Sunday, October 29, 2006
KDAL poll update
This poll goes more ways then the wind can. The poll can be follwed at KDAL web page. Here is the link
KDAL poll update #1
Here are again the latest poll update from KDAL, if you would like to vote go here,
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
58.36% Jim Oberstar
3.90% Rod Grams
37.73% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 538
Harry Welty's Blog has a post asking people to vote just once, I believe that is good because it would give a more real result, however you know people from the DFL for sure are voting more then once. It is clear that the Grams people either don't know of the poll or don't care.
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
58.36% Jim Oberstar
3.90% Rod Grams
37.73% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 538
Harry Welty's Blog has a post asking people to vote just once, I believe that is good because it would give a more real result, however you know people from the DFL for sure are voting more then once. It is clear that the Grams people either don't know of the poll or don't care.
DNT showes it's bias again.
All you have to do is read this headline and you can tell were the articale is going to go.
Here is the headline:
Incumbents have many advantages
Now do I agree that the Incumbent has an advantage yes but with this paper you can only imagine the bias report of it.
I have more thoughts about this comeing later.
Here is the headline:
Incumbents have many advantages
Now do I agree that the Incumbent has an advantage yes but with this paper you can only imagine the bias report of it.
I have more thoughts about this comeing later.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Kdal poll update.
Wow what a change in a day. The DFL gets people to do everything it seems even vote in an on line poll. This poll means nothing but still interesting.
Here are the updated results:
Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
51.77% Jim Oberstar
3.98% Rod Grams
44.25% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 452
Will follow this as it goes on.
Here are the updated results:
Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
51.77% Jim Oberstar
3.98% Rod Grams
44.25% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 452
Will follow this as it goes on.
If you would like to help with a lit drop tomorrow here is how.
I am sure you can just show up but if you would like to call and get more info I have contact info just email me and I will give it to you.
Here is an email about the lit drop I recieved.
My fellow Duluthians,
With the recent tactics of the DFL (sweeping through Lakeside, Woodland, Morley Heights, Hunters Park, etc…pretty much all of 7A) and dumping our signs in a big pile out on 7 Bridges Road, we need to get our message out more than ever to the voters! This Sunday (I know it’s church, but AFTER church) we’ll be meeting at the Super One Foods parking lot (formerly Festival Foods in Kenwood there) at the following times:
noon -1 (lunch break!)
If you can make any of these shifts (we’d love to have you for the whole day!)please let me know! I’m begging for help! we have just this one weekend to drop 1,000 pieces for Rod Grams, Steve Khalar (Senate District 7) and Becky Hall (House District 7A) all endorsed Republicans!
Bring the whole family out for a day of fun! We’ll provide lunch for everyone! Kids are great at this because they are so fast! So, if you’ll let me borrow the kids for a few hours, I promise to return them safe and sound! We’re not knocking on the doors, just dropping the lit off. It’s a fun safe activity for people of all ages.
The DFL is running scared! After being crushed in debates, our candidates have extremely good chances! Please come out to help out our fantastic candidates who put so much on the line to represent you!
Please RSVP by either phone or email!
Because we’re going to WIN,
Here is an email about the lit drop I recieved.
My fellow Duluthians,
With the recent tactics of the DFL (sweeping through Lakeside, Woodland, Morley Heights, Hunters Park, etc…pretty much all of 7A) and dumping our signs in a big pile out on 7 Bridges Road, we need to get our message out more than ever to the voters! This Sunday (I know it’s church, but AFTER church) we’ll be meeting at the Super One Foods parking lot (formerly Festival Foods in Kenwood there) at the following times:
noon -1 (lunch break!)
If you can make any of these shifts (we’d love to have you for the whole day!)please let me know! I’m begging for help! we have just this one weekend to drop 1,000 pieces for Rod Grams, Steve Khalar (Senate District 7) and Becky Hall (House District 7A) all endorsed Republicans!
Bring the whole family out for a day of fun! We’ll provide lunch for everyone! Kids are great at this because they are so fast! So, if you’ll let me borrow the kids for a few hours, I promise to return them safe and sound! We’re not knocking on the doors, just dropping the lit off. It’s a fun safe activity for people of all ages.
The DFL is running scared! After being crushed in debates, our candidates have extremely good chances! Please come out to help out our fantastic candidates who put so much on the line to represent you!
Please RSVP by either phone or email!
Because we’re going to WIN,
Thinking like my wife.
Okay so it is first weekend off of work for a while. I will now have weekends off for good YES.
My wife asked me to clean the house no problem, here is the catch however.
She said to think like she does when she cleans. Yicks isn't it almost impossible for guys to think like women do? Well I let you know how it turns out. For now it time to start cleaning.
My wife asked me to clean the house no problem, here is the catch however.
She said to think like she does when she cleans. Yicks isn't it almost impossible for guys to think like women do? Well I let you know how it turns out. For now it time to start cleaning.
Here is an interesting poll.
I went to KDAL's web page and they have a poll who will you vote for in the 8th congressional race?
Here are the results so far,
Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
11.30% Jim Oberstar
7.11% Rod Grams
81.59% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 239
Interesting that Harry Welty has the big margin. Could it be that wins? I don't think so. It is likely people voting many times. Even if it is not they are more then likely people from Duluth and remember the district has grown to the Brainerd area.
It is however very interesting and raises some question the top one being are people finale sick of your typical politician?
Here are the results so far,
Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the race for Congress in District 8?
11.30% Jim Oberstar
7.11% Rod Grams
81.59% Harry Welty
Total Votes: 239
Interesting that Harry Welty has the big margin. Could it be that wins? I don't think so. It is likely people voting many times. Even if it is not they are more then likely people from Duluth and remember the district has grown to the Brainerd area.
It is however very interesting and raises some question the top one being are people finale sick of your typical politician?
Friday, October 27, 2006
Hoping to interview Welty.
I hope to get a chance to interview Harry Welty. I had sent all three candidates the opportunity to interview with Duluth Politics, Harry was the only one that replied back some time ago. We have been very busy and yes a bit not supportive of his run for this office. Should that prevent us from interviewing him NO. In fact should it prevent anyone from interviewing him or allowing him to debate or be printed in a news paper NO.
I will again ask all three to interview with us and I will guess that Harry will be the only to reply one way or the other. In fact I have already asked Harry to email me about it.
As most know I have been supportive or debates being open to all and Harry has been silencted in more way then one. It just is not right.
I will again ask all three to interview with us and I will guess that Harry will be the only to reply one way or the other. In fact I have already asked Harry to email me about it.
As most know I have been supportive or debates being open to all and Harry has been silencted in more way then one. It just is not right.
Get out the vote.
Okay so what you say people want you to vote, that is good right? Yes but read this, it is scary to think of a partisan act like this. When are the good guys going to an act like this, when I say good do I mean republican? Yes and no, I believe that in some case the republican does not get out enough. Yes they do a great job of calling and signs but they don't get out in the community enough.
with that said if you are a moderate either democrat or republican it is time to hear from you not just the far left and right. That is what this get out the vote group is a far group for you well it is clear on that as well read on. I would like to hear your thoughts on it.
By the way I found this posted on Duluth Solutions board. It is a great board I enjoy the site and Chris does a great job with it. I encourage you all to check it out and get involved there, here is the site .
Here is the post:
Posts: 1
Get Out the Vote in Duluth on Election Day« on: October 18, 2006, 08:39:17 PM »
For those of you that would like to see change in our political leadership here in Minnesota I would invite you to join us on election day and the weekend before: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTErik Peterson, America Votes, (218) 348-5115, America Votes Coalition Partners to LaunchMassive GOTV Operation in DuluthDoor-to-Door Effort Will Focus on Critical, Highly ProgressiveNeighborhoods in the Duluth Area Duluth – America Votes 2006, a coalition of 30 different progressive groups representing nearly 1 million Minnesotans statewide, is launching a strategic, volunteer-driven Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) effort over the last four days of the election. In Duluth, this 96-hour GOTV drive will be headed by Erik Peterson of America Votes.
