet). The recorded message on the morning of May 9, 1984 sounded something like this: “The Twins defeated California last night, 5-0. In his first big-league game, Kirby Puckett went 4-for-5.”His call-up from the Twins AAA affiliate in Toledo, OH was the stuff of folklore.
He flew to LA International airport and took a taxi to “The Big A” in Anaheim. However, he didn’t even have enough money for the cab fare. The Twins employee who paid the tab had no idea what kind of investment that was.I had been a Twins fan since the mid-70s. Ever since they had traded away Rod Carew after the ’78 season, the club was never much of a factor. In fact, they had just come off two dreadful seasons in 1982-83, losing 102 and 92 games respectively.
Baseball was all but dead in the state of Minnesota until Puck came along.He was one of the catalysts in the Twins winning the 1987 World Series, the first in the franchise’s 27-year history and the first professional championship in Minnesota since the 1954 Minneapolis Lakers.Given he had such an outstanding career with so many great memories, there is one defining moment: Game 6 of the 1991 World Series. After falling behind 3 games to 2 against the Atlanta Braves, the Twins returned home. Sensing his teammates gloom and doom demeanor, Puck shouted “Hop on my back, fellas. I got this one tonight.” In the game, he leapt high against the right-center field wall to rob Ron Gant of an extra base hit. Puck also drove in three runs, including the game-winning homer in the 11th inning to give the Twins a 4-3 win. The Twins would win their second title in five years with 1-0, 10-inning thriller in Game 7.
After a stellar 1992 season, Puck was a free agent. Despite higher offers elsewhere, he re-signed with the Twins for 5 years, $30 million! Just 8 ½ years earlier, he was a 24-year old kid who couldn’t afford a $70 cab ride. Now he was one of the highest paid players in a sport he worshipped since his youth in the Robert Taylor homes on Chicago’s rough south side. The projects where Puck grew up were dubbed “A place where hope goes to die.” Yes, Puck truly was one of those “rags to riches” stories.Puck was one of the most beloved players amongst teammates and opponents.
He was equally revered by home fans and opposing fans. He was even borderline worshipped by some media figures. Bob Costas of NBC-TV had a son in 1986 who he named Keith Michael Kirby Costas. Bob Ryan, Boston Globe sports columnist, registered his golden retriever with the American Kennel Club as “Ryan’s Kirby Puckett.”With all of that adulation, when did things start to crumble beneath Puck?
Many people ascertain that it was Spring Training 10 years ago when the personal decline of Kirby Puckett commenced. He was swinging the bat well that spring. The anticipation of being in the same lineup with Paul Molitor gave the whole Twins team a reason for optimism in the 1996 season.However, it was one morning in March that year where Puck’s world began to crumble. He awoke with blurred vision in his right eye. He figured he slept funny. Then a black dot appeared in his vision.As tests would later prove, he had glaucoma.Puck continued to go through tests and diagnoses. Finally in July that year, he would undergo a risky procedure on his eye which would either heal his vision or render him virtually blind. We all know how that saga turned out.
He was still in the spotlight, with the Twins honoring his retirement in a 1996 pre-game ceremony, retiring his jersey #34 in 1997 and inducting him into the team’s Hall of Fame in 2000. In fact, Puck was often trotted out to generate interest in a Twins franchise which was in the midst of eight consecutive losing seasons (1993-2000). Fans would come out to the Metrodome in pretty good numbers for the various pre-game ceremonies honoring Puck. Once the game started, however, fans would leave in droves.It was in 2001 when Kirby Puckett reached the ultimate in his profession. Induction into the baseball Hall of Fame. He was a first-ballot selection, becoming the second-youngest inductee behind Sandy Koufax.Sadly, it proved to be Puck’s last moment of glory in the sport he so dearly loved.
