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Monday, March 20, 2006

Lourey has no clue what to run on.

Here is another great editroal from today's paper.

Lourey's vote reveals shaky campaign platform
Becky Lourey's Senate vote equaled no vote ("Sen. Lourey casts lone vote against funeral protest ban," March 17).
We can all sympathize and grieve for family and friends lost in Iraq. But the senator and gubernatorial candidate needs to build a political platform on something other than the death of her son.
Thank God for the other 58 votes.

This writter is correct. Does Lourey even have a plat form to run for governor. Ever interview I hear with her, all she does is talk about the war.

Senate Lourey you need to relize that you are running for a state office not only a state office but the highest office the State has. You need to tell Minnesotains what you are going to do for them and how you will do it. Not that the war is wrong and you can't stand President Bush.

This is not about the war nor is it about President Bush. This is about Minnesota.

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