"In 2004, the get-out-the-vote efforts of a similar coalition of groups resulted in Duluth boasting the highest voter turnout of any city in the nation. The America Votes coalition in Northeastern Minnesota hopes do it again in 2006," said Peterson. Peterson coordinated the coalition effort two years ago. America Votes and its coalition partners have been going door-to-door all summer talking with voters about issues that matter in the upcoming election. In the next month they will be recruiting volunteers and planning for an unprecedented drive to knock on every single door in highly progressive neighborhoods in the Duluth area. “Participation is critical to maintain a viable democracy and we are trying to do our part to keep our neighbors involved in this election,” said Alan Netland, President of the Central Labor Body in Duluth, one of the many groups taking part in this historic effort. “Over the past summer and fall, America Votes has been traveling all over North East Minnesota," said Tony Cuneo, organizer for the NE MN office of America Votes. "We've been talking with folks about the issues that matter in the coming elections and building grass roots connections with people who know we need progressive action right here in Minnesota.
” “This incredible coalition of organizations have come together to deliver a message of hope and change for a better Minnesota – now getting citizens out to vote is critical .” said Rosie Loeffler-Kemp, NE MN Organizer of Clean Water Action Alliance of Minnesota. "I was so proud to be part of the extraordinary effort in 2004, and I know we can, and MUST make the difference in our community, our state, and our country,” said Mary Thuerer of AFSCME Council 5. Thuerer also led labor's electoral program in Northern Minnesota in 2004.“This incredible “Get Out the Vote” effort will be hosted from Wellstone Hall in the Duluth Labor Temple at 2002 London Road. Those interested in being a part of making history in NE Minnesota are welcome to join the effort at the Labor Temple on election day and also by visiting,” said Cuneo.
with that said if you are a moderate either democrat or republican it is time to hear from you not just the far left and right. That is what this get out the vote group is a far group for you well it is clear on that as well read on. I would like to hear your thoughts on it.
By the way I found this posted on Duluth Solutions board. It is a great board I enjoy the site and Chris does a great job with it. I encourage you all to check it out and get involved there, here is the site .
Here is the post:
Posts: 1
Get Out the Vote in Duluth on Election Day« on: October 18, 2006, 08:39:17 PM »
For those of you that would like to see change in our political leadership here in Minnesota I would invite you to join us on election day and the weekend before: FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTErik Peterson, America Votes, (218) 348-5115, America Votes Coalition Partners to LaunchMassive GOTV Operation in DuluthDoor-to-Door Effort Will Focus on Critical, Highly ProgressiveNeighborhoods in the Duluth Area Duluth – America Votes 2006, a coalition of 30 different progressive groups representing nearly 1 million Minnesotans statewide, is launching a strategic, volunteer-driven Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) effort over the last four days of the election. In Duluth, this 96-hour GOTV drive will be headed by Erik Peterson of America Votes.
"In 2004, the get-out-the-vote efforts of a similar coalition of groups resulted in Duluth boasting the highest voter turnout of any city in the nation. The America Votes coalition in Northeastern Minnesota hopes do it again in 2006," said Peterson. Peterson coordinated the coalition effort two years ago. America Votes and its coalition partners have been going door-to-door all summer talking with voters about issues that matter in the upcoming election. In the next month they will be recruiting volunteers and planning for an unprecedented drive to knock on every single door in highly progressive neighborhoods in the Duluth area. “Participation is critical to maintain a viable democracy and we are trying to do our part to keep our neighbors involved in this election,” said Alan Netland, President of the Central Labor Body in Duluth, one of the many groups taking part in this historic effort. “Over the past summer and fall, America Votes has been traveling all over North East Minnesota," said Tony Cuneo, organizer for the NE MN office of America Votes. "We've been talking with folks about the issues that matter in the coming elections and building grass roots connections with people who know we need progressive action right here in Minnesota.
” “This incredible coalition of organizations have come together to deliver a message of hope and change for a better Minnesota – now getting citizens out to vote is critical .” said Rosie Loeffler-Kemp, NE MN Organizer of Clean Water Action Alliance of Minnesota. "I was so proud to be part of the extraordinary effort in 2004, and I know we can, and MUST make the difference in our community, our state, and our country,” said Mary Thuerer of AFSCME Council 5. Thuerer also led labor's electoral program in Northern Minnesota in 2004.“This incredible “Get Out the Vote” effort will be hosted from Wellstone Hall in the Duluth Labor Temple at 2002 London Road. Those interested in being a part of making history in NE Minnesota are welcome to join the effort at the Labor Temple on election day and also by visiting,” said Cuneo.
Fink and Jewell are partisan race?
The Duluth News Tribune things this race has been partisan, but by who? Read and you will find out. The answer will not surprise you.
Partisan politics tinge Fink, Jewell race
Duluth News TribunePublished Friday, October 27, 2006
County board races are supposed to be nonpartisan and are usually low-profile.
But an election this fall that pits 10-year St. Louis County Commissioner Dennis Fink against challenger Frank Jewell carries the tinge of partisan politics and is drawing plenty of attention.
Thats because both candidates for the District 1 seat are well-known and have opposing political philosophies.
I think the board would change dramatically if I got beat, Fink said. Frank would certainly be classified as a liberal and myself as a conservative. Frank is a liberal on social issues and I am a social moderate. Frank is a fiscal moderate and I am a fiscal conservative.
Jewell, executive director of Men as Peacemakers and a former Duluth city councilor, disagrees with attempts to paint the race as liberalConservativeative.
If one thinks that supporting a smoking ban is a liberal issue, I have always supported a smoking ban, Jewell said. If we are talking about better land-use planning, then IÂ’m for it. As far as spending other peoples money, Im running a nonprofit, and youd better be accountable for what you are doing.
Heating up the race have been newspaper letters to the editor criticizing Jewells endorsement from a union that represents county workers and supporting Finks fiscal conservatism on the board.
I think local races, including this one, are about how the candidates increase their visibility, Fink said. Local government races generally do not become smear campaigns. Its about neighbor versus neighbor. When its all said and done, its about which one of us is going to represent the neighborhood that we both live in, so why smear?
Jewell agrees that local races should be positihas but says this one hasnt always fit that description.
Between Dennis and I, its been quite pleasant, Jewell said. But there are some people who support Dennis who are off the charts and have said some nasty things.
His endorsements — from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the DFL Party, the Duluth Central Labor Body and Progressive Action are being used to distract attention from the real issues, Jewell said. None of the people who support me are attacking him for his connection to the NRA (National Rifle Association) or RepubDennisarty.
First knowing Dennise Fink well he is not tied to the republican party. He is a true independent that votes who he feels will best represent the city, state, county, and country. I know he has voted for a democrarticletimes.
Even in this articresponsible out his plan, he is responcible with your money for the county and he could go any wlikely social issues. More then lsenseas long as the issue makes sence he will support it, and the county can afford it.
Fraendorsementspeople question your endorsments does not mean we are attacking you. They are in fact part of thepartisanemember the race iendorsementisen yet you have the endorsment of the Democrats. You and your group try to pin Mr. Fink as a rependorsementt did he go get there endorsment for this race NO.
Partisan politics tinge Fink, Jewell race
Duluth News TribunePublished Friday, October 27, 2006
County board races are supposed to be nonpartisan and are usually low-profile.