Puckett’s on-field accomplishments were beyond reproach. However, it was learned just a few years ago that he had a rather sordid off-field life. This fun-loving, always smiling character on the field was painted as a low-life off of it. It was alleged in a Pioneer Press article that Puck had mistresses since the mid-80s. While Puck appeared to be a loveable humanitarian in the public eye, his then wife Tonya was supposedly the one spearheading all of the charitable endeavors.Because the Hall of Fame induction was his last hurrah, Puck’s life appeared to be in a downward spiral. His demise was even a feature story in a March 2003 edition of Sports Illustrated.
He had virtually no role within the Twins organization, located at the address which bears his jersey number and name (34 Kirby Puckett Place).Many within the Twins family had begun to worry about Puckett’s health. There was an alarming genetic trend of his family members dying in their 40s and 50s. Puck, who was in his 40s, was gaining weight at such an alarming pace that many worried about his heart. Rumor had it he moved to Arizona because the climate was better for his health. Others speculated it was to completely withdraw from the public eye. Whatever the case, not much was heard about his life since his April 2003 acquittal of sexually assaulting a woman in a restaurant bathroom.
Then came the stunning news on Sunday. Kirby Puckett had suffered a stroke. There never seemed to be any hope that Puck could recover.
Then it was announced yesterday afternoon that he would be taken off life-support.
Then he was gone.This beloved figure of Minnesota baseball was dead at the age of 45.
Puck’s life, like his baseball career ten years earlier, had ended way too soon.
A Minnesota sports legend passes on.
Kirby Puckett
Minnesota Twins hall of famer Kirby Puckett passed away yesterday, eight days shy of his 46th birthday. Puckett suffered a massive stroke Sunday in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he has made his home for the past few years.I first remember hearing the name “Kirby Puckett” in my freshman year of high school when “Puck” made his major league debut in May 1984. The Twins were playing the California Angels that evening, which meant the game started at 9:30 pm, Central time. I had a habit of being in bed by 9:00 on school nights. I use to call the St Paul Pioneer Press sports hotline when I awoke every morning to catch all of the results from the night before (Yes, kids, there wasn’t always an internet). The recorded message on the morning of May 9, 1984 sounded something like this: “The Twins defeated California last night, 5-0. In his first big-league game, Kirby Puckett went 4-for-5.”His call-up from the Twins AAA affiliate in Toledo, OH was the stuff of folklore.
He flew to LA International airport and took a taxi to “The Big A” in Anaheim. However, he didn’t even have enough money for the cab fare. The Twins employee who paid the tab had no idea what kind of investment that was.I had been a Twins fan since the mid-70s. Ever since they had traded away Rod Carew after the ’78 season, the club was never much of a factor. In fact, they had just come off two dreadful seasons in 1982-83, losing 102 and 92 games respectively.
Baseball was all but dead in the state of Minnesota until Puck came along.He was one of the catalysts in the Twins winning the 1987 World Series, the first in the franchise’s 27-year history and the first professional championship in Minnesota since the 1954 Minneapolis Lakers.Given he had such an outstanding career with so many great memories, there is one defining moment: Game 6 of the 1991 World Series. After falling behind 3 games to 2 against the Atlanta Braves, the Twins returned home. Sensing his teammates gloom and doom demeanor, Puck shouted “Hop on my back, fellas. I got this one tonight.” In the game, he leapt high against the right-center field wall to rob Ron Gant of an extra base hit. Puck also drove in three runs, including the game-winning homer in the 11th inning to give the Twins a 4-3 win. The Twins would win their second title in five years with 1-0, 10-inning thriller in Game 7.
After a stellar 1992 season, Puck was a free agent. Despite higher offers elsewhere, he re-signed with the Twins for 5 years, $30 million! Just 8 ½ years earlier, he was a 24-year old kid who couldn’t afford a $70 cab ride. Now he was one of the highest paid players in a sport he worshipped since his youth in the Robert Taylor homes on Chicago’s rough south side. The projects where Puck grew up were dubbed “A place where hope goes to die.” Yes, Puck truly was one of those “rags to riches” stories.Puck was one of the most beloved players amongst teammates and opponents.
