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Thursday, December 01, 2005

To Godless American, the First Lady and every other American.

I know, but this will be a big issue for me so here we go again. The attack on Christmas continues. Even the First Lady and President Bush give into the left and non-Christians calling the white house Christmas tree a "holiday" tree. Below you will find a post by "Godless American" and a reply by me from a earlier post.

Godless American said...
"Oh Goodie! I'm so sick of this foul capitalist perversion of religious mythology ("Christmas"), I could puke.99% of Duluthians celebrate this holiday? Please present your data. From my perspective that means 99% of Duluth's population is mentally disturbed.Santa Claus! Elves! Fairies! ... Humbug! How can people who claim to be awake stomach this crap. "

D.N.H. said...
"When you were little you must have been bounced on your head a time or two, oh wait maybe not that would have been good for you if you were. Christmas has nothing to do with Santa Claus, Elves or anything else to the affect. Sure these are just parts of the Christmas season but to most of us it is about our faith and the celebration of Jesus. Get a clue and realize no matter what that Christmas is and has been under attack for a long time. I am mad as hell that the white house is calling there Christmas tree a "holiday" tree this year what is wrong with them?"

When will people realize that it is Christmas and it is the Christians time of the year, everyone else has there own time so every one not a Christian need to shut up and let us have the time.

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