I will however provide the news of the race over at www.duluthnewsnow.blogpsot.com . Speaking of that there is new post there well one does include info about the senate race there is also more.
When news becomes available it will be at the Duluth News Now site.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A second foot ball stadium?
This was is the paper a few days ago and I agree with it 100%. Do we really need a second place to play football? I don't think so when we are in a budget crisis. Yes we should focus our efforts on teachers and class rooms. Do you believe we need a second stadium yes or no, and why?
Published December 27 2008
We need good teachers, not another stadiumSomething stinks. The nation’s economy is crumbling. The city of Duluth is under water. Never mind all that. Superintendent Keith Dixon’s pliant School Board can afford a surprise $6 million stadium.
Something stinks. The nation’s economy is crumbling. The city of Duluth is under water. Minnesota is so broke our schools’ superintendent warned that the state probably won’t give Independent School District 709 all the revenue it was promised.
Never mind all that. Superintendent Keith Dixon’s pliant School Board can afford a surprise $6 million stadium. And what a surprise it is! There was no stadium in the red plan that I could recall. It was in the blue plan. What gives?
For as long as I can remember, Central, Denfeld and East have shared Public Schools Stadium amicably. During the football season, there will often be only a single game scheduled at Public Schools Stadium on Friday nights.
Our schools should stick to giving our children a good education. That requires good teachers — not Minnesota’s most expensive school building project of all time. It certainly doesn’t require a
$6 million stadium.
And taking homes by eminent domain leaves a smaller population to pay off the red plan. Some families whose homes have become parking lots now live in Hermantown. If the School Board thinks Duluth’s voters were impressed with its display of raw power in authorizing eminent domain to take Ordean-area homes, it was mistaken. Most of us are still bitter we didn’t get to vote on the red plan. This brutal decision was not the voters’ fault. We have nothing but sympathy for these bullied homeowners. The board smugly told us we can’t stop this. That kind of arrogance begs Duluth to rise up and prove them wrong.
Sheri Pihlaja
Published December 27 2008
We need good teachers, not another stadiumSomething stinks. The nation’s economy is crumbling. The city of Duluth is under water. Never mind all that. Superintendent Keith Dixon’s pliant School Board can afford a surprise $6 million stadium.
Something stinks. The nation’s economy is crumbling. The city of Duluth is under water. Minnesota is so broke our schools’ superintendent warned that the state probably won’t give Independent School District 709 all the revenue it was promised.
Never mind all that. Superintendent Keith Dixon’s pliant School Board can afford a surprise $6 million stadium. And what a surprise it is! There was no stadium in the red plan that I could recall. It was in the blue plan. What gives?
For as long as I can remember, Central, Denfeld and East have shared Public Schools Stadium amicably. During the football season, there will often be only a single game scheduled at Public Schools Stadium on Friday nights.
Our schools should stick to giving our children a good education. That requires good teachers — not Minnesota’s most expensive school building project of all time. It certainly doesn’t require a
$6 million stadium.
And taking homes by eminent domain leaves a smaller population to pay off the red plan. Some families whose homes have become parking lots now live in Hermantown. If the School Board thinks Duluth’s voters were impressed with its display of raw power in authorizing eminent domain to take Ordean-area homes, it was mistaken. Most of us are still bitter we didn’t get to vote on the red plan. This brutal decision was not the voters’ fault. We have nothing but sympathy for these bullied homeowners. The board smugly told us we can’t stop this. That kind of arrogance begs Duluth to rise up and prove them wrong.
Sheri Pihlaja
County commisner Dalhberg.
Chris Dalhberg will soon be sworn in to office. He defeated 32 year incumbent Bill Kron in the last election.
Mr. Dalhberg is a former city councilor as well. He will be sworn in to his new office on Friday starting at 11:30. He will follow with up with a lunch with supporters and friends.
I look forward to Chris being on the board he will be a very effective board member. I however will not be able to attend the ceremony because up work bummer.
Mr. Dalhberg is a former city councilor as well. He will be sworn in to his new office on Friday starting at 11:30. He will follow with up with a lunch with supporters and friends.
I look forward to Chris being on the board he will be a very effective board member. I however will not be able to attend the ceremony because up work bummer.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Council pay cut.
Former police chief Eli Miletich think the councils pay should be cut in half. Well I am not opposed in part to this, I do have a few issues with it.
If we are going to talk about cuts to elected officials then the first place we need to look is the top official and that is the Mayor. Regard less of who that is then maybe you can talk about others taking a pay cut. We then need to look at not elected officials pay chief administrator pay is insane. If these two things were to happen then you can come and talk to me about council decreasing there pay.
I also believe that if there is an increase or decrease in pay to any elected office the citizens should vote on it.
If we are going to talk about cuts to elected officials then the first place we need to look is the top official and that is the Mayor. Regard less of who that is then maybe you can talk about others taking a pay cut. We then need to look at not elected officials pay chief administrator pay is insane. If these two things were to happen then you can come and talk to me about council decreasing there pay.
I also believe that if there is an increase or decrease in pay to any elected office the citizens should vote on it.
More wishes for the up coming year.
Well kind of any way. In the paper again county commisner Steve O'Neil said he wished that Governor Tim Pawlenty would not balance the budget by cutting aid to cities and counties. It is clear that Mr. O'Neil does not understand that this had to be done.
Lets face it with out "cuts" of not as much money as you were hoping for. The fact is this needed to be done to help balance the budget. It would have been almost impossible to not include cuts to counties and cities.
Lets face it with out "cuts" of not as much money as you were hoping for. The fact is this needed to be done to help balance the budget. It would have been almost impossible to not include cuts to counties and cities.
New Poll.
The question is this. Will 2009 be a better year for Duluth? Go ahead take a guess what is your thoughts. Leave a comment here as to why you think it will or will not be a better year for Duluth as well.
Don Ness
Mayor of Duluth Don Ness believes that this is the year that we change the course of histories in our country and the city. He said in a wish for 2009 to the Duluth News Tribune published yesterday in Northland Forum part of the paper.
One would think the Mayor believes the change will come because of who was elected President. Yet as Barack Obama makes his cabinet choices it is much of the same that President Clinton had. Were is the change from politics as normal? I am not as optimistic that we will see a huge change in our countries politics.
I think we could possible see change in the way our city is ran. As we have seen Mayor Ness do what is necessary in his short time as Mayor to date. I am hoping the Mayor Ness continues with the tough decisions that face our city. Understand that many people and special interest groups will be unhappy with them. I also hop that he sticks to the promise he has made to the city council and work to get to a pay as you go system and not bond for everything.
One would think the Mayor believes the change will come because of who was elected President. Yet as Barack Obama makes his cabinet choices it is much of the same that President Clinton had. Were is the change from politics as normal? I am not as optimistic that we will see a huge change in our countries politics.
I think we could possible see change in the way our city is ran. As we have seen Mayor Ness do what is necessary in his short time as Mayor to date. I am hoping the Mayor Ness continues with the tough decisions that face our city. Understand that many people and special interest groups will be unhappy with them. I also hop that he sticks to the promise he has made to the city council and work to get to a pay as you go system and not bond for everything.
barack obama,
Don Ness,
Duluth City Council,
Mayor Ness,
President Obama,
special interest
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I will have post.
There were a number of things in paper I want to comment on and I will either do that later tonight or tomorrow so check back.
For now go to the sports page and read about the vikes. http://dpsportspage.blogspot.com/
For now go to the sports page and read about the vikes. http://dpsportspage.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 26, 2008
Larry King Live.
My friend and part time contributor to this blog Garbon has a great piece on Larry King Live You can check it out here, http://garbon2535.blogspot.com/.
DP page updates.
New post are here:
Check them out.
Check them out.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A few days ago in fact two days before Christmas I was walking past Kmart. What I noticed is this.
There were two people standing at the entrance to Kmart picking for some reason. It was union related. I did not read the signs they had. Other then picket by the carpenters union.
All I could think is this the last thing that Kmart needs is a picket against them. No goes there in the first place. Now this for them.
As a side note have you ever noticed that there is like 20 cars in there lot and they are all employees.
There were two people standing at the entrance to Kmart picking for some reason. It was union related. I did not read the signs they had. Other then picket by the carpenters union.
All I could think is this the last thing that Kmart needs is a picket against them. No goes there in the first place. Now this for them.
As a side note have you ever noticed that there is like 20 cars in there lot and they are all employees.
DP podcast?
I am attempting to start Duluth Politics podcast. Now I won't make any promises but I am hoping to have the first show up in a next couple of days. I will keep you all updated. If I don't get one up in the next couple of days it maybe a little bit before I can get to one.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Packing it in on the senate race.
It seems now that the race is for the most part over. It looks like Norm Coleman will lose after leading most of the way. Al Franken has a more then 200 vote lead over Coleman.
I have all put given up!!
I guess all there is left to say is congratulations Al.
I have all put given up!!
I guess all there is left to say is congratulations Al.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thank God!!!
I was glad to see this. The Walsh family can at least bring closer to there and start to heal. After the murder of his son John Walsh started Americas Most Wanted tv show along with many other thing to help with disappearing children.
I can't guess what they are feeling right now. I hope it is some happiness and peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Walsh family.
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A serial killer who died more than a decade ago is the person who decapitated the 6-year-old son of "America's Most Wanted" host John Walsh in 1981, police in Florida said Tuesday.
The announcement brought to a close a case that has vexed the Walsh family for more than two decades, launched the television show about the nation's most notorious criminals and inspired changes in how authorities search for missing children.
"Who could take a 6-year-old and murder and decapitate him? Who?" an emotional John Walsh said at Tuesday's news conference. "We needed to know. We needed to know. And today we know. The not knowing has been a torture, but that journey's over."
Walsh's wife, Reve, at one point placed a small photo of their son on the podium.
The suspect, Ottis Toole, had twice confessed to the killing, but later recanted. He claimed responsibility for hundreds of murders, but police determined most of the confessions were lies. Toole's niece told the boy's father, John Walsh, her uncle confessed on his deathbed in prison that he killed Adam.
You can read the whole story here, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081216/ap_on_re_us/adam_walsh.
I can't guess what they are feeling right now. I hope it is some happiness and peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Walsh family.
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – A serial killer who died more than a decade ago is the person who decapitated the 6-year-old son of "America's Most Wanted" host John Walsh in 1981, police in Florida said Tuesday.
The announcement brought to a close a case that has vexed the Walsh family for more than two decades, launched the television show about the nation's most notorious criminals and inspired changes in how authorities search for missing children.
"Who could take a 6-year-old and murder and decapitate him? Who?" an emotional John Walsh said at Tuesday's news conference. "We needed to know. We needed to know. And today we know. The not knowing has been a torture, but that journey's over."
Walsh's wife, Reve, at one point placed a small photo of their son on the podium.
The suspect, Ottis Toole, had twice confessed to the killing, but later recanted. He claimed responsibility for hundreds of murders, but police determined most of the confessions were lies. Toole's niece told the boy's father, John Walsh, her uncle confessed on his deathbed in prison that he killed Adam.
You can read the whole story here, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081216/ap_on_re_us/adam_walsh.
14% levy increase.
Well there was no one at last nights meeting that spoke against any part of the levy increase. All of the levy increases passed by a 5-4 vote. Those that voted against them were councilor Stauber, Fedora, Fossile, and Krause. These are the five that supported it councilor Gardner, Cuneo, Anderson, and Gilbert.
I am getting sick of people just complaining and not doing anything. It is time for people to start going to the meeting and voicing there thoughts. It is time for people to call and email councilors. There is a reason these councilors listen to special interest groups. One is money the next is they are the most vocal.
I am getting sick of people just complaining and not doing anything. It is time for people to start going to the meeting and voicing there thoughts. It is time for people to call and email councilors. There is a reason these councilors listen to special interest groups. One is money the next is they are the most vocal.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Superior will have an open council seat as well.
Superior will have an open city council seat much like Duluth does now. Nick Milroy will vacate his council as he was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly.
I don't know how they will fill the seat. If you are interested you need to contact the Superior city clerks office.
From the Superior Telegram:
Milroy plans to serve out his term on the Superior City Council, which ends April 21. Even-numbered council districts are up for election this spring.
Anyone interested in filing nomination papers for Milroy’s seat should contact the City Clerk’s office at 715-395-720
Milroy currently represents the 8th district on the Superior city council.
I don't know how they will fill the seat. If you are interested you need to contact the Superior city clerks office.
From the Superior Telegram:
Milroy plans to serve out his term on the Superior City Council, which ends April 21. Even-numbered council districts are up for election this spring.
Anyone interested in filing nomination papers for Milroy’s seat should contact the City Clerk’s office at 715-395-720
Milroy currently represents the 8th district on the Superior city council.
President Bush dodges shoes.
Our President made a visit to Iraq. It was a surprise visit which included a press conference. At that press conference there was well a show of disrespect.
One reported felt the need to take there shoes off and then throw them at President Bush. Well both missed him this is a huge show of disrespect. Now I have posted here when I disagree with some politician and I will continue to I will also post when I agree with some one. I have not been perfect but this was a huge disrespect to the president and the United States.
Not only are some in Iraq saying this was a good thing but many here are as well. People understand this is about respect. Regardless of what you think of the president and the war it is what it is.
UPDATE 3:50 p.m
BAGHDAD - Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president.
Here is the rest of the above http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28235031?GT1=43001.
At least they don't all think this was good for the Iraq people. Many disagree with reported.
But in general, many Iraqis believe that the insult directed towards Bush has really reflected badly on them – particularly because of their long history of traditions and customs that focus on respecting the guest – even if that guest is considered an "enemy."
Here is the rest of the above story, http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/12/15/1714893.aspx?GT1=43001.
One reported felt the need to take there shoes off and then throw them at President Bush. Well both missed him this is a huge show of disrespect. Now I have posted here when I disagree with some politician and I will continue to I will also post when I agree with some one. I have not been perfect but this was a huge disrespect to the president and the United States.
Not only are some in Iraq saying this was a good thing but many here are as well. People understand this is about respect. Regardless of what you think of the president and the war it is what it is.
UPDATE 3:50 p.m
BAGHDAD - Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president.
Here is the rest of the above http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28235031?GT1=43001.
At least they don't all think this was good for the Iraq people. Many disagree with reported.
But in general, many Iraqis believe that the insult directed towards Bush has really reflected badly on them – particularly because of their long history of traditions and customs that focus on respecting the guest – even if that guest is considered an "enemy."
Here is the rest of the above story, http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/12/15/1714893.aspx?GT1=43001.
Smoke this!!!!
The supreme court has said it is okay for smokers to sue cigarette manufactures. Why? Because of the way they market there light, ultra light or mild cigarettes.