But an election this fall that pits 10-year St. Louis County Commissioner Dennis Fink against challenger Frank Jewell carries the tinge of partisan politics and is drawing plenty of attention.
Thats because both candidates for the District 1 seat are well-known and have opposing political philosophies.
I think the board would change dramatically if I got beat, Fink said. Frank would certainly be classified as a liberal and myself as a conservative. Frank is a liberal on social issues and I am a social moderate. Frank is a fiscal moderate and I am a fiscal conservative.
Jewell, executive director of Men as Peacemakers and a former Duluth city councilor, disagrees with attempts to paint the race as liberalConservativeative.
If one thinks that supporting a smoking ban is a liberal issue, I have always supported a smoking ban, Jewell said. If we are talking about better land-use planning, then IÂ’m for it. As far as spending other peoples money, Im running a nonprofit, and youd better be accountable for what you are doing.
Heating up the race have been newspaper letters to the editor criticizing Jewells endorsement from a union that represents county workers and supporting Finks fiscal conservatism on the board.
I think local races, including this one, are about how the candidates increase their visibility, Fink said. Local government races generally do not become smear campaigns. Its about neighbor versus neighbor. When its all said and done, its about which one of us is going to represent the neighborhood that we both live in, so why smear?
Jewell agrees that local races should be positihas but says this one hasnt always fit that description.
Between Dennis and I, its been quite pleasant, Jewell said. But there are some people who support Dennis who are off the charts and have said some nasty things.
His endorsements — from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the DFL Party, the Duluth Central Labor Body and Progressive Action are being used to distract attention from the real issues, Jewell said. None of the people who support me are attacking him for his connection to the NRA (National Rifle Association) or RepubDennisarty.
First knowing Dennise Fink well he is not tied to the republican party. He is a true independent that votes who he feels will best represent the city, state, county, and country. I know he has voted for a democrarticletimes.
Even in this articresponsible out his plan, he is responcible with your money for the county and he could go any wlikely social issues. More then lsenseas long as the issue makes sence he will support it, and the county can afford it.
Fraendorsementspeople question your endorsments does not mean we are attacking you. They are in fact part of thepartisanemember the race iendorsementisen yet you have the endorsment of the Democrats. You and your group try to pin Mr. Fink as a rependorsementt did he go get there endorsment for this race NO.
Duluth Central football.
My old high school will play Saturday at PSS if they win they will head to state. Central who has not always been known for football has been building for this year. The team has been good over the last three or four years and it came together this year finishing the regular season at 6-2 and they could have easily been 8-0 the two losses were to great teams, however they were both winnable games for central but what do you do. It is tuff to go undeafeated, and heck they has a great regular season.
Now in the section finale Central will take on Duluth East 3-5 in regular season. I believe the game is at noon on Saturday.
GO TROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now in the section finale Central will take on Duluth East 3-5 in regular season. I believe the game is at noon on Saturday.
GO TROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:30 in the morning!!!!!
Yesterday night or early morning depending how you look at, we had trouble at our house.
Our dog was going nuts and we could not figure out why, he normally does not. However when I went to let him out we found out what the problem was. A kid 19-21 of age starts walking in our house, I push him and say the the hell out of here I don't know you. He said he knows everyone that lives here. I said no because I don't know you.
There was then a lot of just crazy talk by this drunk kid and I said I think you want the drunk house next door. The kids that are there have party's all day and night every day almost. It is crazy.
We called the cops after I finally was able to shut the door on him after about a half hour.
This is house next door to us is really out of control and we are looking for ideas on what we can do? Any ideas?
Our dog was going nuts and we could not figure out why, he normally does not. However when I went to let him out we found out what the problem was. A kid 19-21 of age starts walking in our house, I push him and say the the hell out of here I don't know you. He said he knows everyone that lives here. I said no because I don't know you.
There was then a lot of just crazy talk by this drunk kid and I said I think you want the drunk house next door. The kids that are there have party's all day and night every day almost. It is crazy.
We called the cops after I finally was able to shut the door on him after about a half hour.
This is house next door to us is really out of control and we are looking for ideas on what we can do? Any ideas?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
We have been shafted again.
Not only do we now have card check for new business that wants help from the City, but we were screwed twice in night.
Councilor Ness has a resolution that would have stopped the utility increases tell all the unions settled. His reasons for doing so were many. The top one being he said it is not fair for the public to pay well we have no plan for what the unions are going to do. All ends need to be tied up before we expect citizens to pay. Yet the council on a 5-4 vote did not agree.
This would have given the taxpayer the break needed. It also would have called on the unions and the City to step up negotiation. As most know the hope is that the unions settle by the end of this year, talks at this point are not going well. It looks like a far cry that we will see them settled by the end of the year.
These two issue will be most of the talk on this blog this week after all it is the talk of the political world right now. We will have other things as well however. There just is not enought hours in a day so everything can get done.
Councilor Ness has a resolution that would have stopped the utility increases tell all the unions settled. His reasons for doing so were many. The top one being he said it is not fair for the public to pay well we have no plan for what the unions are going to do. All ends need to be tied up before we expect citizens to pay. Yet the council on a 5-4 vote did not agree.
This would have given the taxpayer the break needed. It also would have called on the unions and the City to step up negotiation. As most know the hope is that the unions settle by the end of this year, talks at this point are not going well. It looks like a far cry that we will see them settled by the end of the year.
These two issue will be most of the talk on this blog this week after all it is the talk of the political world right now. We will have other things as well however. There just is not enought hours in a day so everything can get done.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ford at Embers
Ford who is running against Alan Mitchell for county attorney was at Embers Monday night. What was she doing there? Eating right. Wrong.
She was there tiring to drum up support okay you ask? What is so bad about that. She was there serving coffee. I find this an over step of anyone candidate of even any business. I sure understand that people can hold rallies and or fundraisers at a business like this. However to me this type of activity is over the line.
What is your thought.
It was my first time at Embers and it maybe my last.
She was there tiring to drum up support okay you ask? What is so bad about that. She was there serving coffee. I find this an over step of anyone candidate of even any business. I sure understand that people can hold rallies and or fundraisers at a business like this. However to me this type of activity is over the line.
What is your thought.
It was my first time at Embers and it maybe my last.
City Council recap
Okay well you may have read the paper. Now you can read what real people are saying about the meeting last night. Along with my thoughts as well.
First my thoughts then I will get into the people that I talked to today.
The chamber hall was packed with union supporters and those that did not want to see card check pass. There were also a few other things of note at the meeting.
First card check, there about 16 speakers, there was about 6 to 7 that spoke against card check and about 8 or so union heads that spoke for it. There was one guy claiming to be a concerned citizen yet you could tell his speech was written for him either by the union or the senior group. Those that spoke in favor of the ordinance spoke with passion about how corrupt the system is by the United States. Remember that. No speaker talked at length about how this would help Duluth. They did not even offer reason on why it should pass. Why should they have, when the council already had there minds made up to pass ordinance 42. They knew they did not have to do any work. They used it as a platform to attack how unions are formed in the U.S. and also as a barging tool for the negations talks. Shame on them.
The number of use that spoke against the issue came from many different points, something there side either could not or would not do. I spoke of this being the wrong place and wrong time to take on the issue. This issue should be taken to your congressman and or Senator. This is in no way a local issue. I also talked about why it was not a local issue. Mentioning as well some emails from some of the councilors. Another speaker talked about how it would hurt business in Duluth and he also said that it is not fair to exclude those already exciting hotels motels. If indeed they wanted it to be fair all those that already are build and in operation should have to play by the same rules.
Then there were a number of professionals that spoke about why they felled it was bad to inact card check.