He was equally revered by home fans and opposing fans. He was even borderline worshipped by some media figures. Bob Costas of NBC-TV had a son in 1986 who he named Keith Michael Kirby Costas. Bob Ryan, Boston Globe sports columnist, registered his golden retriever with the American Kennel Club as “Ryan’s Kirby Puckett.”With all of that adulation, when did things start to crumble beneath Puck?
Many people ascertain that it was Spring Training 10 years ago when the personal decline of Kirby Puckett commenced. He was swinging the bat well that spring. The anticipation of being in the same lineup with Paul Molitor gave the whole Twins team a reason for optimism in the 1996 season.However, it was one morning in March that year where Puck’s world began to crumble. He awoke with blurred vision in his right eye. He figured he slept funny. Then a black dot appeared in his vision.As tests would later prove, he had glaucoma.Puck continued to go through tests and diagnoses. Finally in July that year, he would undergo a risky procedure on his eye which would either heal his vision or render him virtually blind. We all know how that saga turned out.
He was still in the spotlight, with the Twins honoring his retirement in a 1996 pre-game ceremony, retiring his jersey #34 in 1997 and inducting him into the team’s Hall of Fame in 2000. In fact, Puck was often trotted out to generate interest in a Twins franchise which was in the midst of eight consecutive losing seasons (1993-2000). Fans would come out to the Metrodome in pretty good numbers for the various pre-game ceremonies honoring Puck. Once the game started, however, fans would leave in droves.It was in 2001 when Kirby Puckett reached the ultimate in his profession. Induction into the baseball Hall of Fame. He was a first-ballot selection, becoming the second-youngest inductee behind Sandy Koufax.Sadly, it proved to be Puck’s last moment of glory in the sport he so dearly loved.
Puckett’s on-field accomplishments were beyond reproach. However, it was learned just a few years ago that he had a rather sordid off-field life. This fun-loving, always smiling character on the field was painted as a low-life off of it. It was alleged in a Pioneer Press article that Puck had mistresses since the mid-80s. While Puck appeared to be a loveable humanitarian in the public eye, his then wife Tonya was supposedly the one spearheading all of the charitable endeavors.Because the Hall of Fame induction was his last hurrah, Puck’s life appeared to be in a downward spiral. His demise was even a feature story in a March 2003 edition of Sports Illustrated.
He had virtually no role within the Twins organization, located at the address which bears his jersey number and name (34 Kirby Puckett Place).Many within the Twins family had begun to worry about Puckett’s health. There was an alarming genetic trend of his family members dying in their 40s and 50s. Puck, who was in his 40s, was gaining weight at such an alarming pace that many worried about his heart. Rumor had it he moved to Arizona because the climate was better for his health. Others speculated it was to completely withdraw from the public eye. Whatever the case, not much was heard about his life since his April 2003 acquittal of sexually assaulting a woman in a restaurant bathroom.
Then came the stunning news on Sunday. Kirby Puckett had suffered a stroke. There never seemed to be any hope that Puck could recover.
Then it was announced yesterday afternoon that he would be taken off life-support.
Then he was gone.This beloved figure of Minnesota baseball was dead at the age of 45.
Puck’s life, like his baseball career ten years earlier, had ended way too soon.
Bye Kirby we will miss you!!!!!
Long time Minnesota Twins player dies after a stroke. Hall of famer Kirby Puckett died earlyer today after having a stroke. This is truely is a sad for any twins fan or in fact any baseball fan.
You will never find another like him Kirby Puckett loved the fans and would do just about anythig. He was out going and fun with everyone he came in contact with.
You may not have liked a few things he did in his personal life butI don't care. Puckett all and all was a great person and will be missed by many.
Puckett has always said he will die young. Most of the guys in his family have not lived into ther 50's.
Twins legend Puckett dies after stroke
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Kirby Puckett died Monday, a day after the Hall of Fame outfielder had a stroke at his Arizona home. He was 45.
Puckett died at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix. He had been in intensive care since having surgery at another hospital following his stroke Sunday morning.