What a joke. Everyone knows that smoking is not good for you. Yet some people smoke and they do it for a number of reason's. The ruling said that they market these type of cig's as being saver. That simply is not true they don't. All you have to do is read the pack!!!!!!
What a joke. Everyone knows that smoking is not good for you. Yet some people smoke and they do it for a number of reason's. The ruling said that they market these type of cig's as being saver. That simply is not true they don't. All you have to do is read the pack!!!!!!
Congratulations Bulldogs.
Unless you have been living under a rock you know that U.M.D. played for a DII National championship in football. Not only did they play for it but they won there first ever DII title in any sport. Well the school has been national champs in women's hockey they are DI in both hockey programs.
Congrats to the men's U.M.D. football team.
Congrats to the men's U.M.D. football team.
Tonight's council meeting.
Tonight's council meeting is a very importation one. If you care about your taxes that you need to attend the meeting.
On the schedule is were to set your tax levy. One proposal wants to set it at a 14% increase. Regardless of were you are on this issue get to the meeting. I hope you are for lower taxes in the economic time.
On the schedule is were to set your tax levy. One proposal wants to set it at a 14% increase. Regardless of were you are on this issue get to the meeting. I hope you are for lower taxes in the economic time.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Why do you go to McDonalds?
I don't know about you but I go there because I like the food. Interested in your thoughts.
Congress letting anti-invader ballast bill die
Congress letting anti-invader ballast bill die
12/9 - Washington, D.C. - Federal legislation that would require ocean freighters to disinfect ballast water before entering the Great Lakes will die at the end of the month, forcing lawmakers back to square one next year on the politically divisive issue.
The U.S. House of Representatives in April passed legislation requiring all transoceanic freighters to sanitize ballast tanks before entering U.S. waters. It would have required all freighters by 2015 to install treatment systems capable of killing all living organisms in ballast tanks, including pathogens. But the legislation ran into a brick wall in the U.S. Senate. Critics blocked a vote on the legislation because it contained a pre-emption clause that would have prevented individual states and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from adopting tougher ballast treatment standards.
The bill officially will die when the current congressional session ends Dec. 31. Congress is expected to revisit the ballast water treatment legislation next year, but some officials familiar with the negotiations predicted the proposed treatment rules will remain paralyzed by politics. "I'm pretty pessimistic about the chances of Congress passing national ballast water treatment legislation," said Steve Fisher, executive director of the American Great Lakes Ports Association. "I think the House of Representatives will pass the legislation but I don't think it will pass the Senate. I haven't seen any change in the political dynamics."
The federal legislation was the most comprehensive effort to stem the flow of invasive species sneaking into the Great Lakes in the ballast tanks of transoceanic freighters. Foreign ships have imported more than 60 invasive species into the lakes since the St. Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959. Those species cause an estimated $200 million damage annually in the lakes.
U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, said he is optimistic that Congress and the administration of president-elect Barack Obama will pass federal ballast water treatment standards. "Invasive species are one of the greatest economic and environmental threats to the region because once introduced, they are nearly impossible to eliminate," Hoekstra said.
Jennifer Nalbone, campaign director for the environmental advocacy group Great Lakes United, said Congress made significant progress this year on ballast treatment standards. "Everyone wants to see this problem solved, and there is enough common ground that we should be able to solve this in the next session of Congress," Nalbone said. "It's clear that we need a strong national ballast treatment standard and a timeline for implementation -- we have to get treatment systems on ships."
New invasive species are currently being discovered in the lakes at the rate of one every seven months.
The U.S. and Canada recently adopted rules requiring every transoceanic freighter destined for the Great Lakes to flush ballast tanks with sea water before entering the St. Lawrence River. Studies have shown that procedure reduces the number of viable organisms in the tanks by 95 percent. Treatment systems that use filtration, chemicals, heat and pressure chambers can kill an even greater percentage of organisms and pathogens in ballast water.
Michigan and several other states have adopted their own ballast water regulations, creating a variety of rules. The shipping industry wants a single national standard to avoid creating confusion and logistical problems for shippers. Fisher said he believes states like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio -- where most transoceanic ships discharge ballast water -- are on the right track in developing treatment standards. Those states recently adopted similar regulations based on ballast treatment standards proposed by the International Maritime Organization.
Given the recent state laws passed in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio, Fisher said it is likely all ocean freighters plying the Great Lakes will be required to have ballast treatment systems on board by 2016.
From the Muskegon Chronicle
12/9 - Washington, D.C. - Federal legislation that would require ocean freighters to disinfect ballast water before entering the Great Lakes will die at the end of the month, forcing lawmakers back to square one next year on the politically divisive issue.
The U.S. House of Representatives in April passed legislation requiring all transoceanic freighters to sanitize ballast tanks before entering U.S. waters. It would have required all freighters by 2015 to install treatment systems capable of killing all living organisms in ballast tanks, including pathogens. But the legislation ran into a brick wall in the U.S. Senate. Critics blocked a vote on the legislation because it contained a pre-emption clause that would have prevented individual states and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from adopting tougher ballast treatment standards.
The bill officially will die when the current congressional session ends Dec. 31. Congress is expected to revisit the ballast water treatment legislation next year, but some officials familiar with the negotiations predicted the proposed treatment rules will remain paralyzed by politics. "I'm pretty pessimistic about the chances of Congress passing national ballast water treatment legislation," said Steve Fisher, executive director of the American Great Lakes Ports Association. "I think the House of Representatives will pass the legislation but I don't think it will pass the Senate. I haven't seen any change in the political dynamics."
The federal legislation was the most comprehensive effort to stem the flow of invasive species sneaking into the Great Lakes in the ballast tanks of transoceanic freighters. Foreign ships have imported more than 60 invasive species into the lakes since the St. Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959. Those species cause an estimated $200 million damage annually in the lakes.
U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, said he is optimistic that Congress and the administration of president-elect Barack Obama will pass federal ballast water treatment standards. "Invasive species are one of the greatest economic and environmental threats to the region because once introduced, they are nearly impossible to eliminate," Hoekstra said.
Jennifer Nalbone, campaign director for the environmental advocacy group Great Lakes United, said Congress made significant progress this year on ballast treatment standards. "Everyone wants to see this problem solved, and there is enough common ground that we should be able to solve this in the next session of Congress," Nalbone said. "It's clear that we need a strong national ballast treatment standard and a timeline for implementation -- we have to get treatment systems on ships."
New invasive species are currently being discovered in the lakes at the rate of one every seven months.
The U.S. and Canada recently adopted rules requiring every transoceanic freighter destined for the Great Lakes to flush ballast tanks with sea water before entering the St. Lawrence River. Studies have shown that procedure reduces the number of viable organisms in the tanks by 95 percent. Treatment systems that use filtration, chemicals, heat and pressure chambers can kill an even greater percentage of organisms and pathogens in ballast water.
Michigan and several other states have adopted their own ballast water regulations, creating a variety of rules. The shipping industry wants a single national standard to avoid creating confusion and logistical problems for shippers. Fisher said he believes states like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio -- where most transoceanic ships discharge ballast water -- are on the right track in developing treatment standards. Those states recently adopted similar regulations based on ballast treatment standards proposed by the International Maritime Organization.
Given the recent state laws passed in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio, Fisher said it is likely all ocean freighters plying the Great Lakes will be required to have ballast treatment systems on board by 2016.
From the Muskegon Chronicle
Bayfront Park to have no Christmas lights this year.
Bayfront Park will not take part in the Christmas spirit this year. Mayor Don Ness said because of budget woes. Well the Mayor was unwilling to say the cost of the lighting display he did say the main reason was man power and set up cost to the city.
Now I have to say I am a bit disappointed that there will not be a display there this year. It was a great place to take the kids and let them run around the lights. Grace loved to do that when we went out looking at lights.
I think it is also a bad idea to not find a way to fund the lights. I think our parks are a core service. This includes keeping them up for all to use and yes even to a point taking part in Christmas spirit.
Duluth News Now has a short story about it. Duluth News Now will also try to get a statment from the Mayor about it. www.duluthnewsnow.blogspot.com
Now I have to say I am a bit disappointed that there will not be a display there this year. It was a great place to take the kids and let them run around the lights. Grace loved to do that when we went out looking at lights.
I think it is also a bad idea to not find a way to fund the lights. I think our parks are a core service. This includes keeping them up for all to use and yes even to a point taking part in Christmas spirit.
Duluth News Now has a short story about it. Duluth News Now will also try to get a statment from the Mayor about it. www.duluthnewsnow.blogspot.com
Don Ness,
Duluth Parks and Rec,
lighs out,
Mayor Ness
Monday, December 08, 2008
DP page update.
The sports page has updates on it. If you care to read it. Also the news page has a story or two you may or may not have seen yet check them both out.
Here is what you will find. These are just teases so check out the page.
Gophers way to go team.
Great Bulldogs ( what a weekend).
Here is what you will find. These are just teases so check out the page.
Gophers way to go team.
Great Bulldogs ( what a weekend).
DP pages,
dp sports page,
DP updates,
page updates
Poll question.
I normally have a political question up on the poll. This week it is just a fun one. Which do you like better Coke or Pepsi. Now please note that this is to just be these two and not there other products.
Vote on the poll. It is located to the right hand side of the page.
Vote on the poll. It is located to the right hand side of the page.
They don't seem to understand one simple thing.
Here is what the Minnesota AFL-CIO president wrote about the Minnesota economy. It is from there web page, http://www.mnaflcio.org/.
There is one thing that the AFL-CIO does not understand. It is the State house that is responsible for our troubles. That is of course lead by the DFL party. Why would the AFL-CIO not attack them? Oh wait that is right, that is who they support. They can't blame there own.
The Governor does try to set the budget however it is up to the state house to approve it and this is were the water get muddled with pork. Governor Pawlenty has done a good job of dealing with what he has been dealt by the DFL.
MN AFL-CIO President tells Governor “Invest in Minnesotans --create jobs!”
"The latest budget forecast of the Pawlenty Administration shows the disastrous impact of the Governor’s economic policies.” Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron said today. "We MUST invest in Minnesota to rebuild our economy, our state and our long-term prosperity. The quickest way to rebuild our state is to create good-paying jobs—a move that will help workers, employers and the state as a whole.”The need is clear, Waldron said. The Jobs Now Coalition reported this week that the number of unemployed workers in the state has risen by 98 percent1 during the past eight years, while the number of job openings has dropped by 63 percent 2. Right now, 165,0003 unemployed workers are competing for only 52,0004 open jobs.
Open jobs in Minnesota today: - 38 percent are part-time - 61 percent require no education past High School - Median wage $10.58 The impact of creating good jobs: "Every 1,000 jobs created through investment in construction will support 610 total upstream jobs." From "Infrastructure investment and economic recovery." Testimony of John Irons, Research and Policy Director, Economic Policy Institute before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. Notes & Sources 1,2,3,4,5—Jobs Now Coalition Updated Jobs Vacancy Survey, Dec. 3, 2008www.jobsnowcoalition.org
Also appearing on the page was this,
Budget Forecast: Ugly… The Dec. 4 State Budget Forecast forecast was grim: the state, already facing an unexpected half-billion dollar deficit, expects income from taxes and fees to drop as unemployment continues to rise. One of the results of that…unbudgeted costs for folks who no longer have jobs or employer-paid health care. On Thursday morning, Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron called on the Governor to create jobs to help pull Minnesota out of its budget morass; leaders of the House and Senate DFL caucuses echoed that call. …and the
Governor's response is just as uglyGovernor Pawlenty sang his ‘no new taxes’ song and suggested that health care for low-income and unemployed folks might be first on the chopping block.Action steps: Union members can let their legislators know that the best way to rebuild our economy is to first, preserve good paying jobs and secondly, create those jobs where none exist.
There is one thing that the AFL-CIO does not understand. It is the State house that is responsible for our troubles. That is of course lead by the DFL party. Why would the AFL-CIO not attack them? Oh wait that is right, that is who they support. They can't blame there own.
The Governor does try to set the budget however it is up to the state house to approve it and this is were the water get muddled with pork. Governor Pawlenty has done a good job of dealing with what he has been dealt by the DFL.
MN AFL-CIO President tells Governor “Invest in Minnesotans --create jobs!”
"The latest budget forecast of the Pawlenty Administration shows the disastrous impact of the Governor’s economic policies.” Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron said today. "We MUST invest in Minnesota to rebuild our economy, our state and our long-term prosperity. The quickest way to rebuild our state is to create good-paying jobs—a move that will help workers, employers and the state as a whole.”The need is clear, Waldron said. The Jobs Now Coalition reported this week that the number of unemployed workers in the state has risen by 98 percent1 during the past eight years, while the number of job openings has dropped by 63 percent 2. Right now, 165,0003 unemployed workers are competing for only 52,0004 open jobs.
Open jobs in Minnesota today: - 38 percent are part-time - 61 percent require no education past High School - Median wage $10.58 The impact of creating good jobs: "Every 1,000 jobs created through investment in construction will support 610 total upstream jobs." From "Infrastructure investment and economic recovery." Testimony of John Irons, Research and Policy Director, Economic Policy Institute before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. Notes & Sources 1,2,3,4,5—Jobs Now Coalition Updated Jobs Vacancy Survey, Dec. 3, 2008www.jobsnowcoalition.org
Also appearing on the page was this,
Budget Forecast: Ugly… The Dec. 4 State Budget Forecast forecast was grim: the state, already facing an unexpected half-billion dollar deficit, expects income from taxes and fees to drop as unemployment continues to rise. One of the results of that…unbudgeted costs for folks who no longer have jobs or employer-paid health care. On Thursday morning, Minnesota AFL-CIO President Ray Waldron called on the Governor to create jobs to help pull Minnesota out of its budget morass; leaders of the House and Senate DFL caucuses echoed that call. …and the
Governor's response is just as uglyGovernor Pawlenty sang his ‘no new taxes’ song and suggested that health care for low-income and unemployed folks might be first on the chopping block.Action steps: Union members can let their legislators know that the best way to rebuild our economy is to first, preserve good paying jobs and secondly, create those jobs where none exist.
No council meeting tonight.
As many of you know there is no council meeting tonight. Next week however is the big one they will be setting the levy. I encourage anyone concerned to attend the meeting.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
To plow or not to that is the question.
Well you can't be right all the time and this time former city councilor Russ Stewart was dead wrong. He started his radio show today questing the city on why it was not out plowing.
This came up because unless you were living under a rock yesterday we got our first snow fall. If that is what you want to call it. He started saying that he was surprised the city was not out plowing and it must be because of the finical troubles we are having. Are you kidding me? We were out last night about 8 and yes it was snowing but it was not staying on the roads. I was out later then my wife when I went home after work at 9 there was still no snow on any road. There was not even slush. It was wet, but not froze. The roads were in the same conditions as if it was raining and the city can't do anything about that.