Yet the council voted 6-3 to pass this ordinance. Making it even harder to do business here. Councilor Stewart said he was voting for the ordinance because he would hear about it from the people he represents if he did not support, saying he wants to do what is best for his district. He must not have listened to me as I live in the district. I know councilor Stewart and respect him, however diagree on this issue, and take some issue with his comments.
It seems like people from both sides are a little disturbed at the council action last night. I have talked a number of people today that don't agree with the council action. The people come from both sides if you will democrats and republican. One democrat today asked me what I thought of it, all I did was roll my eyes. He then said he was not happy with the choice saying that the issue is one of little issue with local government. He also was not a huge propionate of card check, but is for reform of being able to form unions. Another a republican was very upset about the action of councilor Johnson and said he was ready to take her to court over conflict of interest. He said he knew it would pass and that she was a big reason.
There are many more that I may share later and I have a few post about this issue coming.
More on the meeting later .
First my thoughts then I will get into the people that I talked to today.
The chamber hall was packed with union supporters and those that did not want to see card check pass. There were also a few other things of note at the meeting.
First card check, there about 16 speakers, there was about 6 to 7 that spoke against card check and about 8 or so union heads that spoke for it. There was one guy claiming to be a concerned citizen yet you could tell his speech was written for him either by the union or the senior group. Those that spoke in favor of the ordinance spoke with passion about how corrupt the system is by the United States. Remember that. No speaker talked at length about how this would help Duluth. They did not even offer reason on why it should pass. Why should they have, when the council already had there minds made up to pass ordinance 42. They knew they did not have to do any work. They used it as a platform to attack how unions are formed in the U.S. and also as a barging tool for the negations talks. Shame on them.
The number of use that spoke against the issue came from many different points, something there side either could not or would not do. I spoke of this being the wrong place and wrong time to take on the issue. This issue should be taken to your congressman and or Senator. This is in no way a local issue. I also talked about why it was not a local issue. Mentioning as well some emails from some of the councilors. Another speaker talked about how it would hurt business in Duluth and he also said that it is not fair to exclude those already exciting hotels motels. If indeed they wanted it to be fair all those that already are build and in operation should have to play by the same rules.
Then there were a number of professionals that spoke about why they felled it was bad to inact card check.
Yet the council voted 6-3 to pass this ordinance. Making it even harder to do business here. Councilor Stewart said he was voting for the ordinance because he would hear about it from the people he represents if he did not support, saying he wants to do what is best for his district. He must not have listened to me as I live in the district. I know councilor Stewart and respect him, however diagree on this issue, and take some issue with his comments.
It seems like people from both sides are a little disturbed at the council action last night. I have talked a number of people today that don't agree with the council action. The people come from both sides if you will democrats and republican. One democrat today asked me what I thought of it, all I did was roll my eyes. He then said he was not happy with the choice saying that the issue is one of little issue with local government. He also was not a huge propionate of card check, but is for reform of being able to form unions. Another a republican was very upset about the action of councilor Johnson and said he was ready to take her to court over conflict of interest. He said he knew it would pass and that she was a big reason.
There are many more that I may share later and I have a few post about this issue coming.
More on the meeting later .
Council meeting.
Well the meeting is over and I am home. If you don't know by now the ordinance for card check passed 6-3 with Ness, Little,Stauber voting no.
The council had there minds made up from like they do on most issue's, I am not even sure why they allow the public to speak. It does no good what so ever. The vote was a lock from day one, the unions knew the council knew, I even knew it but was holding out hope.
More to come tomorrow, there was a lot interesting events at the meeting.
The council had there minds made up from like they do on most issue's, I am not even sure why they allow the public to speak. It does no good what so ever. The vote was a lock from day one, the unions knew the council knew, I even knew it but was holding out hope.
More to come tomorrow, there was a lot interesting events at the meeting.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The state of radio in Duluth.
Okay most know that I have worked in radio. Some may not know that I am just coing off another round of work. I am no longer working in radio at this time so I thought I would exprece my thoughts on radio here in Duluth.
First lets go with some of the Midwest stations:
KDAL, Most know that I have not liked the changes they have made. I would much rather listen to Kerry Rod then Mark Flisher. Mark is a horible radio personal. I am not happy with other changes they have made either. The only think they have going for them is Brad Bennette. I don't mind going younger, however you need the big name people on that station as it is the bread and butter of Midwest.
The have a couple joke of shows as well, noon-2 weekday the Rhonda Grousndorff show is a complete joke and so is Ray comes live, both very bad shows.
They do have some other good shows, I like the fishing and outdoor frenzie, and some other but all around they have seen a major decrease in talent.
Grade- D
Kat Country- I don't listen to a lot. Here again some poor choices made. I listend to them when Johnny Lee was on. I love Johnny, he is a good radio person. They moved him to KDAL now, I have not listend to the morning show on either station sence the move. The midday person is a capital B and not that easy to listen to.
Grade- D
WDSM- Has a good mix of talk and local sports , however the local sports they may lose. I love a lot of there talk shows that are from the bird. Lew Latto is still well Lew. I don't list to him much as I find his whinning and complaing to be out of this world and hard to handle.
Grade- B
Midwest has a number of stations on the range and one more in Duluth. Over all grade C.
Clear Channel Duluth
B105 is an great country station, they have lost some great talents much like KDAL, most however have just left. B105 plays a great mix of todays music and older country.
The air talent is better then KTCO by a long shot.
Grade A
Mix 108, this station has had a lot of changes early but now seems to have found it's grove. They talent is very good maybe one of the best in the northland. They play a good mix of music. They have some good shows on durning the weekend they don't just toss on crap.
Grade C
Kool 101.7 I am disspointed that this station changed from 50-60's to mostly 70's and newer music. The air talent here again is good. The Rayman they main stay is great. Scott in the mornning is also good I enjoy listening to him. Steve is a very knowlable person in all music and a good fit for KOOL.
Grade C
The Fan WEBC
I did not like the change at first, however I am liking it more and more as I listen. They do a great job with local sports, Racing, Huskies, and local high school sports. Also the fan network is worth listening too. I wish they could get a better nat. sports then fox but you can't always have it all.
It looks like this is going to be your sports station of the norhtland. They are even reporting to have picked up grandma's marthon. This station with the fan network also has a good mix of sports and politics, with there shows.
Grade A
Over all grade B
First lets go with some of the Midwest stations:
KDAL, Most know that I have not liked the changes they have made. I would much rather listen to Kerry Rod then Mark Flisher. Mark is a horible radio personal. I am not happy with other changes they have made either. The only think they have going for them is Brad Bennette. I don't mind going younger, however you need the big name people on that station as it is the bread and butter of Midwest.
The have a couple joke of shows as well, noon-2 weekday the Rhonda Grousndorff show is a complete joke and so is Ray comes live, both very bad shows.
They do have some other good shows, I like the fishing and outdoor frenzie, and some other but all around they have seen a major decrease in talent.
Grade- D
Kat Country- I don't listen to a lot. Here again some poor choices made. I listend to them when Johnny Lee was on. I love Johnny, he is a good radio person. They moved him to KDAL now, I have not listend to the morning show on either station sence the move. The midday person is a capital B and not that easy to listen to.
Grade- D
WDSM- Has a good mix of talk and local sports , however the local sports they may lose. I love a lot of there talk shows that are from the bird. Lew Latto is still well Lew. I don't list to him much as I find his whinning and complaing to be out of this world and hard to handle.
Grade- B
Midwest has a number of stations on the range and one more in Duluth. Over all grade C.
Clear Channel Duluth
B105 is an great country station, they have lost some great talents much like KDAL, most however have just left. B105 plays a great mix of todays music and older country.