The bubbly, barrel-shaped Puckett carried the Twins to World Series titles in 1987 and 1991 before his career was cut short by glaucoma. His family, friends and former teammates gathered at the hospital Monday.
Puckett was given last rites and died in the afternoon, hospital spokeswoman Kimberly Lodge said.
"On behalf of Major League Baseball, I am terribly saddened by the sudden passing of Kirby Puckett," commissioner Bud Selig said. "He was a Hall of Famer in every sense of the term.
"He played his entire career with the Twins and was an icon in Minnesota. But he was revered throughout the country and will be remembered wherever the game is played. Kirby was taken from us much too soon - and too quickly," he said.
The story and the links below all come from foxsports at
Twins legend Puckett dies
KALB: Remembering two Pucketts
A Puckett appreciation
Quotes about Puckett
Share your Puckett memories
Puckett's Hall of Fame speech
Puckett's career stats
You will never find another like him Kirby Puckett loved the fans and would do just about anythig. He was out going and fun with everyone he came in contact with.
You may not have liked a few things he did in his personal life butI don't care. Puckett all and all was a great person and will be missed by many.
Puckett has always said he will die young. Most of the guys in his family have not lived into ther 50's.
Twins legend Puckett dies after stroke
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Kirby Puckett died Monday, a day after the Hall of Fame outfielder had a stroke at his Arizona home. He was 45.
Puckett died at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix. He had been in intensive care since having surgery at another hospital following his stroke Sunday morning.
The bubbly, barrel-shaped Puckett carried the Twins to World Series titles in 1987 and 1991 before his career was cut short by glaucoma. His family, friends and former teammates gathered at the hospital Monday.
Puckett was given last rites and died in the afternoon, hospital spokeswoman Kimberly Lodge said.
"On behalf of Major League Baseball, I am terribly saddened by the sudden passing of Kirby Puckett," commissioner Bud Selig said. "He was a Hall of Famer in every sense of the term.
"He played his entire career with the Twins and was an icon in Minnesota. But he was revered throughout the country and will be remembered wherever the game is played. Kirby was taken from us much too soon - and too quickly," he said.
The story and the links below all come from foxsports at
Twins legend Puckett dies
KALB: Remembering two Pucketts
A Puckett appreciation
Quotes about Puckett
Share your Puckett memories
Puckett's Hall of Fame speech
Puckett's career stats
Monday, March 06, 2006
Movie review.
I am not much of a movie watcher, I could have caredless what happend at the oscars toinight. In fact I have no idea what did happen at them.
I know one movie that was getting a lot of attion and talk was walk the line, a movie about country music legend Johnny Cash.
After a bussie weekend and the bad weather today my wife and I along with my parents watched walk the line tonight. It was a pretty good movie. If you liked Johnny Cash's music or are interested in what happend in his life at all I would say watch it.
The movie starts out with him as a child and highlights points of his life from then on. I thought the movie could have been a little more forward then it was but all and all good.
Has anyone else seen it if so what did you think of it?
I know one movie that was getting a lot of attion and talk was walk the line, a movie about country music legend Johnny Cash.
After a bussie weekend and the bad weather today my wife and I along with my parents watched walk the line tonight. It was a pretty good movie. If you liked Johnny Cash's music or are interested in what happend in his life at all I would say watch it.
The movie starts out with him as a child and highlights points of his life from then on. I thought the movie could have been a little more forward then it was but all and all good.
Has anyone else seen it if so what did you think of it?
Texas hold'em anyone?
Okay so I love to play texas hold'em I have played for a couple of years now. I got hooked on like most watching it on T.V., with the world seris of poker and many others.
Anyway to the point of my post if you enjoy this game there is a great opertunity for you to play for free. There are free tournaments in bars. I went to my first one today at the pioneer.
That tournament has a new starting time starting next week it will start at 2p.m.
I know of a few others Fosters has one on Sundays as well does the horse shoe. I don't the starting time of those tournaments.
If you like to play texas hold'em give these tournaments a try. If you know of anyothers feel free to post them here.