The city did what they should have and that was nothing. As there was nothing they could do. Way to react correct Duluth.
This came up because unless you were living under a rock yesterday we got our first snow fall. If that is what you want to call it. He started saying that he was surprised the city was not out plowing and it must be because of the finical troubles we are having. Are you kidding me? We were out last night about 8 and yes it was snowing but it was not staying on the roads. I was out later then my wife when I went home after work at 9 there was still no snow on any road. There was not even slush. It was wet, but not froze. The roads were in the same conditions as if it was raining and the city can't do anything about that.
The city did what they should have and that was nothing. As there was nothing they could do. Way to react correct Duluth.
Radio talk shows,
Russ Stewart
post coming
I will have some interesting post coming tonight hopefully. If not tonight tomorrow. They will also include the other pages of DP.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Open council seat update.
I just received the letter that will out line the Dec.11th introductions. Here is what will happen each person will get a max or two minutes to introduce them self's. It will be done by alphabetical order. I will be one of the last ones to present that night.
Minnesota Senate Race loses some steam.
Now that Minnesota is the only Senate race undecided it would seem to be a significant part to the make up of the senate. That seems not to be true with the race in Georgia decided yesterday. The republican won this mean that even if Coleman lost the democrats would not get the 60 seats.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Danny Does Duluth.
Danny has a pod cast called Danny Does Duluth. He asked if I would like to take part in the show and I said yes . Now the show is mostly a play on local media but he will do politics from time to time. By the way he has an open invite to all 35 that put in for Rienert's seat.
I want to thank Danny for having and I hope more people take part in the show. I have to say he was very pleasant and fair. I believe he will be with everyone that would take part in the show.
I want to thank Danny for having and I hope more people take part in the show. I have to say he was very pleasant and fair. I believe he will be with everyone that would take part in the show.
Duluth Politics,
open seat,
pod cast
Monday, December 01, 2008
After first interviews.
Well now that the filing is closed for Rienerts seat it is on to interviews. After tonight's meeting nothing seems clear except for the first part. There will be interviews Dec. 11th starting at 6pm all the people will be interviewed.
After that it now seems it could be unclear as to what happens next as a councilor raised a concern about how to and how many people should be in the final vote. Well the chair of the committee thought she may have had it figured out it may not be. With question asked by councilor Fedora. He asked how many rounds of vote there would and when the final vote was up how many would there be left. Gardner said that would be five or six. Councilor Fedora thinks there should be more.
There for at this point tell it is all worked it is unclear as to what will go on. The other thing we do is that there will be at least one more interview process.
After that it now seems it could be unclear as to what happens next as a councilor raised a concern about how to and how many people should be in the final vote. Well the chair of the committee thought she may have had it figured out it may not be. With question asked by councilor Fedora. He asked how many rounds of vote there would and when the final vote was up how many would there be left. Gardner said that would be five or six. Councilor Fedora thinks there should be more.
There for at this point tell it is all worked it is unclear as to what will go on. The other thing we do is that there will be at least one more interview process.
At 3pm we sit at 25.
With an hour and half to go to the closing of filing for the city council seat we sit at 25 people wanting it. Many thought there would be 50 to 60 people that would have filed for the seat.
The way it is set up now is they will interview everyone once. Then they will have to eliminate the list down to 12 and then they would interview again.
Here is who I think the top 12 could be keep in mind that this is before the first interviews however. In no particular order.
Mike Akervik
Jack Arnold
Ronald D. DeGrio
Gary E. Eckenberg
Becky Hall
Daniel Hartman
Scott Keenan
Russell Stover
John Rathe
Jon L. Donahue
Maureen Booth
Jay Cole
This is just a quick look over the names check back later for more.
******UPDATE****** 4:15pm
The list now at 31 and I think it will be hard to pick a top 12 there for I will most likely not have finale top 12 list till after he first interviews and I hear what everyone says. Do I think I could be in the top 12? Yes I do.
4:45pm filing is closed and the number is at 35 more later.
The way it is set up now is they will interview everyone once. Then they will have to eliminate the list down to 12 and then they would interview again.
Here is who I think the top 12 could be keep in mind that this is before the first interviews however. In no particular order.
Mike Akervik
Jack Arnold
Ronald D. DeGrio
Gary E. Eckenberg
Becky Hall
Daniel Hartman
Scott Keenan
Russell Stover
John Rathe
Jon L. Donahue
Maureen Booth
Jay Cole
This is just a quick look over the names check back later for more.
******UPDATE****** 4:15pm
The list now at 31 and I think it will be hard to pick a top 12 there for I will most likely not have finale top 12 list till after he first interviews and I hear what everyone says. Do I think I could be in the top 12? Yes I do.
4:45pm filing is closed and the number is at 35 more later.
council update,
Duluth City Council,
open seat
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Updates here, on our sports page, new page, and team Rathe bowling.
Look for more tomorrow.
Look for more tomorrow.
Truth and taxation meeting
The meeting is tomorrow (Monday). at city hall. Go if you are concerned about your taxes. Even if you don't speak show up. Meeting starts at 7pm.
Page updates.
Find out how I did in a bowling tournament and other bowling news by going here,http://teamrathebowling.blogspot.com/. Also how did the U.M.D. bulldogs do? Find out at www.duluthnewsnow.blogspot.com.
I will also be updating DP and my other pages tonight and tomorrow so check back.
I will also be updating DP and my other pages tonight and tomorrow so check back.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I found this head line funny.
Headline reads,Frerotte, Vikings aiming to find offensive rhythm.
We are going into week 13 don't you thing we should already have an offensive rhythm?
We are going into week 13 don't you thing we should already have an offensive rhythm?
Understanding facts.
The land sale on Park Point happened for one major reason. That is the land that was sold is residential land. It is not part of the park.
The side that did not want the land sale either does not understand this or does not care about this simple but major part of the land sale.
Now as I have said before am I a huge fan of this land sale no. I was glad to see it happen however. I hate the lose of environment but again land is not park land if it was the sale would not have happened.
The side that did not want the land sale either does not understand this or does not care about this simple but major part of the land sale.
Now as I have said before am I a huge fan of this land sale no. I was glad to see it happen however. I hate the lose of environment but again land is not park land if it was the sale would not have happened.
I agree 100%
This was an opinion in the paper and I agree 100%
It’s a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree
What does the News Tribune mean with “holiday tree” (“Downtown holiday tree arrives Monday,” Nov. 9.) It is a Christmas tree. It has nothing to do with other religious holidays celebrated in December. Stop trying to not offend someone with this PC stuff and call it what it is.
I am sure the people of Duluth can handle the word “Christmas.” If they can’t, that doesn’t mean Christians — who, by the way, are the majority — should sit down and shut up. I, for one, won’t do it. And I am offended by the omission of the proper term, so I guess the News Tribune has offended someone.
Karen Young
It’s a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree
What does the News Tribune mean with “holiday tree” (“Downtown holiday tree arrives Monday,” Nov. 9.) It is a Christmas tree. It has nothing to do with other religious holidays celebrated in December. Stop trying to not offend someone with this PC stuff and call it what it is.
I am sure the people of Duluth can handle the word “Christmas.” If they can’t, that doesn’t mean Christians — who, by the way, are the majority — should sit down and shut up. I, for one, won’t do it. And I am offended by the omission of the proper term, so I guess the News Tribune has offended someone.
Karen Young
Christmas Tree,
Duluth News Tribune,
holiday tree
Cirrus cuts back.
Cirrus said they will have more cut backs in December. To read about the layoffs go to http://www.duluthnewsnow.blogspot.com/.
The layoffs that cirrus announced yesterday don't only hurt cirrus employees. They hurt other company's that relay on cirrus and the it hurts the city as well. With less people working at good paying jobs it means less money for our local economy.
I know of many people this hurts. Now I understand this is something they have to do at this point to get rid of inventory and set up for next year. However I wonder how many if any of these cirrus people will be called back to work? If there are not many called it will affect many business that deal with plane parts and other aspects of manufacturing.
The layoffs that cirrus announced yesterday don't only hurt cirrus employees. They hurt other company's that relay on cirrus and the it hurts the city as well. With less people working at good paying jobs it means less money for our local economy.
I know of many people this hurts. Now I understand this is something they have to do at this point to get rid of inventory and set up for next year. However I wonder how many if any of these cirrus people will be called back to work? If there are not many called it will affect many business that deal with plane parts and other aspects of manufacturing.
coupons. Duluth News Tribune,
cut backs,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Was the vote decided before hand.
There has been questions on the vote last night about land sale on Park Point. Some seem to think that two councilors promised the there vote in favor of the land sale. why is this? They (she) seems to think that they would normally support something like this. The councilors in question are Tony Cuneo and Jeff Anderson.
Now in a normal situation would Cuneo and Anderson support this no. The better question is would any councilor most likely not. We are not in a normal situation however. Our city is facing huge finical troubles for this year and beyond.
I believe times will not be as bad for citizens and business in our area as it will in many other parts of the state and around the country over the next few month. I do however thing the city government will continue on in a dismal budget situation if we don't take the steps needed now.
This is why councilors Anederson and Cuneo voted for the land sale they understand this. Well councilor Gardner does not. This was about what was best for Duluth it had nothing to do with buying votes like Gardner wants you to think. This is just yet another attempt to make her look good to her supporters. Yet she puts the city at jeopardy with her vote.
Now in a normal situation would Cuneo and Anderson support this no. The better question is would any councilor most likely not. We are not in a normal situation however. Our city is facing huge finical troubles for this year and beyond.
I believe times will not be as bad for citizens and business in our area as it will in many other parts of the state and around the country over the next few month. I do however thing the city government will continue on in a dismal budget situation if we don't take the steps needed now.
This is why councilors Anederson and Cuneo voted for the land sale they understand this. Well councilor Gardner does not. This was about what was best for Duluth it had nothing to do with buying votes like Gardner wants you to think. This is just yet another attempt to make her look good to her supporters. Yet she puts the city at jeopardy with her vote.
New page
We have a new page. It will be independ from DP however. The page is still mine but it will be news and no editroiral comments will be there. Those comments will contunie to be on this page. For news go here www.duluthnewsnow.blogspot.com .
Open council seat update.
I have not yet filed because I have been trying to download the application online but for some reason it will not work. I have tried four times. Today I went down to city hall and picked up an application and will bring it in tomorrow.
All applications must be in by Monday at 4:30 pm if anyone else is interested in putting one in. With just three days left to get in an application t65here is only 8 people in for the seat so far. That is a far cry from the 50-60 there were thinking they would receive. At least at this point it does seem like there is the interest in the seat like many people thought there would be. We will see come Monday what the number is.
All applications must be in by Monday at 4:30 pm if anyone else is interested in putting one in. With just three days left to get in an application t65here is only 8 people in for the seat so far. That is a far cry from the 50-60 there were thinking they would receive. At least at this point it does seem like there is the interest in the seat like many people thought there would be. We will see come Monday what the number is.
Councilor Reinert,
open seat
Monday, November 24, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Duluth City Council Approved Land Sale on Park Point.
The Duluth City Council has approved the land sale of three parcels on Park Point. The 6-3 vote helps with the city budget. Should this have failed it would have for sure meant more city cuts and layoffs for the remained of 2008 and beyond.
The sale of the land was meet with some opposition tonight, the small group also fired out false accusations that councilors had promised the administration there vote no matter what. There was a small group of about six citizens at tonight's meeting the did not want the land sales to occur. Well no one spoke in favor of the land sale at tonight's meeting.
When it came time for the councilors to comment most of them did not like the idea of selling the land. Councilor Anderson went as far as saying it was bad practice for the council do this. He then voted in favor of the land sale. Those that joined councilor Anderson were Fedora, Cuneo, Kruase, Stauber, Foslie. The three that voted against the land sale were councilors Gardner, Reinert and Gilbert. Councilor Gilbert went as far as saying these single home project could be as bad as beacon point project was.
The sale of the land was meet with some opposition tonight, the small group also fired out false accusations that councilors had promised the administration there vote no matter what. There was a small group of about six citizens at tonight's meeting the did not want the land sales to occur. Well no one spoke in favor of the land sale at tonight's meeting.
When it came time for the councilors to comment most of them did not like the idea of selling the land. Councilor Anderson went as far as saying it was bad practice for the council do this. He then voted in favor of the land sale. Those that joined councilor Anderson were Fedora, Cuneo, Kruase, Stauber, Foslie. The three that voted against the land sale were councilors Gardner, Reinert and Gilbert. Councilor Gilbert went as far as saying these single home project could be as bad as beacon point project was.
We are watching report card.
Here is there report card from there site,http://www.northernmnnews.com/Report%20Card%20final%20for%20website.pdf.
Not much going on.
There has not been a lot going on around here lately. I do have a few post I will post here soon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
We are watching update.
I have not posted any thoughts yet as I am still gathering some very interesting thoughts from people. About the report.
It did however come out as I thought it would. I would say this right away I disagree with we are watching. It proves that they are not watching out for the whole community they are in it for political reasons.
Check back soon for more. I also have had little time to post this week but will try to do some this weekend even with a very busy weekend. We will see what I can do.
It did however come out as I thought it would. I would say this right away I disagree with we are watching. It proves that they are not watching out for the whole community they are in it for political reasons.
Check back soon for more. I also have had little time to post this week but will try to do some this weekend even with a very busy weekend. We will see what I can do.
Monday, November 17, 2008
We are watching group.
The "watch dog group" for the county is holding a press conference tomorrow. It is to report on the county and what they group is working for.
I can guess what there report will say but I will wait for tomorrow. I will not be able to be at the press conference however I will have a report up later tomorrow. I maybe able to send some one in my place.
I can guess what there report will say but I will wait for tomorrow. I will not be able to be at the press conference however I will have a report up later tomorrow. I maybe able to send some one in my place.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Duluth Mayor?
Well we just elected a new mayor. By the way I think he is doing a good job to this point. I believe he is doing what many mayors before him should have done. Now I don't agree with everything but you can't.
With that said I have already heard rumblings of people possible setting up to run against Mayor Don Ness in 2012. Now these are names I have heard many I don't think will run but have been brought up in conversations.
1. Council Jim Stauber Chane of running 5%
I don't think Mr. Stauber will run. I am not even sure he will run for re-election to the city council when his term comes to an end in 2010.
Stauber has got a lot of his "supporters" upset with many of his votes. I am not one that has been upset with him. Now again I don't always agree with how he votes but I respect his vote. It comes with a lot of fact checking.
2. Councilor Cuneo Chance of running 25%
Well I think Tony would and will run for Mayor some day I don't believe it will be in 2012. He will have just completed his first term on the council, I think he will be viewed as not having enough experience.