The air talent is better then KTCO by a long shot.
Grade A
Mix 108, this station has had a lot of changes early but now seems to have found it's grove. They talent is very good maybe one of the best in the northland. They play a good mix of music. They have some good shows on durning the weekend they don't just toss on crap.
Grade C
Kool 101.7 I am disspointed that this station changed from 50-60's to mostly 70's and newer music. The air talent here again is good. The Rayman they main stay is great. Scott in the mornning is also good I enjoy listening to him. Steve is a very knowlable person in all music and a good fit for KOOL.
Grade C
The Fan WEBC
I did not like the change at first, however I am liking it more and more as I listen. They do a great job with local sports, Racing, Huskies, and local high school sports. Also the fan network is worth listening too. I wish they could get a better nat. sports then fox but you can't always have it all.
It looks like this is going to be your sports station of the norhtland. They are even reporting to have picked up grandma's marthon. This station with the fan network also has a good mix of sports and politics, with there shows.
Grade A
Over all grade B
Friday, October 20, 2006
Sorry for little posting this week. It has been a hecktic week with family coming into town.
My sister is getting married today, so we have had people coming in all week. That is why posting has been light. I will finsh up the two post I started earlyer and that will more then likly be it for the weekend.
Congradulations Jody and Jamie.
My sister is getting married today, so we have had people coming in all week. That is why posting has been light. I will finsh up the two post I started earlyer and that will more then likly be it for the weekend.
Congradulations Jody and Jamie.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Debate should include all.
I don't support Harry Welty for his bid for Congress. I do however agree that he should be allowed to debate with both Congressman Oberstar and republican challanger Rod Grams.
Harry Welty who is running under the unite "party" took part in a debate last week in the Twin cities. Now he is being excluded out of the debate that will air here in Duluth on Friday night but the Duluth News Tribune.
This is wrong there, are in fact three candidates running for the seat all three should be allowed to debate.
I hope that you will write the DNT and let them know Harry should have as much right to debate as the major two party's do.
I did here is what I wrote,
Hello my name is John. I am writing concerning Harry Welty being allowed on the debate friday night. I am not a Welty supporter however with that said I believe he is as much a part of this race as the other two candidates are.
Just because Mr. Welty does not or want the backing of either of the two major parties should not exclude him from any debate. The fact is there are three people running for the seat all three should have equal right to debate.
Harry Welty who is running under the unite "party" took part in a debate last week in the Twin cities. Now he is being excluded out of the debate that will air here in Duluth on Friday night but the Duluth News Tribune.
This is wrong there, are in fact three candidates running for the seat all three should be allowed to debate.
I hope that you will write the DNT and let them know Harry should have as much right to debate as the major two party's do.
I did here is what I wrote,
Hello my name is John. I am writing concerning Harry Welty being allowed on the debate friday night. I am not a Welty supporter however with that said I believe he is as much a part of this race as the other two candidates are.
Just because Mr. Welty does not or want the backing of either of the two major parties should not exclude him from any debate. The fact is there are three people running for the seat all three should have equal right to debate.
Web Watchers.
Okay I don't like this idea one bit. SMDC is going to broadcast surgeries over the internet. This is a bad idea, what if something goes wrong?
I am sure the people have to agree to it, however I would hate to even be asked.
Here is part of the story from the DNT,
Dr. Bradley Edgerton has done so many knee replacement surgeries — more than 2,000 at least — he’s lost count.
But he wonÂ’t forget the one he performs Wednesday night. Edgerton, who has worked as an orthopedic surgeon with St. MaryÂ’s-Duluth Clinic since 1994, will operate in front of cameras broadcasting the procedure live over the World Wide Web.
The procedure will be the first live surgery broadcast over the Web in Northeastern Minnesota and the first of four live Webcasts that SMDC plans over the coyearary's
Is this something you would watch?
I am sure the people have to agree to it, however I would hate to even be asked.
Here is part of the story from the DNT,
Dr. Bradley Edgerton has done so many knee replacement surgeries — more than 2,000 at least — he’s lost count.
But he wonÂ’t forget the one he performs Wednesday night. Edgerton, who has worked as an orthopedic surgeon with St. MaryÂ’s-Duluth Clinic since 1994, will operate in front of cameras broadcasting the procedure live over the World Wide Web.
The procedure will be the first live surgery broadcast over the Web in Northeastern Minnesota and the first of four live Webcasts that SMDC plans over the coyearary's
Is this something you would watch?
Card Check vote will it pass or not.
Ordinance 42 the use of card check will get it 's second reading and may be voted on at the next the meeting.
Will it pass or not, here is what we think may happen.
The for sure councilors that will vote for card check:
Greg Gilbert, Russ Stover, Roger Reinert, Laurie Johnson
Those that will not:
Tim Little, Jim Stauber
The swing votes rest on these councilors
Don Ness, Russ Stewart, Gary Krause
Here is part of an email from councilor Ness that makes us believe he will not support the ordinance,
"I have not made up my mind regarding Stover's ordinance, but I will probably vote against it. During my last campaign when I screened before the AFL-CIO I told them that I opposed card check and I still hold that position. There are elements I like about the concept, but not card check."
If this is the case then what right now the vote would be 4-3 with the two swing votes of Stewart, and Krause.
I think this is something that Stewart could support, but not having received any info from him or councilor Krause it is tuff to read which way these two councilor may vote.
That is why if you don't like the idea of card check you need to let your councilor know, you also have to let them all know. Call or email them today.
In the end we feel like this my pass 5-4 but with pressure because it all comes down to what is best for them, it may not pass.
Will it pass or not, here is what we think may happen.
The for sure councilors that will vote for card check:
Greg Gilbert, Russ Stover, Roger Reinert, Laurie Johnson
Those that will not:
Tim Little, Jim Stauber
The swing votes rest on these councilors
Don Ness, Russ Stewart, Gary Krause
Here is part of an email from councilor Ness that makes us believe he will not support the ordinance,
"I have not made up my mind regarding Stover's ordinance, but I will probably vote against it. During my last campaign when I screened before the AFL-CIO I told them that I opposed card check and I still hold that position. There are elements I like about the concept, but not card check."
If this is the case then what right now the vote would be 4-3 with the two swing votes of Stewart, and Krause.
I think this is something that Stewart could support, but not having received any info from him or councilor Krause it is tuff to read which way these two councilor may vote.
That is why if you don't like the idea of card check you need to let your councilor know, you also have to let them all know. Call or email them today.
In the end we feel like this my pass 5-4 but with pressure because it all comes down to what is best for them, it may not pass.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Andy Peterson on Check Card.
Here is what chamber member Andy Peterson says about ordinance 42.
Councilor Russ Stover’s plan to marry the city’s ability to attract new business, new development and new business expansion to an almost guaranteed unionization of those businesses – all in the name of helping the poorest of workers. What Councilor Stover forgets is by aiming his intentions at those businesses that might receive “public subsidies,” he could effectively kill job creation. Had Cirrus Design and United Health Care worked with the city under such agreements they would not have chosen to locate in Duluth. This is not to say that the city should not be careful when it enters into an agreement nor should it throw money at businesses just to attract jobs; but I am certain that under Councilor Stover’s plan, neither business would have located in Duluth.
Under Councilor Stover’s plan, the city would have lost approximately two thousand good jobs.Councilor Stover’s plan, then, is not visionary.In Councilor Stover’s defense, it is safe to say that he has a heart for the less fortunate. Like the rest of us, he wants to see people receive health care, have proper housing, and get a good education. Unfortunately, his plan accomplishes these things at someone else’s expense – that of the business community’s ability to expand and provide jobs.