Anyway to the point of my post if you enjoy this game there is a great opertunity for you to play for free. There are free tournaments in bars. I went to my first one today at the pioneer.
That tournament has a new starting time starting next week it will start at 2p.m.
I know of a few others Fosters has one on Sundays as well does the horse shoe. I don't the starting time of those tournaments.
If you like to play texas hold'em give these tournaments a try. If you know of anyothers feel free to post them here.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Is wal-mart realy that bad?
This is a great piece on wal-mart. Many don't shop there and I have also wondered why. You need to read this piece. This comes from a blog that I love to read,
Democrat sharks attempt to make Wal-Mart their feeding frenzy.
Last December, I was walking down State Street in Madison, WI when I was approached by a man wanting me to sign a petition. It was a petition aimed at attaining better benefits for Wal-Mart employees. I respectfully declined. I realized most Wal-Mart employees didn’t operate under the delusion that a greeter position or cashiering job typically garnered any kind of benefits. Therefore, I had no vendetta against the successful company and I’m an unapologetic capitalist to begin with. Needless to say, I was shouted at in typical liberal frothing–at-the-mouth style.
For some time now, I have been wondering why the liberals have this obsession with Wal-Mart. After all, their products are priced so inexpensively that it is a benefit to low-income people shopping there. I
t’s the liberal Democrats who like to remind us that they are the party of the “little guy.” Based on that claim, wouldn’t it behoove the libs to support Wal-Mart unconditionally?It is only after reading this piece by Brendan Miniter in the Opinion Journal that I learned of the liberal’s true agenda for attacking Wal-Mart: Expanding government.
With the war on Wal-Mart now heating up in nearly three dozen state legislatures, I put a call in to someone who was in on the ground floor in pushing to force the retailer to spend more on health care for its employees. What Maryland's Delegate James Hubbard, a Democrat from Prince George's County, had to say was revealing of both why he backed his state's "Wal-Mart bill" and what this fight is really about: expanding Medicaid and other taxpayer-funded health-care entitlements.
Let's first understand that the drive to enact anti-Wal-Mart legislation has very little to do with the retail giant except in two respects: dipping into its very deep pockets, and using the controversy surrounding the company to mask the larger agenda of expanding already-bankrupt entitlement programs. Of course, in this war legislators have a ready made ally in the AFL-CIO, which has its own reasons for going after the nonunionized company.
So what you have here is a Democrat “perfect storm.” Growing the size of government by sticking it to a financially sound company, all while strengthening the union vote.
Even if it doesn’t work, the Democrats can perpetuate the myth that their efforts were dedicated to helping the “little guy.”
Democrat sharks attempt to make Wal-Mart their feeding frenzy.
Last December, I was walking down State Street in Madison, WI when I was approached by a man wanting me to sign a petition. It was a petition aimed at attaining better benefits for Wal-Mart employees. I respectfully declined. I realized most Wal-Mart employees didn’t operate under the delusion that a greeter position or cashiering job typically garnered any kind of benefits. Therefore, I had no vendetta against the successful company and I’m an unapologetic capitalist to begin with. Needless to say, I was shouted at in typical liberal frothing–at-the-mouth style.
For some time now, I have been wondering why the liberals have this obsession with Wal-Mart. After all, their products are priced so inexpensively that it is a benefit to low-income people shopping there. I
t’s the liberal Democrats who like to remind us that they are the party of the “little guy.” Based on that claim, wouldn’t it behoove the libs to support Wal-Mart unconditionally?It is only after reading this piece by Brendan Miniter in the Opinion Journal that I learned of the liberal’s true agenda for attacking Wal-Mart: Expanding government.
With the war on Wal-Mart now heating up in nearly three dozen state legislatures, I put a call in to someone who was in on the ground floor in pushing to force the retailer to spend more on health care for its employees. What Maryland's Delegate James Hubbard, a Democrat from Prince George's County, had to say was revealing of both why he backed his state's "Wal-Mart bill" and what this fight is really about: expanding Medicaid and other taxpayer-funded health-care entitlements.