Lets be honest this is why the current Mayor did not run for Mayor the time before this. He did not want to have that as an argument against him.
I think councilor Cuneo would be an interesting candidate and one that I believe would work hard for Duluth. I just don't think that this time would be a good time for him to run.
3. Russ Stewart chance of running 3%
A former council of the 3rd district, he chose not to run this last election. Stewart would be the only one as of right that I would vote for other then the current mayor.
Stewart would be an great chose should he run. I however don't know if he would want to do so. If he did run he would be one that would gather support from all people regardless of party affiliations.
Stewart would stand up for the people of Duluth in the Mayor's office.
I have put what right now I believe these people may want to run next to there names. I will change these as I see to. I have heard of other names and will cover them later.
What have your heard and what is the chance of that person running?
With that said I have already heard rumblings of people possible setting up to run against Mayor Don Ness in 2012. Now these are names I have heard many I don't think will run but have been brought up in conversations.
1. Council Jim Stauber Chane of running 5%
I don't think Mr. Stauber will run. I am not even sure he will run for re-election to the city council when his term comes to an end in 2010.
Stauber has got a lot of his "supporters" upset with many of his votes. I am not one that has been upset with him. Now again I don't always agree with how he votes but I respect his vote. It comes with a lot of fact checking.
2. Councilor Cuneo Chance of running 25%
Well I think Tony would and will run for Mayor some day I don't believe it will be in 2012. He will have just completed his first term on the council, I think he will be viewed as not having enough experience.
Lets be honest this is why the current Mayor did not run for Mayor the time before this. He did not want to have that as an argument against him.
I think councilor Cuneo would be an interesting candidate and one that I believe would work hard for Duluth. I just don't think that this time would be a good time for him to run.
3. Russ Stewart chance of running 3%
A former council of the 3rd district, he chose not to run this last election. Stewart would be the only one as of right that I would vote for other then the current mayor.
Stewart would be an great chose should he run. I however don't know if he would want to do so. If he did run he would be one that would gather support from all people regardless of party affiliations.
Stewart would stand up for the people of Duluth in the Mayor's office.
I have put what right now I believe these people may want to run next to there names. I will change these as I see to. I have heard of other names and will cover them later.
What have your heard and what is the chance of that person running?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
City closed.
Well not really but kind of. The city Duluth will in a sense be shut down on Monday the 17th. It is the day of four the city is doing this.
City Hall, Comfort Systems (water and gas), Library will all be shut down for the day. This is an effort to save money and help with our city's finical problem. Well I thing it is sad that the city has come to doing this it is a must. All employee's are not payed on these days off.
The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that Duluth Police and Fire service will still be in operation at full force on the dates the city is closed. Well that is good. Pretty hard to shut down emergency service is it not?
City Hall, Comfort Systems (water and gas), Library will all be shut down for the day. This is an effort to save money and help with our city's finical problem. Well I thing it is sad that the city has come to doing this it is a must. All employee's are not payed on these days off.
The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that Duluth Police and Fire service will still be in operation at full force on the dates the city is closed. Well that is good. Pretty hard to shut down emergency service is it not?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Council filing started today.
Those interesting in filing for Roger Reinerts council seat could start to do so today. I know of a few that did already pick up there application well others have not as of yet. You have to the first of December to pick up an application and return it to the clerks office.
Duluth City Council,
Duluth Politics,
Roger Reinert
Anybody put Palin in 2012.
Some people have tried to link me to being a huge Palin supported I am not nor was I ever. Yes I defended her when I felt the need to but I have always said that John McCain could have and should have made a better VP pick.
I am going for almost anyone other then Palin in 2012.
I am going for almost anyone other then Palin in 2012.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Who will get Reinert's seat?
As many of you know Roger Reinert will be replacing Mike Jaros for the state 7b seat. Jaros did not run for re-election. This will leave his seat open on the council.
You may also know that I have said I will file and I will very soon. Now understand that there will be a lot of people filing for this seat. I am excited about this opportunity well I think it will be very hard for me to receive the appointment I look forward to the next few weeks.
Some say I have no chance well that may or may not be true. We will find out in the end. Many are seem to basing this on what they think they know about me. I many times wish people would talk to me before they toss a label on me or anyone for that fact.
Anyway stay here for updates.
You may also know that I have said I will file and I will very soon. Now understand that there will be a lot of people filing for this seat. I am excited about this opportunity well I think it will be very hard for me to receive the appointment I look forward to the next few weeks.
Some say I have no chance well that may or may not be true. We will find out in the end. Many are seem to basing this on what they think they know about me. I many times wish people would talk to me before they toss a label on me or anyone for that fact.
Anyway stay here for updates.
Duluth City Council,
open seat,
Roger Reinert
Saturday, November 08, 2008
sports page.
new post on sports page. Check it out by clicking on the page link on the right side of the page.
The debate on roads is now open.
This was interesting to me. The chamber things that the city should not be in the business of roads, http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/77839/.
Now I agree with part on both sides of this, however right now I have to say I disagree with the chamber. Providing good roads to me is one thing the city should do. Now we are failing miserably at it right now.
This will open the debate once again not only about roads but should the city provide and not provide. Here is in part why I am a bit weary to agree with the chamber if we get out of roads what will be asked to provide? My thought is if we get out of this then why should the city provide anything?
There are also a number of things we need to look into here. Are there any other cities doing this? How many and what is the cost saving? If the city gets out of roads what do they replace it with? There are also a number of others. I will be doing some research on this issue.
Right now I don't agree with the chamber.
Now I agree with part on both sides of this, however right now I have to say I disagree with the chamber. Providing good roads to me is one thing the city should do. Now we are failing miserably at it right now.
This will open the debate once again not only about roads but should the city provide and not provide. Here is in part why I am a bit weary to agree with the chamber if we get out of roads what will be asked to provide? My thought is if we get out of this then why should the city provide anything?
There are also a number of things we need to look into here. Are there any other cities doing this? How many and what is the cost saving? If the city gets out of roads what do they replace it with? There are also a number of others. I will be doing some research on this issue.
Right now I don't agree with the chamber.
Duluth City Council,
Duluth Politics,
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Election over part 1.
I am going to take a break from blogging for a couple of days. It will allow me to unwind a bit. Will return on Friday.
Election over.
I have to say I was very impressed with Obama's speech last night. Now is the time to work together and try to meant the fences.
Who ever was to win last night has a lot to deal with. The econimy is amoung the top issue. Also the war remains on people minds there is much more to deal with as well.
I hope that Obama does try to bring this country together and he will not bring it to the far left. I hate either ultra side of the party's. The far left and far right are both very scary to me.
The Democrats had a good night picking up a lot of house seat along with some senate seats however they did not reach there magic number of 60. They wanted to reach 60 so they could stop fillibusters.
The other thing that I hope president-elect Obama realizes is this he is the president of the U.S.A. not the world. I hope he does not try to be the police for the world. I hope he uses strong action when needed but does not over do it. This counts for military and other action.
Well I was hoping for a McCain win last night I am very hopeful this country can move in the right direction.
Local race went as I thought they would. The Dems retain all there State seats up here with ease. Peg Sweeny won her county board seat back again. I thought that race would have been closer then it was. I am not sure that Sam Haddad would have been any better then Sweeney. The things I learned about him during the election were that he would be about the same as Sweeney. Chris Dahlberg beat 32 year incumbent Bill Kron. Well it seemed that would be the case from almost the beginning. With Dahlberg's strong support in the primary.
Who ever was to win last night has a lot to deal with. The econimy is amoung the top issue. Also the war remains on people minds there is much more to deal with as well.
I hope that Obama does try to bring this country together and he will not bring it to the far left. I hate either ultra side of the party's. The far left and far right are both very scary to me.
The Democrats had a good night picking up a lot of house seat along with some senate seats however they did not reach there magic number of 60. They wanted to reach 60 so they could stop fillibusters.
The other thing that I hope president-elect Obama realizes is this he is the president of the U.S.A. not the world. I hope he does not try to be the police for the world. I hope he uses strong action when needed but does not over do it. This counts for military and other action.
Well I was hoping for a McCain win last night I am very hopeful this country can move in the right direction.
Local race went as I thought they would. The Dems retain all there State seats up here with ease. Peg Sweeny won her county board seat back again. I thought that race would have been closer then it was. I am not sure that Sam Haddad would have been any better then Sweeney. The things I learned about him during the election were that he would be about the same as Sweeney. Chris Dahlberg beat 32 year incumbent Bill Kron. Well it seemed that would be the case from almost the beginning. With Dahlberg's strong support in the primary.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
My thoughts.
My thoughts on the election as they unfold can be found here. Your as well check back and take part in the conversation.
I was number 889.
I just voted shortly after 3 p.m. and I was number 889 to vote. This is a bit higher then normal but not a lot. I wonder what number you were and if it is higher or lower or about the same?
My wife was voter number 215 and this was at 8 am this was very high when the polls have only been open hour at the time.
I would expect voting to be very heavy again in about an hour or so. I would guess when it is all said and done voting will be much higher then normal.
My wife was voter number 215 and this was at 8 am this was very high when the polls have only been open hour at the time.
I would expect voting to be very heavy again in about an hour or so. I would guess when it is all said and done voting will be much higher then normal.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sheriff endorsment.
After a busy day of work I am able to blog about the St. Louis County sheriff's endorsement. Ross Litman who has been Sheriff for about six years did his endorsement's at this late hour of the campaign. With just days left to election day Litman endorsed two long time board memebers. Bill Kron and Peg Sweeney.
As I was on my way to attend the news conference I thought this was a bit odd. I thought this for a couple of reasons. I can never remember an endorsement coming this late from the office. The endorsement never gets play ahead of time. It did this time by print and radio. Well these two things are very very odd for this endorsement.
Well at the press conference a few more things got my eye. The body launge of Mr. Litman was well less then enthusiastic. The crowd behind the endorsed candidates.
More on this tomorrow.
As I was on my way to attend the news conference I thought this was a bit odd. I thought this for a couple of reasons. I can never remember an endorsement coming this late from the office. The endorsement never gets play ahead of time. It did this time by print and radio. Well these two things are very very odd for this endorsement.
Well at the press conference a few more things got my eye. The body launge of Mr. Litman was well less then enthusiastic. The crowd behind the endorsed candidates.
More on this tomorrow.
4 days to go.
Well here we are just four days away from election day. For once I can't be happier that the election will be over. I am one that mostly hate to see the election come to an end. This year however the commercials are getting sick, the hype is just that.
Now I believe that we will see some change over all. I think the Democrats will pick up a number of seats in the senate. I am no longer sure that they will however they will win the president. If you asked me a few weeks ago I would have said it is over. Now I think it will be a few tight race.
Local races we will not see much change. Oberstar, Huntley (7A), Murphy (6B), Peg Sweeney (county board) will all be reelected. The only change I can see is a 32 year incumbent losing. Bill Kron is in a fight for his county board seat. I think the challenger will win. The challenger a former city councilor is working hard to win the seat. His hard work to get elected is not just to get elected. He wants to bring change to the board and he will work for the people that elect him.
Now I believe that we will see some change over all. I think the Democrats will pick up a number of seats in the senate. I am no longer sure that they will however they will win the president. If you asked me a few weeks ago I would have said it is over. Now I think it will be a few tight race.
Local races we will not see much change. Oberstar, Huntley (7A), Murphy (6B), Peg Sweeney (county board) will all be reelected. The only change I can see is a 32 year incumbent losing. Bill Kron is in a fight for his county board seat. I think the challenger will win. The challenger a former city councilor is working hard to win the seat. His hard work to get elected is not just to get elected. He wants to bring change to the board and he will work for the people that elect him.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The new alley.
So today the Duluth News Tribune ran a story about the alley of which Duluth Mayor Don Ness parents live. The story was and is of interest to me. It was in fact of such interest to me I was going to break it here but thought better or it.
I noticed the alley was repaved the day after it was done. I thought boy that was fast, at the time the Mayor Ness was not in office for very long. The fact that this was done almost right after he took office was a big odd to me.
I started to talk to people as I wanted to know there thoughts. As you would expect many were pleased but shocked at the same time. The an alley that has been in such poor shape for so many years would have all of a sudden been repaved. There was talk right away of a favor.
Is this fact of fiction the DNT story tries to lay that out, http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/76930/. Well it is hard for me to see that this was done because Don Ness is now our Mayor it is still possible. Then again anything is possible. What is the likely hood of this being a favor?
I am thinking little at this time but know that the DNT broke the story lets see what happens. The writer or the story was a bit uneasy to do it here is why, http://www.areavoices.com/buzz/. I agree at this point. Well residents may say different things in the end most come to the conclusion that I do. There was no favor. Should different facts come out we will wait and see.
I noticed the alley was repaved the day after it was done. I thought boy that was fast, at the time the Mayor Ness was not in office for very long. The fact that this was done almost right after he took office was a big odd to me.
I started to talk to people as I wanted to know there thoughts. As you would expect many were pleased but shocked at the same time. The an alley that has been in such poor shape for so many years would have all of a sudden been repaved. There was talk right away of a favor.
Is this fact of fiction the DNT story tries to lay that out, http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/76930/. Well it is hard for me to see that this was done because Don Ness is now our Mayor it is still possible. Then again anything is possible. What is the likely hood of this being a favor?
I am thinking little at this time but know that the DNT broke the story lets see what happens. The writer or the story was a bit uneasy to do it here is why, http://www.areavoices.com/buzz/. I agree at this point. Well residents may say different things in the end most come to the conclusion that I do. There was no favor. Should different facts come out we will wait and see.
Brandon Stahl,
Citizens questions,
Don Ness,
Duluth News Tribune,
Mayor Ness,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
More Predications.
Kron/ Dahlberg county board race:
Well the 32 year incumbent could be in trouble. Bill Kron has not seen a serious challenge for 20 plus years. It seems that many see Kron in trouble. Mr. Kron has been seen around town not looking the best and seeming down and out at times.
Well the challenger has been working hard, his hard work now is not just to get elected if Mr. Dahlberg does in fact win he will work hard on the board for the district. Mr. Dahlberg has worked hard in everything he does.
Dahlberg seems to be out working and fundraising the 32 year incumbent this should be an interesting race. Well many feel this will be a close race I am not so sure it will be.
Chris Dahlberg ( you may seen numbers like councilor Fooslie had over Stover in the last council election.)
Huntley/ Stauber
Tom Huntley the state Representative for 7A will win with ease. Huntley has not been doing much that is because he does not have to at this point.
The young Stauber is to be commend on his run. Ryan Stauber the son of city councilor Jim Stauber has ran an out standing race yet it will not be enough. Mr. Stauber just does not have the experience or he money to compete for this office at this point.