By requiring any business that might receive any city help – including the provision of infrastructure – to allow unions free and unfettered access to organizing, he almost assuredly guarantees that employees join unions without so much as an employee’s ability to a secret ballot. What citizen in the US would tolerate such treatment when he or she employs his or her right to vote in any public election? These kinds of “open” elections are subject to inordinate union pressure and ultimately will take away the employers’ ability to shop around for the best price and best value in insurance for their employees.Lastly, if Councilor Stover wants to help the working poor, he should be sure to fund the non-profits of our area, as they work to change social policy and provide services. This might include making sure that those who are mildly disabled, emotionally disturbed, or those addicted to drugs or alcohol get the real help and assistance they need.In an era when the city faces great financial challenges, is a thinly disguised plan to promote union membership really the answer? We think not.Tell Councilor Stover and the rest of the city council what you think.
Let him know you don’t appreciate him serving as a voice box for union efforts. Time is short – the council reads ordinance 06-042-O tonight in preparation to vote it into law at the next council meeting. Tell them to come up with a better plan. The Council can be collectively emailed at
posted by Andy Peterson at 10:45 AM
Mr. Peterson and I don't always agree, we do on this one. Even when we don't I have the utmost respect for Mr. Peterson along with Mr. Ross.
The chamber it's self I don't agree with all the time either but they are a class act, on how people of "power" should act. Maybe Mr. Welty could take a lesson from them.
Councilor Russ Stover’s plan to marry the city’s ability to attract new business, new development and new business expansion to an almost guaranteed unionization of those businesses – all in the name of helping the poorest of workers. What Councilor Stover forgets is by aiming his intentions at those businesses that might receive “public subsidies,” he could effectively kill job creation. Had Cirrus Design and United Health Care worked with the city under such agreements they would not have chosen to locate in Duluth. This is not to say that the city should not be careful when it enters into an agreement nor should it throw money at businesses just to attract jobs; but I am certain that under Councilor Stover’s plan, neither business would have located in Duluth.
Under Councilor Stover’s plan, the city would have lost approximately two thousand good jobs.Councilor Stover’s plan, then, is not visionary.In Councilor Stover’s defense, it is safe to say that he has a heart for the less fortunate. Like the rest of us, he wants to see people receive health care, have proper housing, and get a good education. Unfortunately, his plan accomplishes these things at someone else’s expense – that of the business community’s ability to expand and provide jobs.
By requiring any business that might receive any city help – including the provision of infrastructure – to allow unions free and unfettered access to organizing, he almost assuredly guarantees that employees join unions without so much as an employee’s ability to a secret ballot. What citizen in the US would tolerate such treatment when he or she employs his or her right to vote in any public election? These kinds of “open” elections are subject to inordinate union pressure and ultimately will take away the employers’ ability to shop around for the best price and best value in insurance for their employees.Lastly, if Councilor Stover wants to help the working poor, he should be sure to fund the non-profits of our area, as they work to change social policy and provide services. This might include making sure that those who are mildly disabled, emotionally disturbed, or those addicted to drugs or alcohol get the real help and assistance they need.In an era when the city faces great financial challenges, is a thinly disguised plan to promote union membership really the answer? We think not.Tell Councilor Stover and the rest of the city council what you think.
Let him know you don’t appreciate him serving as a voice box for union efforts. Time is short – the council reads ordinance 06-042-O tonight in preparation to vote it into law at the next council meeting. Tell them to come up with a better plan. The Council can be collectively emailed at
posted by Andy Peterson at 10:45 AM
Mr. Peterson and I don't always agree, we do on this one. Even when we don't I have the utmost respect for Mr. Peterson along with Mr. Ross.
The chamber it's self I don't agree with all the time either but they are a class act, on how people of "power" should act. Maybe Mr. Welty could take a lesson from them.
Nice reply from a candidate for congress.
This is an email reply from Harry Welty, candidate for the U.S. Congress in the 8th district. He is running against long time democrat Jim Oberstar and former Congressman and senator Rod Grams.
Here is the email:
Does Rod Grams?Look John, Grams just spent 50 grand to mail out his crap about Oberstar's bicycling in France. With that kind of money I'd raise hell about our national debt and the politization of the war in Iraq. Two kids I took on church mission trips have been stationed Iraq so that Karl Rove could keep Republicans in control of Washington DC. And that twerp Grams wastes money on this? Rod will visit the Eighth District every weekend if he's elected. O Sweet Joy and Halleleujah!
These are decent kids facing death for a war that has weakened America and put us at risk. Look how pathetic we have been dealing with Iran and North Korea. Look at what we've done to the National Guard.
We've become the reason bin Laden is having such success recruiting suicide bombers. Like I said the 8.5 trillion debt and the Iraq War stand out as major issues. How did you miss that? I gripe about both regularly. I also complain about all the bs politics of both major parties. That's why I'm running as an independent. I'm also annoyed by the interjection of religious self righteousness into politics. If you want any more issues I suggest you look to the column on the right of my blog where a great many issues are listed.
What do you want from me?
How about not being such an ass in reply's. It was in fact a simple question? Do you have any issues, fact is you must not have a clear vision for this district. Both Oberstar and Grams do whether you agree with there vision or not, at least they have one.
Here is the email:
Does Rod Grams?Look John, Grams just spent 50 grand to mail out his crap about Oberstar's bicycling in France. With that kind of money I'd raise hell about our national debt and the politization of the war in Iraq. Two kids I took on church mission trips have been stationed Iraq so that Karl Rove could keep Republicans in control of Washington DC. And that twerp Grams wastes money on this? Rod will visit the Eighth District every weekend if he's elected. O Sweet Joy and Halleleujah!
These are decent kids facing death for a war that has weakened America and put us at risk. Look how pathetic we have been dealing with Iran and North Korea. Look at what we've done to the National Guard.
We've become the reason bin Laden is having such success recruiting suicide bombers. Like I said the 8.5 trillion debt and the Iraq War stand out as major issues. How did you miss that? I gripe about both regularly. I also complain about all the bs politics of both major parties. That's why I'm running as an independent. I'm also annoyed by the interjection of religious self righteousness into politics. If you want any more issues I suggest you look to the column on the right of my blog where a great many issues are listed.
What do you want from me?
How about not being such an ass in reply's. It was in fact a simple question? Do you have any issues, fact is you must not have a clear vision for this district. Both Oberstar and Grams do whether you agree with there vision or not, at least they have one.
Check Card what is the issue part 1.
Okay so we finale have had time to check everything out. Again what is the issue of the check card ordinance that councilor Stover is proposing?
Councilor Stover says a big part of it is accountability and not at all to make unions easy to form. We don't buy that, what about you?
Here are some emails from councilor Stover regarding the issue. They are in reply to emails sent by me.
I'm rather disappointed that you didn't address the matter of public funding of private projects.
This is something you have always been a champion. Accountability of taxpayers money is the real issue.
Lets stay on the issue and stop the personal attacks.
Russ StoverDuluth City council W Skyline ParkwayDuluth, MN 55810
Ordinance 42 proposes that only new developers who get city subsidies (TIF) be required to allow card check and neutrality, at the option of the employees.
Russ StoverDuluth City Council9613 W Skyline ParkwayDuluth, MN 55810218-626-2627RStover5th@aol.com
Lets take a crack at the second email first as I will respond to the first later. He and supporters will not try to pawn off that ordinance 42 is an accountability issue. That is it not in fact about making it easy to form unions. Which in fact that is his main purpose. For anyone to fall this subsidies crap is pearly not understanding the whole issue.
Here is a third email from councilor Stover:
The subsidies are the issue. It is written in the ordinance.
It says developers using future city subsidies.