Let's first understand that the drive to enact anti-Wal-Mart legislation has very little to do with the retail giant except in two respects: dipping into its very deep pockets, and using the controversy surrounding the company to mask the larger agenda of expanding already-bankrupt entitlement programs. Of course, in this war legislators have a ready made ally in the AFL-CIO, which has its own reasons for going after the nonunionized company.
So what you have here is a Democrat “perfect storm.” Growing the size of government by sticking it to a financially sound company, all while strengthening the union vote.
Even if it doesn’t work, the Democrats can perpetuate the myth that their efforts were dedicated to helping the “little guy.”
Break down of the DECC vote.
Well it is over and much like we predicted here at Duluth Politics the yes group won. We were very close on our prediction as well we said it would 60-40 infavor of the expansion.
We have a link to how each precinct voted click on that to see how your did or any other. We have listed a few we thought were interesting.
PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 36) . . . . . 36 100.00
YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,182 61.38
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,148 38.62
Here are some precincts that I found interesting:
#3 Yes 316 No 172
#4 Yes 314 No 180
#6 Yes 501 No 267
#10 Yes 446 No 107
Here are the precincts that I saw the yes vote lost in:
#18 Yes 46 No 51
#19 Yes 41 No 53
Click on the link below to see all prectincts and how they voted.
Here is a link to the city prectincts map as well. You can see what areas of town voted yes and No more closer if you don't know were the prectincts are located.
We have a link to how each precinct voted click on that to see how your did or any other. We have listed a few we thought were interesting.
PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 36) . . . . . 36 100.00
YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,182 61.38
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,148 38.62
Here are some precincts that I found interesting:
#3 Yes 316 No 172
#4 Yes 314 No 180
#6 Yes 501 No 267
#10 Yes 446 No 107
Here are the precincts that I saw the yes vote lost in:
#18 Yes 46 No 51
#19 Yes 41 No 53
Click on the link below to see all prectincts and how they voted.
Here is a link to the city prectincts map as well. You can see what areas of town voted yes and No more closer if you don't know were the prectincts are located.
Superior Marine dies in Iraq.
Superior Marine Killed in Iraq. The first Superior resident was killed in the war in Iraq on Saturday. 21 year old Adam Van Alstine. I did not know the young man, however in reading the paper and talking to people that did know him. It seemed like his love for this country was very strong and many say all the can remember him talking about was going into the Marine's.
It is unfurtinet this young man's dream did not last nearly long enough. In reading the story in the Duluth news tribune,
Family and friends remember him as a fun loving young man. His sister said "he was a happy, humorous and extremerly patriotic."
As long as anyone can remember, Adam Van Alstine wanted to be a United States Marine.
Last year, his dream came true. But it didn't last long for the native of Superior's East End.
On Saturday, along a road in Ramadi, Iraq, Lance Cpl. Van Alstine, 21, died when a bomb exploded. Three other members of his unit were injured, friends and family confirmed Monday. Violence in the war-torn country has surged over the past week.
"All I know is that he was on patrol. We don't know what happened," Van Alstine's sister, Dawn "Dee" Meyers, said in a phone interview with the News Tribune.
Thank you very much for your service.
It is unfurtinet this young man's dream did not last nearly long enough. In reading the story in the Duluth news tribune,
Family and friends remember him as a fun loving young man. His sister said "he was a happy, humorous and extremerly patriotic."
As long as anyone can remember, Adam Van Alstine wanted to be a United States Marine.
Last year, his dream came true. But it didn't last long for the native of Superior's East End.
On Saturday, along a road in Ramadi, Iraq, Lance Cpl. Van Alstine, 21, died when a bomb exploded. Three other members of his unit were injured, friends and family confirmed Monday. Violence in the war-torn country has surged over the past week.
"All I know is that he was on patrol. We don't know what happened," Van Alstine's sister, Dawn "Dee" Meyers, said in a phone interview with the News Tribune.
Thank you very much for your service.
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