Tom Huntley
Well the 32 year incumbent could be in trouble. Bill Kron has not seen a serious challenge for 20 plus years. It seems that many see Kron in trouble. Mr. Kron has been seen around town not looking the best and seeming down and out at times.
Well the challenger has been working hard, his hard work now is not just to get elected if Mr. Dahlberg does in fact win he will work hard on the board for the district. Mr. Dahlberg has worked hard in everything he does.
Dahlberg seems to be out working and fundraising the 32 year incumbent this should be an interesting race. Well many feel this will be a close race I am not so sure it will be.
Chris Dahlberg ( you may seen numbers like councilor Fooslie had over Stover in the last council election.)
Huntley/ Stauber
Tom Huntley the state Representative for 7A will win with ease. Huntley has not been doing much that is because he does not have to at this point.
The young Stauber is to be commend on his run. Ryan Stauber the son of city councilor Jim Stauber has ran an out standing race yet it will not be enough. Mr. Stauber just does not have the experience or he money to compete for this office at this point.
Tom Huntley
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Levy not to include the long range plan.
Well there were a number of people at the school board meeting last night. I was one of them. I was one of two that spoke against supporting the levy. Well the YES YES YES group has a good showing of about 30 people and 20 or so speakers.
Well the board passed a vote last night saying that they would only use the levy for it's intent and not use on the red plan I don't buy it. They can try to sell the public that this levy has nothing to do with the long range plan yet that is a false statement.
Well the Yes Yes Yes group talked about the students being the future of Duluth they fail to understand the tax burden.
I talked about the levy and not the red plan. As many of the yes group advocates attacked member Glass and his views on the red plan.
Here is what I said.
Well the administration and many board members send up smoke and mirrors. The special interest groups will toss out threats on what we will lose if the levy does not pass. It is time that you work with in your budget it is not time to ask tax payers to pay more when we are in an economic down turn.
Well the board passed a vote last night saying that they would only use the levy for it's intent and not use on the red plan I don't buy it. They can try to sell the public that this levy has nothing to do with the long range plan yet that is a false statement.
Well the Yes Yes Yes group talked about the students being the future of Duluth they fail to understand the tax burden.
I talked about the levy and not the red plan. As many of the yes group advocates attacked member Glass and his views on the red plan.
Here is what I said.
Well the administration and many board members send up smoke and mirrors. The special interest groups will toss out threats on what we will lose if the levy does not pass. It is time that you work with in your budget it is not time to ask tax payers to pay more when we are in an economic down turn.
Duluth school district,
Red plan,
School Board
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sorry for not post as of late . I have been very busy, there needs to be more hours in a day.
Today I was off work a bit early so some friends and I went and complete a lit drop for a friend of mine running for office. Hard to believe I would have a friend running for office huh lol. It was a great time and a pretty nice day to be outside.
I was suppose to bowl tonight but the team did not need me so instead I am going to the school board meeting.
I have has some emails asking if I am going to talk more about our local races. The answer to that is yes. I hope to start either tonight or tomorrow however both days are busy so it may wait tell Thursday or Friday but keep checking back.
There has been a lot going on as of late but I have been unable to post about it. I might have to do a post called old news just so you know my thoughts on the issues.
Today I was off work a bit early so some friends and I went and complete a lit drop for a friend of mine running for office. Hard to believe I would have a friend running for office huh lol. It was a great time and a pretty nice day to be outside.
I was suppose to bowl tonight but the team did not need me so instead I am going to the school board meeting.
I have has some emails asking if I am going to talk more about our local races. The answer to that is yes. I hope to start either tonight or tomorrow however both days are busy so it may wait tell Thursday or Friday but keep checking back.
There has been a lot going on as of late but I have been unable to post about it. I might have to do a post called old news just so you know my thoughts on the issues.
Friday, October 17, 2008
An Angry Al Franken.
Last night at the debate you saw an very upset Al Franken at the end. Franken waited to the end of the debate to confront Senator Coleman. Franken got in the senators face as the mics were turned off. Then started to yell at Coleman.
Minnesota Democrats Exposed has video up. You can see Coleman tiring to settle Franken down plus then Frankens wife comes on and takes him off the stage. As I could not get down there fast enough to hear what Franken was upset about, I did have some one sitting much closer tell me what it may have been about. It seemed that Franken was mad at Coleman for telling people that he ( Franken )was for the war first. Also that Coleman tell lies about what Franken stood for. Yet the fact is what Coleman said yesterday was the truth.
Minnesota Democrats Exposed has video up. You can see Coleman tiring to settle Franken down plus then Frankens wife comes on and takes him off the stage. As I could not get down there fast enough to hear what Franken was upset about, I did have some one sitting much closer tell me what it may have been about. It seemed that Franken was mad at Coleman for telling people that he ( Franken )was for the war first. Also that Coleman tell lies about what Franken stood for. Yet the fact is what Coleman said yesterday was the truth.
Al Fraken,
Norm Coleman,
Senate race
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Is it me or is Al Franken not sure what office he is running for?
So I just got home a short time ago from the debate at U.M.D. The debate was well attend I will post specifically about the debate soon.
Here however I want to talk about Al Franken and how odd it was to listen to him talk tonight. It almost seemed like he did not know what office he was running for. Talking more about President Bush then Norm Coleman. Franken talked about President Bush and the last 8 years more tonight then I have ever heard him talk about it. I have listened the prior two debates and seen him in many speeches and tonight you would think that Franken was running fro President.
Franken maybe should have thought of running against President Bush four years ago. I think the other two candidates were a bit shocked at the amount of focus on the Bush that Franken did tonight.
Franken also is the biggest chicken I have ever seen. Well both Coleman and Barkley stayed to talk with those that attended the debate Fraken went out the back door and took off.
Here however I want to talk about Al Franken and how odd it was to listen to him talk tonight. It almost seemed like he did not know what office he was running for. Talking more about President Bush then Norm Coleman. Franken talked about President Bush and the last 8 years more tonight then I have ever heard him talk about it. I have listened the prior two debates and seen him in many speeches and tonight you would think that Franken was running fro President.
Franken maybe should have thought of running against President Bush four years ago. I think the other two candidates were a bit shocked at the amount of focus on the Bush that Franken did tonight.
Franken also is the biggest chicken I have ever seen. Well both Coleman and Barkley stayed to talk with those that attended the debate Fraken went out the back door and took off.
The left is bitter and can't post a blog with out.......
Man the left is bitter and they can't even seem to post a blog with out swearing in it or at least leaving sign for a swear word. I don't understand why you can't get your point over with out being so bitter? Please explain to me.
There are many others as well.
There are many others as well.
The Dude
It seems as if the Dudes speech was very sort today. I did not attend the rally today at Gander Mountain. From what the paper said however the speech was only about three minutes long. He introduced Senator Norm Coleman.
Joe the Plumber talks.
Joe the plumber had a short interview out side of his home today. Here you can listen and watch what he say's http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27215561#27215561.
Joe seems to be nothing more then an average American citizen tiring to make it. It is clear he has some very pointed comments and wants people to vote for who they believe is the right candidate.
Your thoughts please lets talk about it and see were it gets us.
Joe seems to be nothing more then an average American citizen tiring to make it. It is clear he has some very pointed comments and wants people to vote for who they believe is the right candidate.
Your thoughts please lets talk about it and see were it gets us.
Barck Obama,
Joe the plumber,
John McCain,
Who will be President
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Early Predications on the election.
As always this is not how I will vote but it is a predication. In fact on most of these I more then likely will not be voting for many of these people.
At this point I have to give the edge to Obama ( God help us all.). I hope things will change but not sure they will. Well most polls have McCain down by 2-4% points one ultra liberal poll has Obama up by 14%. The race will be much closer then that.
I think McCain is in better shape then some think he is. Yet yes I do believe he is behind in the polls. I am one that does not think much of polls and believes the only poll that matters is the one in November.
The media has played a huge roll in this election and it has been very pro Obama. He has gained there support. Now as far as media I think one of two things. News outlets should either not be allowed to have a political leaning or they should have to say what it is up front.
Predication: As of now
U.S. Senate race:
I also am in in the believe that this race will be close. There was a time that Al Franken was way down and it did not look like he could rebound http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/08/sinking-ship-that-is-al-franken.html. Now polls show the race to close to call with some polls having Coleman up and yet others have Franken up by just points either way.
Well Dean Barkley will and has played a roll in this election. Lets be clear he will not win. Barkley a former U.S Senator (appointed) not elected has run a strong campaign. Barkley seems to be taking more support away from Coleman then Franken.
"Negative" campaigning has also seemed to hurt Coleman more well both candidates are doing the same amount. I have said a few times that Coleman should focus on the issues and if he does so I think he would win http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/09/coleman-and-franken.html.
Predication: As of now
To close to call, I think however Barkley will be in 20% range or so.
At this point I have to give the edge to Obama ( God help us all.). I hope things will change but not sure they will. Well most polls have McCain down by 2-4% points one ultra liberal poll has Obama up by 14%. The race will be much closer then that.
I think McCain is in better shape then some think he is. Yet yes I do believe he is behind in the polls. I am one that does not think much of polls and believes the only poll that matters is the one in November.
The media has played a huge roll in this election and it has been very pro Obama. He has gained there support. Now as far as media I think one of two things. News outlets should either not be allowed to have a political leaning or they should have to say what it is up front.
Predication: As of now
U.S. Senate race:
I also am in in the believe that this race will be close. There was a time that Al Franken was way down and it did not look like he could rebound http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/08/sinking-ship-that-is-al-franken.html. Now polls show the race to close to call with some polls having Coleman up and yet others have Franken up by just points either way.
Well Dean Barkley will and has played a roll in this election. Lets be clear he will not win. Barkley a former U.S Senator (appointed) not elected has run a strong campaign. Barkley seems to be taking more support away from Coleman then Franken.
"Negative" campaigning has also seemed to hurt Coleman more well both candidates are doing the same amount. I have said a few times that Coleman should focus on the issues and if he does so I think he would win http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/09/coleman-and-franken.html.
Predication: As of now
To close to call, I think however Barkley will be in 20% range or so.
Al Fraken,
Barck Obama,
John McCain,
Senate race,
Senator Coleman,
Who will be President
Minnesota voting highest ever.
Secretary of State Mark Ritchie is projecting the highest voter turn out in Minnesota ever. He is projecting a 90% turn out on election day. This would be up from four years ago were the Minnesota turn out was just over 70%.
This is thanks to ACORN http://acorn.org/ and like groups but you will not hear that out of Ritchie's mouth. After all it helps his political party so it is not cheating.
This is thanks to ACORN http://acorn.org/ and like groups but you will not hear that out of Ritchie's mouth. After all it helps his political party so it is not cheating.
The Dude
The Dude is coming to Duluth. I can't believe I just said dude. I have not used that word sense I was about 7 years old.
Any way the self proclaimed first dude is coming to Duluth tomorrow. The husband of Sarah Palin will be here promoting the ticket of McCain/Palin. The event takes place tomorrow at 2p.m. this is also a Norm Coleman rally.
I am not sure if I will be able to make the event I will however be at the rally tomorrow night.
Any way the self proclaimed first dude is coming to Duluth tomorrow. The husband of Sarah Palin will be here promoting the ticket of McCain/Palin. The event takes place tomorrow at 2p.m. this is also a Norm Coleman rally.
I am not sure if I will be able to make the event I will however be at the rally tomorrow night.
Norm Coleman,
Senator Coleman
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Lights on or off?
The Mayor has been asking for citizens and business owners to pay to keep street lights on in the city. The the fee is not huge it is another fee or tax that is not necessary. The fee is set to be $3.50 a month for business and just under that for house holds.
The council passed the administrations proposal last night by a narrow margin, the vote was 5-4 in favor of the proposal. I think the council and the Mayor forgot that Duluth already made headlines on the Jay Leno show for tax issues could it happen again?
This is why we pay taxes to keep lights on and keep roads up and have emergency services. We should not be asked or expected to pay a fee on top of taxes. Yet this Mayor and council saw fit that to do this.
I would rather walk a round with a flash light then have to pay this fee.
The council passed the administrations proposal last night by a narrow margin, the vote was 5-4 in favor of the proposal. I think the council and the Mayor forgot that Duluth already made headlines on the Jay Leno show for tax issues could it happen again?
This is why we pay taxes to keep lights on and keep roads up and have emergency services. We should not be asked or expected to pay a fee on top of taxes. Yet this Mayor and council saw fit that to do this.
I would rather walk a round with a flash light then have to pay this fee.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
This is so wrong on so many accounts.
This video is wrong on so many accounts, watch it and let me know your thoughts.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Great thoughts on the union and the Chester Bowl ski hill.
This is the papers view it was in yesterdays paper. This is great. www.duluthewstribune.com.
The union doesn't get itThe lifts were going to remain quiet this winter at Chester Bowl, a ski hill especially popular among children.
The lifts were going to remain quiet this winter at Chester Bowl, a ski hill especially popular among children. Massive layoffs and severe service cuts in the face of an even more massive and severe budget crisis for the city of Duluth claimed the job of the recreation specialist who coordinated ski-lift employees and volunteers, who oversaw snow making and who ran ski programs. He was let go as city officials reached out to the community for ways to pick up slack.
The grassroots Chester Bowl Improvement Club responded with cash from fundraisers and donations to hire the laid-off recreation specialist. Ski programs were back on.
A happy ending, right?
Not if you were the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 66. Union officials blustered because the club’s new employee will be doing basically the same work he had been doing for the city. Rather than hiring him, the union argued, the club should have pressured the city to maintain his position.
“He’s busting his own union,” AFSCME Chairwoman Deb Strohm said in yesterday’s News Tribune.
Only that wasn’t quite accurate. The former recreation specialist is no longer a member of any union. He’s just a guy trying to make a living to support his family.
And the city simply could no longer afford to keep him, not with economic realities dictating dramatic changes in the way business is conducted at City Hall. No amount of pressure from the Chester Bowl Improvement Club or anyone else could have changed that.
AFSCME did what its membership should expect: watch out for them and their jobs. But rather than bumping heads, the union and the city — and the rest of us, for that matter — are more likely to find solutions by putting our heads together.
Tags: our view, opinion
The union doesn't get itThe lifts were going to remain quiet this winter at Chester Bowl, a ski hill especially popular among children.
The lifts were going to remain quiet this winter at Chester Bowl, a ski hill especially popular among children. Massive layoffs and severe service cuts in the face of an even more massive and severe budget crisis for the city of Duluth claimed the job of the recreation specialist who coordinated ski-lift employees and volunteers, who oversaw snow making and who ran ski programs. He was let go as city officials reached out to the community for ways to pick up slack.
The grassroots Chester Bowl Improvement Club responded with cash from fundraisers and donations to hire the laid-off recreation specialist. Ski programs were back on.