I am trying to make sure we have better jobs if we give taxpayers subsidies.
Thanks for writing.
Now this third email lays out what he is doing for me. Lets look at this The last sentence says he wants to make sure we have better jobs if taxpayers have to flip the bill.
Lets be honestly here we are talking about hotels and motels, you are not going to make a whole lot of money working in these places unless you own it or are in a high position. It is unfair to make a business pay x amount other then the current minimum wage to start. The company then gives you pay increases based on the job you are doing.
I am all for getting something for my tax dollar but it is not making unionizing easy that I want. What I would love was ordinance 60 that laid out a clear plan for both the city and the developer.
There will be more to come. By the way you can read the ordinance by clicking this link:
Councilor Stover says a big part of it is accountability and not at all to make unions easy to form. We don't buy that, what about you?
Here are some emails from councilor Stover regarding the issue. They are in reply to emails sent by me.
I'm rather disappointed that you didn't address the matter of public funding of private projects.
This is something you have always been a champion. Accountability of taxpayers money is the real issue.
Lets stay on the issue and stop the personal attacks.
Russ StoverDuluth City council W Skyline ParkwayDuluth, MN 55810
Ordinance 42 proposes that only new developers who get city subsidies (TIF) be required to allow card check and neutrality, at the option of the employees.
Russ StoverDuluth City Council9613 W Skyline ParkwayDuluth, MN 55810218-626-2627RStover5th@aol.com
Lets take a crack at the second email first as I will respond to the first later. He and supporters will not try to pawn off that ordinance 42 is an accountability issue. That is it not in fact about making it easy to form unions. Which in fact that is his main purpose. For anyone to fall this subsidies crap is pearly not understanding the whole issue.
Here is a third email from councilor Stover:
The subsidies are the issue. It is written in the ordinance.
It says developers using future city subsidies.
I am trying to make sure we have better jobs if we give taxpayers subsidies.
Thanks for writing.
Now this third email lays out what he is doing for me. Lets look at this The last sentence says he wants to make sure we have better jobs if taxpayers have to flip the bill.
Lets be honestly here we are talking about hotels and motels, you are not going to make a whole lot of money working in these places unless you own it or are in a high position. It is unfair to make a business pay x amount other then the current minimum wage to start. The company then gives you pay increases based on the job you are doing.
I am all for getting something for my tax dollar but it is not making unionizing easy that I want. What I would love was ordinance 60 that laid out a clear plan for both the city and the developer.
There will be more to come. By the way you can read the ordinance by clicking this link:
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Crime in Duluth
What to do about crime in Duluth.
The fact is there is a number of things that could be done. I have the greatest respect for our police and they need all the equiment and essentials needed to battle this issue. This is something we need to focus on and we need to let our city council members well aware of this. The budget talks are going on now and we need to make it clear that police and fire is top priority not other programs. That is just one step but it is a very important step that needs to take place.
Second, develop community meetings were there are not and were there are try to get more involvement. With community input and involvement we will make this community better. We need to be part of the solution not the problem, we all can be added ears and eyes in the area we live. Also take a lead in developing a crime watch program in your area of town.
third, We don't affine suggest more government programs. This would not be a new program but it would be increasing and extending a city department. Increase the city parks and rec to allow rec centers to be a safe place for kids together and play and hang out.
We can remember a time when the rec centers all over town were full of kids everyday, rec centers had programs all day long, they would have out door activities, crafts and arts, along with many other events that took place after school and in the summer. Along with extensive winter programs as well. We remember times when the rec centers would go down to Twins games, go on fishing trip and other trips. Along with just outstanding activities on site.
This is just part of a grand program to start to take back our streets.
The fact is there is a number of things that could be done. I have the greatest respect for our police and they need all the equiment and essentials needed to battle this issue. This is something we need to focus on and we need to let our city council members well aware of this. The budget talks are going on now and we need to make it clear that police and fire is top priority not other programs. That is just one step but it is a very important step that needs to take place.
Second, develop community meetings were there are not and were there are try to get more involvement. With community input and involvement we will make this community better. We need to be part of the solution not the problem, we all can be added ears and eyes in the area we live. Also take a lead in developing a crime watch program in your area of town.
third, We don't affine suggest more government programs. This would not be a new program but it would be increasing and extending a city department. Increase the city parks and rec to allow rec centers to be a safe place for kids together and play and hang out.
We can remember a time when the rec centers all over town were full of kids everyday, rec centers had programs all day long, they would have out door activities, crafts and arts, along with many other events that took place after school and in the summer. Along with extensive winter programs as well. We remember times when the rec centers would go down to Twins games, go on fishing trip and other trips. Along with just outstanding activities on site.
This is just part of a grand program to start to take back our streets.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
What is the issue.
Councilor Russ Stover has ordinance 42, the ordinannce would make it easy to unionize.
Councilor Stover and a local citizen have been going back and forth on this issue on what truely is the issue. Councilor Stover claims the issue is the subsidies and not that unionzing. The citizen claims that he is just trying to mislead the public by using subsidies as an argument.
It looks to us here that the citizen is right but we have alot to look over and will pass it along as we can. The email were passed on to us. Again more to come.
Councilor Stover and a local citizen have been going back and forth on this issue on what truely is the issue. Councilor Stover claims the issue is the subsidies and not that unionzing. The citizen claims that he is just trying to mislead the public by using subsidies as an argument.
It looks to us here that the citizen is right but we have alot to look over and will pass it along as we can. The email were passed on to us. Again more to come.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
It's time to take back our streets.
Crime has been on the rise in Duluth, why? Because of people coming from the twin cities along with else were.
The crimes that are up, are not small ones they are major crimes. These crimes have been linked with a drug increase as well as a gang in crease in Duluth.
We need to take back our streets, the time is now. We will have more on this project later. However if you are sick of this problem and would like to get more info quick on the plan please email at .
The crimes that are up, are not small ones they are major crimes. These crimes have been linked with a drug increase as well as a gang in crease in Duluth.
We need to take back our streets, the time is now. We will have more on this project later. However if you are sick of this problem and would like to get more info quick on the plan please email at .
Council meeting
The Duluth city council will meet tonight. They normally meet on Monday night however with columbis day yesterday the meeting will be held tonight.
The meeting is very importain to attend tonights council meeting because councilor Stover will introduce an ordinance that will make it easy to put in unions.
The ordinance would by pass the campaigning that goes on with putting in a union all the employees of a hotel or motol would have to do is sign a card saying they want a union and if there was enought people that did that then there would be a union.
I fell this is bad for both the employees and the employer. It hurts business in on both forms.
You need to show up and voice your displeaser with this ordinance because you know union heads will be there praising it.
The meeting is very importain to attend tonights council meeting because councilor Stover will introduce an ordinance that will make it easy to put in unions.
The ordinance would by pass the campaigning that goes on with putting in a union all the employees of a hotel or motol would have to do is sign a card saying they want a union and if there was enought people that did that then there would be a union.
I fell this is bad for both the employees and the employer. It hurts business in on both forms.
You need to show up and voice your displeaser with this ordinance because you know union heads will be there praising it.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Stover wants it to be easy for unions to move in.
Duluth City Councilor Russ Stover has said he along with the unions will introduce an ordinance that makes it easy to organize a union. What this ordinance will do is by pass all the campaigning for or against a union and allow the workers to vote on a card and if a margity of those vote to have a union that is it.
The Duluth News Tribune has a full story on this. We have many more thoughts on this but are running out of time so will have to pick it up later tonight along with many other storys happening here. Please check back, also if you would like to check out the paper here is there link,
The Duluth News Tribune has a full story on this. We have many more thoughts on this but are running out of time so will have to pick it up later tonight along with many other storys happening here. Please check back, also if you would like to check out the paper here is there link,
New look at some of the races
I think now that some republicans could be in trouble with the events of the sex scandal that put down Foley. Foley a representative that sent private messages and instant messages to a child.