A happy ending, right?
Not if you were the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 66. Union officials blustered because the club’s new employee will be doing basically the same work he had been doing for the city. Rather than hiring him, the union argued, the club should have pressured the city to maintain his position.
“He’s busting his own union,” AFSCME Chairwoman Deb Strohm said in yesterday’s News Tribune.
Only that wasn’t quite accurate. The former recreation specialist is no longer a member of any union. He’s just a guy trying to make a living to support his family.
And the city simply could no longer afford to keep him, not with economic realities dictating dramatic changes in the way business is conducted at City Hall. No amount of pressure from the Chester Bowl Improvement Club or anyone else could have changed that.
AFSCME did what its membership should expect: watch out for them and their jobs. But rather than bumping heads, the union and the city — and the rest of us, for that matter — are more likely to find solutions by putting our heads together.
Tags: our view, opinion
VP debate headflines.
Well as many of you know I was unable to watch the debate. I relied on my views who did a great job of letting me know what was going on thank you.
I also relied on the papers and other news outlets. Here is what the headlines said.
Duluth News Tribune: Biden, Palin both exceed expectations.
That did not seem to be very hard for either candidates. Well all Bidin just did not have to say anything stupid. Palin needed to seem well educated. She is but the fact is she comes from a small State and is not known much.
Star Tribune: A polite face-off
I don't yet know of this was try.
Channel 6 news: Was also reporting that the VP debate did disappoint those that wanted to see a "bad" debate.
I also relied on the papers and other news outlets. Here is what the headlines said.
Duluth News Tribune: Biden, Palin both exceed expectations.
That did not seem to be very hard for either candidates. Well all Bidin just did not have to say anything stupid. Palin needed to seem well educated. She is but the fact is she comes from a small State and is not known much.
Star Tribune: A polite face-off
I don't yet know of this was try.
Channel 6 news: Was also reporting that the VP debate did disappoint those that wanted to see a "bad" debate.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Just a question?
Does the union ever stop whinning?
Bowling tonight.
As many of you know I am a bowler. Tonight is one of my two bowling nights. This means I will miss tonight's VP debate.
I would like you to keep me updates here is some of what I would like to know.
1. What kind of question are being and do you think they are good and or relevant to the issues facing the U.S.
2. What kind of answers are being given by both candidates.
3. Who is best answering the questions?
4. Who won the debate?
5. Any other thoughts you may have.
Thanks for your help. Comments will not appear until I return home as I have approve them but still please leave comments.
I would like you to keep me updates here is some of what I would like to know.
1. What kind of question are being and do you think they are good and or relevant to the issues facing the U.S.
2. What kind of answers are being given by both candidates.
3. Who is best answering the questions?
4. Who won the debate?
5. Any other thoughts you may have.
Thanks for your help. Comments will not appear until I return home as I have approve them but still please leave comments.
VP debate,
vp pick,
Who will be President
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
300 foot rule or no that seems to be the question?
Sense the ordinance passed a few years ago it has been on the hot seat. The ordiance has been under attack for a long time. Well two councilors defeand it to no end others see it harmful. Yet the council has not been able to rid of the 300 foot rule. Is this a good thing or a bad? It depends on who you talk to.
Here is one that likes the 300 foot rule:
Dear City Counselors,
I am begging you to keep the 300 foot rule. My husband and I have lived and raised our family, for the past 33 years, on Garden Street.
It was always a good place to live, until rental housing began.
On Friday and Saturday evening, of this past weekend, we were awaken at 2 am with kids walking by, drunk and shouting. On Saturday they also were pulling up the parking signs up and down our street. I caught two of them in front of our home. I was not able to fall back to sleep until 5 am and had to get up at 6:30. I will tell you that this is not a isolated incident. We spend every Sunday picking up garbage from the weekend.
If you allow rentals to increase all you have to do is look at what has happened to 21st Avenue and Woodland Avenue. It's is embarrassing when you drive by. Houses are not maintained, garbage is laying around. It is beginning to look like the slums. Is this what you want people coming to our city to see? Please don't allow this to happen to our neighborhood.
Why should you repeal a rule so people can make money and the expense of those that are trying to continue to make this our home. Why should we have to sell our home to live in peace. It's absolutely not fair!!!
We have a home at 135 Garden Street and we would like to stay here.
Thank you for your effort in keeping our neighborhood a civilized family neighborhood.
Sincerely,Mike and Shirleen Hieb
source: Duluth News Tribune
Yet there have been many other thoughts in the paper against the 300 foot rule.
Here is an example from the Duluth News Tribune today:
For the past half-year, Pat Shelton lost $800 a month as one of his homes in the Chester Park neighborhood sat empty. The owner of Viking Properties said the economy has been so poor that until recently he had been unable to sell it. And, because of Duluth’s 300-foot-rule, which forbids new rental licenses within 300 feet of an existing one, he had been unable to rent it.
“That the city won’t let me generate income off of it is ludicrous,” he said. “I don’t understand the philosophy. I just don’t get it.”
Shelton and others have been lobbying the Duluth City Council to get rid of the controversial 300-foot-rule.
As a person who has lived in the East and Central Hillsides all my life this issue is of interest to me and many others. I will have more later but for now chew on this and get your thoughts flowing on what you think of the issue.
Here is one that likes the 300 foot rule:
Dear City Counselors,
I am begging you to keep the 300 foot rule. My husband and I have lived and raised our family, for the past 33 years, on Garden Street.
It was always a good place to live, until rental housing began.
On Friday and Saturday evening, of this past weekend, we were awaken at 2 am with kids walking by, drunk and shouting. On Saturday they also were pulling up the parking signs up and down our street. I caught two of them in front of our home. I was not able to fall back to sleep until 5 am and had to get up at 6:30. I will tell you that this is not a isolated incident. We spend every Sunday picking up garbage from the weekend.
If you allow rentals to increase all you have to do is look at what has happened to 21st Avenue and Woodland Avenue. It's is embarrassing when you drive by. Houses are not maintained, garbage is laying around. It is beginning to look like the slums. Is this what you want people coming to our city to see? Please don't allow this to happen to our neighborhood.
Why should you repeal a rule so people can make money and the expense of those that are trying to continue to make this our home. Why should we have to sell our home to live in peace. It's absolutely not fair!!!
We have a home at 135 Garden Street and we would like to stay here.
Thank you for your effort in keeping our neighborhood a civilized family neighborhood.
Sincerely,Mike and Shirleen Hieb
source: Duluth News Tribune
Yet there have been many other thoughts in the paper against the 300 foot rule.
Here is an example from the Duluth News Tribune today:
For the past half-year, Pat Shelton lost $800 a month as one of his homes in the Chester Park neighborhood sat empty. The owner of Viking Properties said the economy has been so poor that until recently he had been unable to sell it. And, because of Duluth’s 300-foot-rule, which forbids new rental licenses within 300 feet of an existing one, he had been unable to rent it.
“That the city won’t let me generate income off of it is ludicrous,” he said. “I don’t understand the philosophy. I just don’t get it.”
Shelton and others have been lobbying the Duluth City Council to get rid of the controversial 300-foot-rule.
As a person who has lived in the East and Central Hillsides all my life this issue is of interest to me and many others. I will have more later but for now chew on this and get your thoughts flowing on what you think of the issue.
Mayor Ness at last weeks Obama rally.
Here is part of what Mayor Don Ness said at the Obama rally last Wednesday. Remember this was on city time in the middle of the day.
"This election must be a referendum on the failure of republican politics. Whether it's the reckless deregulation of the financial industry that requires a bailout of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars on the backs of working men and women, exploding budget and trade deficits that have weakened the American dollar, an energy policy written by oil lobbyists that has resulted in $4-a-gallon gas, or an unprovoked, pre-emptive war, they all undercut the integrity of the principles that make this country great. This election is about big ideas, it's about big direction that our country is headed, and it is time for a change. And it's the Obama-Biden ticket that represents that change. The only change that we've been hearing from the McCain ticket is him changing his positions on the very fundamentals that have created this financial mess that we're in today."
Now I wrote about this last week when it happened http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/09/mayor-ness-represents-obama.html. I say the quote on Brandon Stahl's blog http://www.areavoices.com/buzz/. Brandon made an interesting assessment of the speech. He said it was a site of the Mayor we don't see much of. I would say head over to Brandon's blog and read it. Then form your own thoughts. Mine remain what I wrote last week.
"This election must be a referendum on the failure of republican politics. Whether it's the reckless deregulation of the financial industry that requires a bailout of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars on the backs of working men and women, exploding budget and trade deficits that have weakened the American dollar, an energy policy written by oil lobbyists that has resulted in $4-a-gallon gas, or an unprovoked, pre-emptive war, they all undercut the integrity of the principles that make this country great. This election is about big ideas, it's about big direction that our country is headed, and it is time for a change. And it's the Obama-Biden ticket that represents that change. The only change that we've been hearing from the McCain ticket is him changing his positions on the very fundamentals that have created this financial mess that we're in today."
Now I wrote about this last week when it happened http://duluthpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/09/mayor-ness-represents-obama.html. I say the quote on Brandon Stahl's blog http://www.areavoices.com/buzz/. Brandon made an interesting assessment of the speech. He said it was a site of the Mayor we don't see much of. I would say head over to Brandon's blog and read it. Then form your own thoughts. Mine remain what I wrote last week.
Monday, September 29, 2008
sports page updated.
There is new post on the DP sports page. You can check it out at www.dpsportspage.blogspot.com.
Amoung the story's are the Twins and Soxs game to see who heads to the playoffs and who goes home. Jim Lelands lack of respect. Leland is the manger for the Detroit tiger. Plus more.
Amoung the story's are the Twins and Soxs game to see who heads to the playoffs and who goes home. Jim Lelands lack of respect. Leland is the manger for the Detroit tiger. Plus more.
Doug Johnson supporting who?
Long time DFL ( now retired) Staete Senator from Tower is going to support and vote for an unlikely candidate. Johnson always votes for the DFL candidates. Johnson said the this is first time if 40 years ( ten years longer then I have been alive) that he is voting for a republican.
Well the star trib article http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/29866779.html?elr=KArks:DCiU1OiP:DiiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU , does not say why he is not supporting Franken it does say that he things Coleman is the candidate to work with both sides of the aisle.
Johnson said this is the only race he is voting for a republican. He will vote for the Democrats the rest of the ticket.
More he as wellhttp://www.virginiamn.com/articles/2008/09/28/news/doc48def75a38cfc857117666.txt . DP will have any updates on this story. More on this later tonight as well.
Johnson is a well respected Democrat in Northern Minnesota and the State as whole. This endorsement is huge for Coleman.
Well the star trib article http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/29866779.html?elr=KArks:DCiU1OiP:DiiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU , does not say why he is not supporting Franken it does say that he things Coleman is the candidate to work with both sides of the aisle.
Johnson said this is the only race he is voting for a republican. He will vote for the Democrats the rest of the ticket.
More he as wellhttp://www.virginiamn.com/articles/2008/09/28/news/doc48def75a38cfc857117666.txt . DP will have any updates on this story. More on this later tonight as well.
Johnson is a well respected Democrat in Northern Minnesota and the State as whole. This endorsement is huge for Coleman.
Al Fraken,
Doug Johnson,
Norm Coleman,
700 billion dolllar bailout rejected.
Today the house bailed out of bailing out the lending markets. As I don't know a lot about the bill today but what I found interesting is that the bill was opposed by mostly republicans. The one thing I do know is the bill did not have much help for home owners like it should.
What lies head who knows, both the democrats and republicans said they would continue working on a bill that would work for both sides.
What lies head who knows, both the democrats and republicans said they would continue working on a bill that would work for both sides.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Duluth News Tribune rate increase.
The Duluth News Tribune will go to 75 cents starting Monday well the Sunday paper will remain $1.50. The paper has been struggling with this decision for some time now. As papers around the country continue to lose hard copy advertiser's. Also many papers have an online service. Many chose to advertise that way.
There is not only a decline in advertising dollars but there has been for a number of years a decline in reader ship of the DNT and papers across the country. As people us the computer more and more to get there news. You can read the DNT online at http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/. Many people choice to do this and get there information from many other online sites. That range from papers, to magazines and political sites.
Monday UPDATE: Today there were a lot of people complaing about the increase. Even when I explained why they did not seem to care. I wounder how many calls the DNT got today?
There is not only a decline in advertising dollars but there has been for a number of years a decline in reader ship of the DNT and papers across the country. As people us the computer more and more to get there news. You can read the DNT online at http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/. Many people choice to do this and get there information from many other online sites. That range from papers, to magazines and political sites.
Monday UPDATE: Today there were a lot of people complaing about the increase. Even when I explained why they did not seem to care. I wounder how many calls the DNT got today?
Sunday: At church
Well as many do head off to church today they may or may not have a different type of sermon. As a group is calling for pastors and ministers to comment and criticize some candidates around the country. In this case the group that called a Duluth pastor was a conservative christian group.
The pastor in Duluth thankful declined to do so, I have no idea nor does it matter if this pastor is republican or democrat. I don't thing on the pulpit. I know that many churches hold a political view. That is fine but I don't think the pulpit is the right spot to make a statement.
I hope that many pastors refuse this type of sermon today or over the next few weeks. I am more then interested to know what others think. Again it should not matter if your church is one that believes along the lines of democrat or republican the Sunday service is not the spot to make a political statement. I believe like all other people do that pastors have every right have there views.
The pastor in Duluth thankful declined to do so, I have no idea nor does it matter if this pastor is republican or democrat. I don't thing on the pulpit. I know that many churches hold a political view. That is fine but I don't think the pulpit is the right spot to make a statement.
I hope that many pastors refuse this type of sermon today or over the next few weeks. I am more then interested to know what others think. Again it should not matter if your church is one that believes along the lines of democrat or republican the Sunday service is not the spot to make a political statement. I believe like all other people do that pastors have every right have there views.
Friday, September 26, 2008
The winner is!!! Drum roll please.
No one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that no one won the first debate. Both Obama and McCain were bad. Neither one of them seemed fit to be president in that debate. Both talked over the top of each other like little kids. Both I thought were very unprofessional. I wish the moderator would have done a better job of interupting this action. We wonder why many don't vote.
Well much of this debate focused on the Iraq war (yawn). The fact is the Iraq war is a very little issue in this election. The American public in surveys say that the war falls low on the major issues facing this country. Many groups want it to be the focus but it just is not to most Americans.
Both candidates made there points on these issue however as far as I saw it there was no clear winner. It is much of what we heard all campaign. Obama continued his assault on the Military and getting out of Iraq with a set date. Well McCain does not believe in a set date to with draw.
Many pendants say McCains strong point is military issues. If you believe this then you may give Obama a very slide lead after this debate.
I believe that no one won the first debate. Both Obama and McCain were bad. Neither one of them seemed fit to be president in that debate. Both talked over the top of each other like little kids. Both I thought were very unprofessional. I wish the moderator would have done a better job of interupting this action. We wonder why many don't vote.
Well much of this debate focused on the Iraq war (yawn). The fact is the Iraq war is a very little issue in this election. The American public in surveys say that the war falls low on the major issues facing this country. Many groups want it to be the focus but it just is not to most Americans.
Both candidates made there points on these issue however as far as I saw it there was no clear winner. It is much of what we heard all campaign. Obama continued his assault on the Military and getting out of Iraq with a set date. Well McCain does not believe in a set date to with draw.
Many pendants say McCains strong point is military issues. If you believe this then you may give Obama a very slide lead after this debate.
barack obama,
John McCain,
no winner,
Who will be President
I agree with Lori Swanson
Today the Minnesota Attorney General send out a press release. The release was about the Minnesota Power hike increase. She thinks that the increase is far to much. I agree 100%.
Yes I agree with a democrat, this is not the first time either. It may not happen a lot but it sure does happen. Now here is why I agree. At this point in time the increase is far to much. The overall increase is 45 million dollars with 2/3 of it going to residents and small business. At this time when people are struggling to make ends meet is not the right time for this increase.
The other question I have is what is the increase for? Is to provide better service? Or is it to continue the laugh able research to develop other sources of energy. Fact of the matter is we know all we need to know about other sources of energy. We don't need to be spending money on research.
Also we must understand that it will many many many years before any other energy shores hit America we re lie on what we have now far to much. An increase now makes no sense for something we won't have for at least another 30 years, at that point I will be 60 years old.
Yes I agree with a democrat, this is not the first time either. It may not happen a lot but it sure does happen. Now here is why I agree. At this point in time the increase is far to much. The overall increase is 45 million dollars with 2/3 of it going to residents and small business. At this time when people are struggling to make ends meet is not the right time for this increase.
The other question I have is what is the increase for? Is to provide better service? Or is it to continue the laugh able research to develop other sources of energy. Fact of the matter is we know all we need to know about other sources of energy. We don't need to be spending money on research.
Also we must understand that it will many many many years before any other energy shores hit America we re lie on what we have now far to much. An increase now makes no sense for something we won't have for at least another 30 years, at that point I will be 60 years old.
Attorney General,
Lori Swanson,
Minnesota power
McCain agrees to debate.
Though I agree with McCain suspending his campiagn the other day and possile postponing the debate tonight. I think he needs to be very careful. He can not suspend his campaign again.
If he does so it would be a bad thing and look like he is just playing politics. At this point I think the two times he has suspended his campaign have been for the right desions. I also feel if he does it again he will strike out in this campaign. For me that is not good thing.
If he does so it would be a bad thing and look like he is just playing politics. At this point I think the two times he has suspended his campaign have been for the right desions. I also feel if he does it again he will strike out in this campaign. For me that is not good thing.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
John McCain suspends campaign
The republican candidate for president has suspends his campaign as of 5p.m tonight. He also asked Barack Obama to reschedule the debate that is to take place tomorrow night. Well Obama did not agree to do this.
McCain has asked to do this because of economy and what is going on he believes that we need to concentrate on the issue ahead of us. It seems that Obama is only out for him self and not this Country but that should not come a shock to anyone.
McCain has asked to do this because of economy and what is going on he believes that we need to concentrate on the issue ahead of us. It seems that Obama is only out for him self and not this Country but that should not come a shock to anyone.
Mayor Ness represents Obama.
Duluth Mayor Don Ness attend a Barack Obama rally today. Now I know I have said this before but I have also been consistent on it.
Well at the event he was introduced as Duluth Mayor now I don't thing that Don Ness should be representing the city as a whole at these type of events. As not everyone in the city will be voting for Obama. I also don't think that the Governor should have been campaigning for McCain as Governor. When these politicians are introduced it should be by name only.
Now I understand that the reason they are asked to be part of the campaigns is because of there positions. Still I believe that they should not represent the whole city or State as being introduced as Mayor or Governor ect....
Well at the event he was introduced as Duluth Mayor now I don't thing that Don Ness should be representing the city as a whole at these type of events. As not everyone in the city will be voting for Obama. I also don't think that the Governor should have been campaigning for McCain as Governor. When these politicians are introduced it should be by name only.
Now I understand that the reason they are asked to be part of the campaigns is because of there positions. Still I believe that they should not represent the whole city or State as being introduced as Mayor or Governor ect....
Barck Obama,
Don Ness,
Mayor Ness,
Tim Pawlenty
Budgeteer News Article: Ralph Doty
Ralph Doty wrote an article in the Budgeteer this last weekend. I have it up on interview page if you have not yet read it please do so. You can go here to do so, dpinterviewpage.blogspot.com.
If you have read it I want to know what you think of it? Leave your comments here.
I have a lot of them but right now will say this. I think he is wrong in the most part. Mr. Doty likes to go on the attack over politics.
If you have read it I want to know what you think of it? Leave your comments here.
I have a lot of them but right now will say this. I think he is wrong in the most part. Mr. Doty likes to go on the attack over politics.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Coleman and Franken.
I think it is time for Coleman to stop with the ads against Al Franken's jokes. Well I think it worked well in the beginning it seems to be costing him now. Franken has cut into the lead and almost made this a dead heat race. Something I thought would never happen.
I thought Coleman would walk away with this race hands down. I however now thing that the people are just sick of hearing about the bad jokes and the not paying taxes of done by Al Franken. Yes I believe that his jokes our rude and crude and I personally agree with the ads that Coleman has out but now is the time to talk about issues.
Right now it seems almost like the voters are sympathetic to Franken I am not sure why that is. Because at the beginning it worked well. It may be an over kill.
I think if Coleman can get back to the issues he will win hands down. Franken is hard pressed to have an idea of what do about anything. He is much like Obama voting present in major votes in the Chicago.
I thought Coleman would walk away with this race hands down. I however now thing that the people are just sick of hearing about the bad jokes and the not paying taxes of done by Al Franken. Yes I believe that his jokes our rude and crude and I personally agree with the ads that Coleman has out but now is the time to talk about issues.
Right now it seems almost like the voters are sympathetic to Franken I am not sure why that is. Because at the beginning it worked well. It may be an over kill.
I think if Coleman can get back to the issues he will win hands down. Franken is hard pressed to have an idea of what do about anything. He is much like Obama voting present in major votes in the Chicago.
Al Fraken,
Norm Coleman,
Senate race,
Senator Coleman
Friday, September 19, 2008
In a flash!!!!!
In the blink of an eye the stock market plummeted on Monday with news of a trouble in lending fields. Then over the last two day the Market jumped back up. Like a flash the market is back up from were it ended last week and we gained more then what we lost on Monday.
Yet some think the market is in a flat linehttp://centrisity.blogspot.com/. Fact i the market has done what it does in a normal sarcoma stance.
Yet some think the market is in a flat linehttp://centrisity.blogspot.com/. Fact i the market has done what it does in a normal sarcoma stance.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Talk radio changes.
Well if you have not noticed there have been changes in the local talk radio seen. KDAL radio has changed almost all there local talk. They got ride of Joe Souchery and replaced him with the awful Rhonda Grusendorf and a former City Councilor Russ Stwart. Well Stewart's show is just getting going I think it can be a good show. I think he needs to show a bit more emotion on the air and raise and lower his voice at the right times but it will come with experience. He has little radio experience. Rhonda is on 1-3 and Stewart is on 3-5 p.m.
Also on the KDAL is a brand new show that started today and I don't remember when I heard her on. Corrinda Horton is on I believe it was 11 A.M. or so. The KDAL web site does not have there right line up on there page, plus they still have all the old on air staff still on there page. There page has always been a joke.
WDSM is the Conservative talk station of the North now it seems. There line up all day and night is those that believe in the republican agenda. Which is fine by me you get some of both on both of these stations. WDSM has local talk as well with Lew Latto from 7-9 A.M. and Brad Bennette from 9-11 A.M.
Well this leaves many people to wonder if Joe Souchery and GL will be back on Duluth radio. As the show had a huge following in the norhtland. The rumor is it will be back on it's original home of WEBC with in the next few weeks. This is just a rumor at this point.
Also on the KDAL is a brand new show that started today and I don't remember when I heard her on. Corrinda Horton is on I believe it was 11 A.M. or so. The KDAL web site does not have there right line up on there page, plus they still have all the old on air staff still on there page. There page has always been a joke.
WDSM is the Conservative talk station of the North now it seems. There line up all day and night is those that believe in the republican agenda. Which is fine by me you get some of both on both of these stations. WDSM has local talk as well with Lew Latto from 7-9 A.M. and Brad Bennette from 9-11 A.M.
Well this leaves many people to wonder if Joe Souchery and GL will be back on Duluth radio. As the show had a huge following in the norhtland. The rumor is it will be back on it's original home of WEBC with in the next few weeks. This is just a rumor at this point.
Brad Bennette,
Lew Latto,
Radio talk shows,
Minnesota a swing state again this year?
The last two presidential election Minnesota was in the news a lot. As we were viewed as a swing or battle ground state. Well the state both times went the way we all thought it would Democrat. However President Bush has respectable numbers in the state.
This year it looked different. It looks as if Minnesota would get little to no exposer except for the Republican convention. Even that was put on hold the first night because of hurricanes. The numbers looked like the Democrat candidate Barack Obama was going to win the state handily. Just a month ago Obama was up in Minnesota by 15% points and was polling away with the state.
Then all of a sudden yesterday the Star Tribes poll has the two in a dead heat at 45% each. This again making Minnesota a battle ground state of the final 50 days of the election. The Republican candidate John McCain has make a huge effort to cut into the lead of Obama in Minnesota and it is clearly working. McCain has picked up support over the last month in almost every voting category. Young people, , men, women vote totals are all up in the last month.
This means you will see a huge increase of advertising, grass roots efforts and even possible more visits to the fine state of Minnesota by the candidates and or there VP picks. The next 50 or so days will be very interesting for Minnesota. What will be more interesting is will Minnesota vote for a republican for the first time in many years. I believe the last republican presidential candidate that was a republican to win the state was Richard Nixon.
This year it looked different. It looks as if Minnesota would get little to no exposer except for the Republican convention. Even that was put on hold the first night because of hurricanes. The numbers looked like the Democrat candidate Barack Obama was going to win the state handily. Just a month ago Obama was up in Minnesota by 15% points and was polling away with the state.
Then all of a sudden yesterday the Star Tribes poll has the two in a dead heat at 45% each. This again making Minnesota a battle ground state of the final 50 days of the election. The Republican candidate John McCain has make a huge effort to cut into the lead of Obama in Minnesota and it is clearly working. McCain has picked up support over the last month in almost every voting category. Young people, , men, women vote totals are all up in the last month.
This means you will see a huge increase of advertising, grass roots efforts and even possible more visits to the fine state of Minnesota by the candidates and or there VP picks. The next 50 or so days will be very interesting for Minnesota. What will be more interesting is will Minnesota vote for a republican for the first time in many years. I believe the last republican presidential candidate that was a republican to win the state was Richard Nixon.
Union had there convention.
The AFL-CIO has said many times they don't think they are a political machine. If that is the case then why would have you a convention? This convention is set up just like the two major political party's conventions are set up. This years Minnesota convention was held right here in Duluth, http://www.mnaflcio.org/.
Now if you were not a political machine then again why have a convention? I guess that doing what you are suppose to do as union does not matter as long no one is watching.
I will have more later. I will also pass this information on to others.
Now if you were not a political machine then again why have a convention? I guess that doing what you are suppose to do as union does not matter as long no one is watching.
I will have more later. I will also pass this information on to others.
Today after work.
Today's after work I am hoping to be able to blog a bit. I am hoping to blog both here and on the sports page of DP.
There is not a lot political going on right now of course as always the financial troubles the city is in is a topic. The primary is behind us and the candidates that won look a head to the general election.
In sports well there is a bit going on the vikes lose, as packers rout the lions. Much more as well.
Before I can blog however I will be bringing our little boy or 4 month into the urgent care he has had a cold for some time and we just want to make sure there is not something else.
There is not a lot political going on right now of course as always the financial troubles the city is in is a topic. The primary is behind us and the candidates that won look a head to the general election.
In sports well there is a bit going on the vikes lose, as packers rout the lions. Much more as well.
Before I can blog however I will be bringing our little boy or 4 month into the urgent care he has had a cold for some time and we just want to make sure there is not something else.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Election results.
Well I thought that Roger Reinert would win the primary on Tuesday night I was surprised how handily he won the seat. I think what we are seeing is a vote against the union being so political. We started to see in the last general election with Becky Hall doing so well. Also others getting elected like Todd Fedora. Now with this vote the same thing.
Marsh Stenersen the union backed candidate only got about 36% of the vote well Reinert got about 56% of the vote. There were also two other candidate in the race that finished well off the pace getting about 2% of the vote each.
Stenersen may have also had the kiss of death backing of the incumbent Mike Jaros.. This may have been as equally a vote against Jaros and not wanting his type of leadership at the State level. Marsh came from the same mold as did Jaros. He also stands and believes to not work with the other side much like Jaros did.
Other races of interest pit Bill Kron the 3rd district county board member against Chris Dahlberg. The 32 year incumbent got barley 50% of the vote in the primary. Well a well known candidate in Chris Dahlberg who served on the city council from 1992 to 1995 received 42% of the vote.
I think this race will be very close. As Dahlberg is running a great campaign and Kron who served for 32 years has issues facing him.
Marsh Stenersen the union backed candidate only got about 36% of the vote well Reinert got about 56% of the vote. There were also two other candidate in the race that finished well off the pace getting about 2% of the vote each.
Stenersen may have also had the kiss of death backing of the incumbent Mike Jaros.. This may have been as equally a vote against Jaros and not wanting his type of leadership at the State level. Marsh came from the same mold as did Jaros. He also stands and believes to not work with the other side much like Jaros did.
Other races of interest pit Bill Kron the 3rd district county board member against Chris Dahlberg. The 32 year incumbent got barley 50% of the vote in the primary. Well a well known candidate in Chris Dahlberg who served on the city council from 1992 to 1995 received 42% of the vote.
I think this race will be very close. As Dahlberg is running a great campaign and Kron who served for 32 years has issues facing him.
Duluth Remembers 9/11
Today's event has been moved from out side at Bay front park to the Depot at the great hall. This is because of the rain.
The event futures Duluth Mayor Don Ness among others to remember the event 7years ago today.