First the Governors race
I still thing that Tim Pawlenty will win. It will be a close race however.
here is the numbers
Pawlenty 53%
Hatch 42%
The rest split between other candidates. Also look for Lourey to get some votes because her supports will not give up.
8th congressional district.
I think that Oberstar will win. I hope people open there ears and eyes. Oberstar is saying he is being attacked yet the his challenger has the facts about his record. Yet Oberstar will not address the issues.
This is one race that I think the Foley effect could make a difference. I wonder how much it will affect the race, also who it will help most if anyone. It could give a small boast to Welty as some people may vote in protest.
Oberstar 56%
Grams 32%
Welty 12%
I was once hoping this race would be closer but at this point I am not sure it will be. We will have to wait and see. Also my thoughts may change.
First the Governors race
I still thing that Tim Pawlenty will win. It will be a close race however.
here is the numbers
Pawlenty 53%
Hatch 42%
The rest split between other candidates. Also look for Lourey to get some votes because her supports will not give up.
8th congressional district.
I think that Oberstar will win. I hope people open there ears and eyes. Oberstar is saying he is being attacked yet the his challenger has the facts about his record. Yet Oberstar will not address the issues.
This is one race that I think the Foley effect could make a difference. I wonder how much it will affect the race, also who it will help most if anyone. It could give a small boast to Welty as some people may vote in protest.
Oberstar 56%
Grams 32%
Welty 12%
I was once hoping this race would be closer but at this point I am not sure it will be. We will have to wait and see. Also my thoughts may change.
Teachers to carry guns in School?
A republican lawmaker has proposed that teachers and principals could carry guns. This after a threat that kid had a gun in a school.
Do you agree with this or not?
Do you agree with this or not?
Why are school crimes getting more out of control.
Yesterday there was a group of us at an event that held a discussion about this type of an issue. One of our group members said her son told her that at East High school yes right here in Duluth you could get anything you wanted to. You could get a gun, knife, drugs, sex, whatever you wanted you could get it, if you knew the "right people".
Why are schools getting out of control?
EVELETH - Eveleth Police and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are investigating a school violence threat reportedly to be carried out by a 17-year-old male.
At about 8 p.m. Monday, Eveleth-Gilbert Superintendent Mike Lang reported that a student at Eveleth-Gilbert schools had received an internet message at the student's home describing a plan to kill Eveleth students, according to an Eveleth Police Department news release.
The message said the incident would occur on Oct 13, but did not specify at which Eveleth-Gilbert campus.
The student who reportedly received the message had notified school authorities.
As the result of an investigation, law enforcement authorities identified a suspect who admitted to sending the message.
The 17-year-old suspect has no reported current or past affiliation with Eveleth-Gilbert schools, according to Eveleth Police Chief Brian Lillis.
``At this point in the investigation, it does not appear that the suspect poses an imminent threat to public safety,' said Lillis. ``It appears that it is unlikely that the suspect has either the intention or the ability to carry out the purported school violence at the Eveleth-Gilbert schools.'
The Chisholm and Gilbert Police department assisted in the investigation.
Why are schools getting out of control?
EVELETH - Eveleth Police and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are investigating a school violence threat reportedly to be carried out by a 17-year-old male.
At about 8 p.m. Monday, Eveleth-Gilbert Superintendent Mike Lang reported that a student at Eveleth-Gilbert schools had received an internet message at the student's home describing a plan to kill Eveleth students, according to an Eveleth Police Department news release.
The message said the incident would occur on Oct 13, but did not specify at which Eveleth-Gilbert campus.
The student who reportedly received the message had notified school authorities.
As the result of an investigation, law enforcement authorities identified a suspect who admitted to sending the message.
The 17-year-old suspect has no reported current or past affiliation with Eveleth-Gilbert schools, according to Eveleth Police Chief Brian Lillis.
``At this point in the investigation, it does not appear that the suspect poses an imminent threat to public safety,' said Lillis. ``It appears that it is unlikely that the suspect has either the intention or the ability to carry out the purported school violence at the Eveleth-Gilbert schools.'
The Chisholm and Gilbert Police department assisted in the investigation.
Don Ness gets praise from some.
Duluth City Councilor Don Ness has received some praise this week from people he normally would not receive it from. At least it seems, Erik at, you will have to register an account if you have not done so yet.
Okay here we go with my comments and they will not be much praise for the councilor.
First, Lets set the record straight Don Ness does what he feels is best for his political future. He has heard from a number of Duluthains that they don't and or can't pay for a utility increase. Therefore it is best for him to take action, not because he wants to but because he has to, so he looks good.
Yet another point to the Unions will now be at Don Ness for a short time and we will see if he flips back the other way. I don't think he will he is normally good at "standing" for what is best for him.
Second, A resolution does nothing. This discussing took place in city council chambers back when we were discussing ordinance 60. A resolutions holds no water, it is only ordinance that bind the council. A resolutions is just a suggestion. It does not need to help up.
Now do I agree with what Don Ness said in the paper sure I do, the thing is do I believe him, the jury is still out.
Okay here we go with my comments and they will not be much praise for the councilor.
First, Lets set the record straight Don Ness does what he feels is best for his political future. He has heard from a number of Duluthains that they don't and or can't pay for a utility increase. Therefore it is best for him to take action, not because he wants to but because he has to, so he looks good.
Yet another point to the Unions will now be at Don Ness for a short time and we will see if he flips back the other way. I don't think he will he is normally good at "standing" for what is best for him.
Second, A resolution does nothing. This discussing took place in city council chambers back when we were discussing ordinance 60. A resolutions holds no water, it is only ordinance that bind the council. A resolutions is just a suggestion. It does not need to help up.
Now do I agree with what Don Ness said in the paper sure I do, the thing is do I believe him, the jury is still out.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Come on Rush.
I listened to Rush's show today, and was amaszed at his attempt to support Foley.
I normaly agree with Rush but this time disagree 100% at this point. Sham on Rush for playing the political game with this issue. I know Rush says the Democrats are playing a game and maybe they are, but Rush jumped into it doing the same exact thing.
I can see standing up for the speaker of the house, but I can't stand behind foley at all.
Rush said that he thinks it is an attack of the media and far left wing nuts and the foley is insent, but the fact is that this is not true. Even if it is in part an attack what Foley has done is in excuseable.
Rush every republican action is not right. This is one of those.
I normaly agree with Rush but this time disagree 100% at this point. Sham on Rush for playing the political game with this issue. I know Rush says the Democrats are playing a game and maybe they are, but Rush jumped into it doing the same exact thing.
I can see standing up for the speaker of the house, but I can't stand behind foley at all.
Rush said that he thinks it is an attack of the media and far left wing nuts and the foley is insent, but the fact is that this is not true. Even if it is in part an attack what Foley has done is in excuseable.
Rush every republican action is not right. This is one of those.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Duluth News Trib online change.
The Duluth News Trib changed it's format look for there online site. Again this may have happend a few days ago but because of work and other issues I have not been able to check out the site for a while.
Any way what are your thought of the changes do you like or not? Here is a link to the paper online,
Any way what are your thought of the changes do you like or not? Here is a link to the paper online,
Twins lose game one.
The Minnesota Twins lost game one of the ALDS, today at the metrodome. The Twins got behind Oakland early in the second inning by two from there Oakland never looked back as they went on to win 3-2. Game two tomorrow and it is a must win for the Twins tomorrow.
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