The event futures Duluth Mayor Don Ness among others to remember the event 7years ago today.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Judge rules against the AFSCME
Today the city picked up a win in it's effort to try to balance the budget. As a result of the judgement by the St. Louis County judge it saves 40 jobs. It also makes the 21 full times jobs that were laid off yesterday permanent. At least at this point. The attorney's for the union have already said they will pro sue other angles in court.
Well I am pleased with the judges decision it still sadness me that some workers must lose there jobs. It is clear however that this is a big way to help solve the issue and set up long range planning to continue solving the budget issues facing the city.
We need to stop making sort term solutions that is in part why we are in this situation now. We must work on a long range plan and stick with it.
Well I am pleased with the judges decision it still sadness me that some workers must lose there jobs. It is clear however that this is a big way to help solve the issue and set up long range planning to continue solving the budget issues facing the city.
We need to stop making sort term solutions that is in part why we are in this situation now. We must work on a long range plan and stick with it.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
I know this is not real but it is funny and interesting. Check it out here http://www.inews3.com/topstory.php?id=48617272797c57656c7479.
I of course found it on Harry Welty's blog first, http://www.lincolndemocrat.com//
I of course found it on Harry Welty's blog first, http://www.lincolndemocrat.com//
Law suit updates will be on this post.
1:33 breaking news: The Judge says he will have a decision with 24 hours. It looks like it could come even some time today. Both sides were in court this morning. The disagreement again is if lays happen it should be part timers first then full timers if needed. That is at least the unions point of view. Well the city says most of the part timers are being keep'ed because they are in jobs that are not full time spots.
4:03 If the word comes after 5pm tonight I will have it up when I get home. I will be leaving for a while. I hope we hear something in the next hour but don't know if we will.
4:03 If the word comes after 5pm tonight I will have it up when I get home. I will be leaving for a while. I hope we hear something in the next hour but don't know if we will.
Red plan
Tonight there will be a special school board meeting. The meeting will take place at old central the central administration building. The meeting will start at 6:30 tonight.
The special meeting is about the red plan. Member Glass wants the a public vote on the red plan. He said we want to separate the construction cost from the operational cost of the plan.
This is the second time that Glass will have brought this issue sense being elected in the last election.
The special meeting is about the red plan. Member Glass wants the a public vote on the red plan. He said we want to separate the construction cost from the operational cost of the plan.
This is the second time that Glass will have brought this issue sense being elected in the last election.
As thunder storms roll into Duluth.
As we have thunder storms rolling into the city, John McCain's camp has a potential storm brewing.
It seems like the vp pick of McCain had some dirt after all. Here it is, ready it is big news. Her 17 year old daughter that is getting married is having a child. Oh no what ever do we do with our self's now? Way to go left media. Who cares?
It seems like the vp pick of McCain had some dirt after all. Here it is, ready it is big news. Her 17 year old daughter that is getting married is having a child. Oh no what ever do we do with our self's now? Way to go left media. Who cares?
Home today.
Well as I am home today. I will be following some news worthy story's in the city of Duluth. The city is being suit by the union and it's leadership. The complaint is that part timers must go before full timers.
This is being heard today by the court if anything happens I will have it for you here. Also much more to come today.
This is being heard today by the court if anything happens I will have it for you here. Also much more to come today.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Poll
There is a new poll up. I have not done one for a while but here it is.
Would you give 23 cents a day for a year to the city? You can vote on the right side of this page.
Would you give 23 cents a day for a year to the city? You can vote on the right side of this page.
Would you give 23 cents a day to the city?
The Duluth News Tribune has a story in today's paper about yet another plan to try to solve the city's budget problems.
One man thinks that there is 60,000 that can afford to give 23 cents a day for one year in side the city of Duluth. I point out here that there is 85 thousand that live in Duluth. That means of 20 thousand would not have to take part in this project. That is wrong if one does everyone should.
The other point is we already pay we already pay taxes that are suppose to go to services. Yet they go ever were but to what they should. They have for years. Now to ask for extra money on top of taxes is the wrong time.
One man thinks that there is 60,000 that can afford to give 23 cents a day for one year in side the city of Duluth. I point out here that there is 85 thousand that live in Duluth. That means of 20 thousand would not have to take part in this project. That is wrong if one does everyone should.
The other point is we already pay we already pay taxes that are suppose to go to services. Yet they go ever were but to what they should. They have for years. Now to ask for extra money on top of taxes is the wrong time.
Part one on budget meeting last Monday.
I wanted to post this much earlyer but have been busy. I will have much more later.
At Mondays Duluth City Council meeting there were a number of resolutions talked about. It is unfortunate that none of the resolutions were in support of the administrations plan.
At last nights council meeting there were a lot of special interest groups and others that had an invested interest in the lay offs and cuts proposed by the Mayor and his administration. Many of those in attendance at the meeting were there representing the AFL-CIO.
City councilor Greg Gilbert’s resolution does nothing to solve the issue’s facing the city. Councilor Gilbert’s plan was for the very short term and this is a longer term problem facing the city. The administrations plan will set us up for 2009 and beyond. Well we will more then likely still be facing a deficit for 09’ under the mayor’s current plan. At least it sets up for a lesser issues facing the city for the upcoming years.
At Mondays Duluth City Council meeting there were a number of resolutions talked about. It is unfortunate that none of the resolutions were in support of the administrations plan.
At last nights council meeting there were a lot of special interest groups and others that had an invested interest in the lay offs and cuts proposed by the Mayor and his administration. Many of those in attendance at the meeting were there representing the AFL-CIO.
City councilor Greg Gilbert’s resolution does nothing to solve the issue’s facing the city. Councilor Gilbert’s plan was for the very short term and this is a longer term problem facing the city. The administrations plan will set us up for 2009 and beyond. Well we will more then likely still be facing a deficit for 09’ under the mayor’s current plan. At least it sets up for a lesser issues facing the city for the upcoming years.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
If I would have known
We are out of town this weekend. We are in the cities for a wedding and just relaxing. If I would have known however I would have been posting yesterday as a lot happened. I will post when we return home later today.
Obama picks running mate.
Obama picked his running mate however many knew the choose days before the announcement. The senator picked another senator. This will be the first time sense Kennedy ran that two senator's will be on the same ticket.
Obama made a safe pick by picking Joe Biden to be his running mate. I don't think it was the right chose.
More to come later.
Obama made a safe pick by picking Joe Biden to be his running mate. I don't think it was the right chose.
More to come later.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Some councilors don't like the layoffs.

As most people councilors wish layoffs did not have to happen. I also am sad by the news of layoffs it is never a good thing. It happens in the private sector when needed it should happen in government when needed as well.
Some councilors came out against the cut backs. The interesting part to note is that those councilors that came out against the layoffs were endorsed by AFSCME during the election. The three councilor with issues are 2nd district councilor Greg Gilbert, 3rd district councilor Sharla Gardner and at large councilor Jeff Anderson both above.
I will have more on this later.
Duluth Mayor Don Ness Layoffs have to happen.
As everyone is well aware by now last Friday Duluth Mayor Don Ness said lay offs were going to have to be part of the city's plan to reduce the deficit it faces. Among the hardest hit was the Duluth parks department. 169 employees would be laid off in all from the city. Again most cuts happened to parks and rec and the library.
I am hoping to have a short interview with the Mayor. I don't know if he will agree to do one or not. We will soon find out. He is normally pretty willing to take part however.
I am hoping to have a short interview with the Mayor. I don't know if he will agree to do one or not. We will soon find out. He is normally pretty willing to take part however.
Lots of post coming tonight.
There is and has been a lot going on. I will do my best to get things going here tonight.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Blues Fest
As I brought up in an earlier post could this next year be the beging of the end for the festival? Not having any in side information I think it could be. At very least in it could be the nearing the end to be held in Duluth.
It sure sounds like the changes being made are not positive for the festival also if you listened to the press conference or read the paper the tone there was not the best either. The lose of a day and a stage instead of an increase of five or ten dollars a ticket is alarming to me. I could deal with the lose of either a day or a stage but not both at the same time.
They also have said that attendance has been down to the festival in the past number of years. Well this is for one reason and mainly only one reason. I have had hundreds of people tell me this. Their has not been a major act to the festival for years (James Brown) was the last big one. How he is blues is beyond me but you know. Festival goers need more then a beautiful place to go and see good music. It is great that they bring in these acts from the cities but when you can go and see them any weekend you wish down there what is point of paying to see them up here. It is the major reason for a decline.
More to come =.
It sure sounds like the changes being made are not positive for the festival also if you listened to the press conference or read the paper the tone there was not the best either. The lose of a day and a stage instead of an increase of five or ten dollars a ticket is alarming to me. I could deal with the lose of either a day or a stage but not both at the same time.
They also have said that attendance has been down to the festival in the past number of years. Well this is for one reason and mainly only one reason. I have had hundreds of people tell me this. Their has not been a major act to the festival for years (James Brown) was the last big one. How he is blues is beyond me but you know. Festival goers need more then a beautiful place to go and see good music. It is great that they bring in these acts from the cities but when you can go and see them any weekend you wish down there what is point of paying to see them up here. It is the major reason for a decline.
More to come =.
Chicken can do?

Gosh I am so proud that Sharla Gardner is my council person . She seems to be in favor of having chickens in city limits. She said that because of the rising cost of everything including food it makes sense. What?
Okay I understand the rising cost of food and yes, I am okay with people using the land in the city that they can use. You can grow your own food. You can do a number of things. There are also other ways to save money well shopping.
This idea of raising chickens in side city limits however makes no sense what so ever. The regulation are long and they should be. There is not enough room between houses to do this that should be a major factor but it will not be. There is a nuisance law in tact as well but what is going to qualifie for it.
Fact is the city is no place to be raising chickens if you want to do this move to a farm.
I could say much more on this but I won't, I am going to let it go. I hope it does not take up a lot of time because the city faces larger issues.
3rd district,
Duluth City Council,
Sharla Gardner
The sinking ship that is: Al Franken
Al Franken trails by 15 points in the latest polls. He has lost ground from the start of this election. It is clear that Minnesota does not want him as there senator.
To add to all the problems he is having he held an event on Friday in St. Cloud were just one veteran showed up. http://www.sctimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080809/NEWS01/108080047/1009.
He thinks he is a funny person yet what is even funnier is his campaign. You can bet from now that the Franken team will plant people at there events to make sure there are people there. Next time you hear of a big crowd at his event you need to think how many of them are plants by the Franken campaign.
To add to all the problems he is having he held an event on Friday in St. Cloud were just one veteran showed up. http://www.sctimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080809/NEWS01/108080047/1009.
He thinks he is a funny person yet what is even funnier is his campaign. You can bet from now that the Franken team will plant people at there events to make sure there are people there. Next time you hear of a big crowd at his event you need to think how many of them are plants by the Franken campaign.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The beging of the end?
With the changes coming to next years blues fest could it be the beginning of the end? The changes are as follows so far. No Thursday start time the festival will not start tell Friday. There will also cut out a stage and go from three to just two stages. This will also effect how many acts are able to come to the event.
More on this later.
To funny!
The Duluth News Tribune has became the Duluth Blues Tribune well the big blues fest has been going on here in Duluth.
It started Thursday and ends tonight. What is kinda of funny is that I am sure people are having fun with header.
It made me laugh when I first say it because I thought of all the nay say's of the paper and thinking they are blue when they read it. I have always enjoyed the paper and yes at times have be critical of it but you can't agree with a paper or a person ect... all the time.
I however believe in general the paper does a good job and many times is wrongly criticized.
It started Thursday and ends tonight. What is kinda of funny is that I am sure people are having fun with header.
It made me laugh when I first say it because I thought of all the nay say's of the paper and thinking they are blue when they read it. I have always enjoyed the paper and yes at times have be critical of it but you can't agree with a paper or a person ect... all the time.
I however believe in general the paper does a good job and many times is wrongly criticized.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Jack Shepard interview.
The Jack Shepard interview scheduled for today will go on. He is giving me a call around 10 this morning. I hope to have it up both here and on the interview page around noon if not before.
Update 2: Jack called back and left a message. Giving me a little background of him self. You can find more out about Jack if you wish on his web site. Listed in a previous post.
update: The interview with Jack is not going to happen. He called and was not the friendliest Person so I just thought it was best to not conduct the interview. He was combative right off the bat. This is something I don't believe in. I am always fair and not combative with those that I interview. I expect the same back.
Update 2: Jack called back and left a message. Giving me a little background of him self. You can find more out about Jack if you wish on his web site. Listed in a previous post.
update: The interview with Jack is not going to happen. He called and was not the friendliest Person so I just thought it was best to not conduct the interview. He was combative right off the bat. This is something I don't believe in. I am always fair and not combative with those that I interview. I expect the same back.
Duluth Maritime Festivale.
Well it seems like it was a great event it also seems like there were some problems. The event drew more then Grandams Marithon and the Bayfront Blues fest. However just days after the festivale has ended complaints seem to be coming in.
Many of those that came had to wait in long lines and many people thought there was little to no orginzation of the event. Accouting to a story in Duluth News Tribune today. You can read the whole article at the papers web site www.duluthnewstribune.com.
I am hoping to get a hold of Gene Shaw for his take on this. I think the event was great and hope that if there were some problems they can be worked out for the next event. I was unable to get down there durning the weekend but did get there on Monday to take a look at the remainng ship. There was still a lot of people this is great for the community.
Many of those that came had to wait in long lines and many people thought there was little to no orginzation of the event. Accouting to a story in Duluth News Tribune today. You can read the whole article at the papers web site www.duluthnewstribune.com.
I am hoping to get a hold of Gene Shaw for his take on this. I think the event was great and hope that if there were some problems they can be worked out for the next event. I was unable to get down there durning the weekend but did get there on Monday to take a look at the remainng ship. There was still a lot of people this is great for the community.
Blues Fest,
Long lines,
Mairtine Festivale
Monday, August 04, 2008
Republican party to open campaign office in Duluth.
Today the republican party of Minnesota announced they will open an office in Duluth. The office will be located in the plaza shopping center next to Great Harvest Bread company. The office will open on Wednesday and be used right away as there is a call bank session that night.
I will be interviewing Jack Sheperd tomorrow morning. I am grateful that Mr. Sheperd has agreed to the interview. I have told him that I don't agree with him but that does not mean I can't be fair. I have done a number of interviews with people I don't agree with and we walk away friends most of the time.
If you have a question you would like me to ask him you can leave a comment here or email it to me at duluthneedshelp@yahoo.com . As always I will have finale say on the question.
Mr Sheperd is running against Norm Coleman in the republican primary. Once the interview is complete I will post it here and on the interview page.
If you have a question you would like me to ask him you can leave a comment here or email it to me at duluthneedshelp@yahoo.com . As always I will have finale say on the question.
Mr Sheperd is running against Norm Coleman in the republican primary. Once the interview is complete I will post it here and on the interview page.
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